How To Train ANY Dog a RELIABLE Come And Stay ANYWHERE!

How To Train ANY Dog a RELIABLE Come And Stay ANYWHERE!

Come and Stay are very important dog skills! This video is sponsored by PetFlow! Get your dog’s food automatically shipped so you never have to worry about it again! Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!!

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Catch it yes good ready catch it perfect I’m Zak Jorge I trained dogs this is my New dog and I’m gonna show you how I Trained her from day one things Definitely won’t always go smoothly you Can start from the beginning or you can Pick up anywhere subscribe and hit the Bell notification so you never miss an Episode when you put into motion an Approach based on love and respect your Results will forever remain in motion This is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience In this episode we’re gonna work on two Of the most important skills any dog can Know and will work on getting a nurses Frisbee game to the next level I’ve been Excited about this my new shipment from Pet flow is here I just want to say guys I was telling you how cool it was to Have stuff deliver to you before it was Cool hep flow has so many cool things so Let’s see what they sent these are with Smart premium dog pads these are my Favorite pads to use these are great for Potty training a puppy or if there’s bad Weather and you want the option to have Your dog go inside so it’s nice to have Those around and they sent a zippy pause Climbers dog leash they’re really strong And really comfortable and they’re gonna Keep your dog safe and these are some Quality dog treats made by origin Monkfish and poultry Indy I know you’re

Going to love these Pablo has all kinds Of amazing things for your dog but my Favorite thing about them is that they Automatically can ship your dog’s food To you without you even having to ask so You tell them every two three four weeks Whatever how often you want your food Delivered and it’s there every time you Get your pets food from Peplow you’re Also helping to feed shelter pets too They’re gonna give you $10 off your First three automatic shipments when you Enter code Zak 30 I’ll have all of the Information in the description below Oh look so a nurse’s still occasionally Barks at things let me see if I can get Her to pay attention to me a nurse Should come good job oh that was awesome So being able to call her off things That really distract her outside is why You want treats available it is time to Do some training with you young lady Today we’ll be working on two of the Most important life-saving skills come And stay but first I want to give Inertia some exercise and I want to see If we can elevate her frisbee game we’re Gonna work on something pretty brand new For her I’m still continuing Use a lead this happens to be a 50 foot Lead I still want to make sure that I Have a safety net in place with so many Distractions and being in a public Environment like this look at her

Checking out the dogs right now she’s Doing pretty good she saw those dogs and Now she’s like I’m over it I don’t need To obsess over them a nurse’s interest In dogs continues to be somewhat of an Issue but I mean she’s just doing what Comes natural this is something we do a Lot of just stay look at the dog don’t Chase the dog sometimes I will practice Calling or off a distraction like that Other times I’ll just let her look at it She really does seem to find some Enjoyment in observing dogs from a Distance like this it also gets her used To seeing them I think when you’re Dealing with a semi reactive dog or dog Reactor dog as inertia can be it’s Important to be very patient and be in This for the long haul it’s normal for Dogs to want to lunge and bark at other Dogs and play with them that’s what it Seems to be in a nurse’s case but you Can see at this distance she does really Well with dogs for the most part so I’m Happy to let her satisfy her craving to Look at lots of dogs walking by I’m Having a little bit of a problem in our Frisbee game and that’s getting her to Play with two frisbees at one time watch This I just want to see what happens Here come around good get it bring it to Me come on let’s go inertia come good Let go come around go see that isn’t That the strangest thing she was so

Focused on this frisbee that when I Threw the second one she was like what Disregards this one completely I’m just Gonna try to do some troubleshooting and See if I can get her to focus on two Discs simultaneously that’s asking a lot From a singularly focused animal like Inertia being focused on a single thing Is actually pretty normal with a lot of Different dogs they get so fixated on One thing that they can’t even process Why we would want them to play with two At the same time it seems my goal is to Get her paying attention to two or three Frisbees during this lesson and that Should also serve to take her edge off And make my obedience training to go More smoothly it’s only fair to give Your dog a chance to run jump and chase If they like that sort of thing I’m just Gonna give her an appropriate way to do That first I’m just gonna do some Brainstorming right now and see what I Can do I’m just gonna To connect with my dog and figure out ok Get it good all right get this one good Not bad good buddy come around catch it Good ok bring it to me let’s go let go Good what’s this get it there you go There you go look at her going back to That one so quirky inertia come mom Doesn’t want to play with you right now Good girl Let go good what’s this leave it so I’m

