How to Train your Dog to Listen to you in Real Life!

How to Train your Dog to Listen to you in Real Life!

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Today’s video is sponsored by blue apron Check the link in the description and The first 50 viewers will get three Meals added to their blue apron order Teaching your dog in a dedicated Training session that’s one thing but How do you get your dog to listen to you In real life when you’re distracted by Everyday things like cleaning the house Working on the computer wor cooking Dinner click thumbs up subscribe to my Channel now let’s hear more about flurry From his mom my name is Sally my dog’s Name is flurry he is an English lab and He is about five-and-a-half months old We currently have four dogs flurry Social a demitasse and Jacque if I were To put a plate of food in front of Flurry he he would scramble I do give Him treats during the day and he is Absolutely obnoxious flurry demands most Of my attention Zac could you please Tell me how to get player to listen when I can’t completely focus on in when You’re teaching your dog something brand New it is vital that you give them your Undivided attention but just because You’ve taught your dog something like Leave it when you’re focused on them Doesn’t mean that they’ll do that when Your attention is divided my hope is Today we’re going to make some progress On that with flurry wherever possible Include your dog with you in day to day

Activities and have them tied to you With a leash especially during that First year of training so that you can More easily get to them to show them how You’d like them to behave in various Circumstances this should be interesting For a variety of reasons we’re going to See if we can get flurry to listen to me While I attempt to cook this meal I’m Actually a new customer of blue apron It’s an awesome way for you to cook Fancy exciting chef inspired meals at Home sorry you can’t have my blue apron Meal don’t worry though I got you some Fantastic treats to make sure that You’re happy and that you’re not left Out they deliver all the ingredients you Need in exactly the right proportion You’re going to have to do much better Than this while we cook today we’ve got Some jasmine rice chicken knickknacks I’m not sure what that means I’m sure We’ll find out soon scallions this onion Or garlic looks like garlic some good Chicken I’m definitely looking forward To that carrot Baby bok choy order what this tastes Like what’s under here oh okay so that’s Where they keep the ice packs so if You’re not home it’ll stay cool until You get home Miren I have no idea what That is but I bet it’s great rice Vinegar yakiniku sauce you need so much Training in the past when I would go to

Find things like this I would have a Really hard time I’m ignoring you right Now in the past if I would try to follow A recipe like this I’d go to the store And it would take me forever to find Ingredients like a duck and neeku sauce Tell me what child’s a song and then I Might use them one time and then I end Up wasting the rest so I love that about Blue apron that they have exactly what You need and exactly the right amount You need them clearly Fleury is not Understanding that I don’t want him to Keep jumping on the counter here so Rather than scold your dog for things That you don’t like let me award him off The counter like this now I’m going to Put him into a sit good job and I’m Going to go ahead and give him a reward Whoo apron promises me that I can get This done however just in case flore um You’re a good team we can do this okay It looks like the first step is to Prepare the ingredients so I need to Wash the produce chop the garlic peel And grate the carrots cut the scallions And prepare the bok choy I got in so That’s what bok choy tastes like so I Don’t need any help I’m thinking a spin-off channel may be Exact George’s cooking revolution check Out how good he’s being right now the Best trainers are really good at Catching their dogs behaving well

Naturally rather than waiting for them To mess up so them correct them so let’s Get the rice cooking I’ve got the olive Oil in for it dude toss the garlic in Here here that up pour the water in now I’m going to put the rice in floor You’re being a great dog sir it looks Like I need to marinate the carrots now How do I do that Pour that in sesame oil I’m going to Stir that up good Sesame oil is what makes it Florrie keep Doing that you’re doing great now it is Time to cook and glaze the chicken maybe A little more It’s so great because you know exactly What’s going into your food and dare I Say it I’m actually learning how to cook And that is awesome that’s what you want The only way your dog is going to learn How to naturally settle down in Day-to-day situations like this is if You give them the opportunity to do it Naturally So more your dog is used to something Happening like you cooking dinner Talking on the phone or having guests Over the more likely it is that will Behave as you want them to because not Such a special occasion to your dog Let’s work on some real life leave it Training with flurry I mean sometimes when you’re cooking you Might drop food on the floor but that

Doesn’t mean it’s a free-for-all for Your dogs I’ve already worked with Flurry on a basic leave it so let’s see What happens if I drop this piece of Chicken right in front of him and tell Him to leave it when I’m not really Paying so much attention to them leave It alone Okay not so good because he’s not used To me dropping chicken in front of him Or experiencing it in a non training Setting this is why you have to go out Of your way to really work with your dog Organically in natural day-to-day Situations I’m going to take a step back I’m going to get down on the ground like This Leave it alone hey not bad that was a Good stuff I’m trying to work up to Being able to just throw treats in front Of him while I cook leave it alone that Was great Good and leave this carrot alone yeah Nice work good job you can have it now