Actually gonna have to tell her to leave That one alone come around let me make It fun for I don’t want to frustrate her Much good girl What’s this yeah what’s this come on get It yes so I got her biting two frisbees Back-to-back and then I threw one let go What’s this ready come here look it’s Like she knows psychically this is still The one look at that good get it let go Come around honey ready come around Catch it good inertia come In Ursa come let go yes go yes right There so it may look insignificant but That’s exactly what I’m trying to get Her to do right now come around good go Good bring it to me let go come around Yes who would ever guess that you would Have people practicing fly-fishing in The background of your training set at Least on a field where there are no fish So far inertia doesn’t seem to Distracted by it I can’t emphasize how You must get outside and practice with Your dog in highly distracting places or Even moderately distracting places one Of the next things that I’m aiming to Teach inertia is something called a Multiple segment that’s where you throw One frisbee after another and your dog Catches one let’s go of it catches the Next one let’s go of it and so on so Let’s give it a shot come around catch It good bring it to me let go ready to

Stay ready catch it multiples like this Are pretty messy when you first start Training them yes what’s this catch it Come here the great thing about teaching Multiple frisbees is it teaches your dog To use their brain in a different way Which will almost certainly transition Into other areas of their life when dogs Get really good at doing a multiple Segment they can just do them one after The other and it’s a really impressive Thing to see – ok come around stay ready Get it come on get it Catch it good let go catch it almost Good yeah catch it look at that look how Quick she’s getting yes yes she’s Picking up on the new game though it Seems so at this point she seems to want To catch two three four in a row Sometimes but then she’s like alright Give me a real throw she really seems to Find some satisfaction just running out A few yards to catch a frisbee so I’m Gonna make those two different types of Throws in to keep her engaged with this New game called multiples just remember Mental and physical exercise like this Is fantastic at reducing all kinds of Unwanted behavior problems now that She’s exercised she’s panting a bit I Think she’s ready for some obedience Training It’s A few weeks since we’ve covered come and

Stay so I want to give you an idea of How that’s looking stay inertia Definitely hasn’t been perfect with this Some days are definitely better than Others so I’m making it a point to Practice it a lot and again with the Heightened levels of distractions out Here it’s much harder it should go Without saying that in a home Environment or in the backyard Environment she’s generally pretty good With this staying calm are some of the Most important things that a dog needs To know currently I’m actively focused On combining distance duration and Distractions with my stay training as Well as my recall training okay.come so I’m getting a warmed up with a Relatively easy stay at least for her at This point in her training good job girl I’m gonna walk a few feet away and make Sure I can get her attention on me and Make sure she’s relatively focused Walking around being a little erratic to Be a little distracting to her it’s also A way that I really want to prove her Stay so that even when things are a Little more exciting than normal I’ll Know that she’s got it in her to stay She tends to break stay when I start Running around stay so let me prove for That because that’s real exciting she Probably associates that with play good Girl

Okay come good nice job and I’m just Teaching her to kind of come to my side I like that when she comes to me Intercept can you switch her switch is Looking pretty good huh and one more Time over here yeah there we go she’s Getting better with her parallel parking Okay good job so here you know we have a Young man playing with a ball over here The nurse is holding her stay cuz I Guarantee you she wants to go up to each And every one of those people and play With them I’m also rewarding her a lot less than I Used to I mean she’s really starting to Generalize this stay this time I’m gonna Try to add some artificial distractions We know she loves frisbee but again if I Say hey don’t play with the frisbee now Then I still want her to lay off of it Ball over here stay now let me make it Even more challenging leave it alone Stay good job now let me see if I can Call her in the midst of these Distractions come yeah Good here face the camera now they got To see those beautiful eyes Stay I’m gonna remind her to stay and I’m gonna have tension here on the leash And pull her and see if she’ll resist That stay look at that look at that stay That’s awesome Lie down I know it was a little Confusing okay come good job come here

Right here okay I’ll take it look at you You’re starting to look like a trained Dog or something over here Stay okay come yeah this is the state of Her stay and for recall right now I’ve Also been making it a point to practice Lots of her other random skills in Various environments like this for Example maybe I’ll ask her to heal a Little bit and see how she’s doing with That come on oh well beau stay over here Come on so dizzy sometimes I like doing This stuff after a primary training Session because most of it’s relatively Easy for her at this point provided She’s had a good outlet and she feels Mentally and physically satisfied I Don’t always have like a specific plan I Try to mix up the order in which I ask Her to do things so I’ll work on a lot Of our different tricks too In the next episode I’ll see if inertia Can be trusted when I leave her alone With my lunch and we’re going to start Using how to do math that’s right math Can any of your dogs do that get $10 off Your first three automatic shipments From Peplow by using discount codes AK 30 at checkout subscribe to this channel And follow me on instagram and tik-tok For daily updates on how inertia is Doing right now get a copy of my books Too I’ll have all of those links in the Description of this video

[Music] You

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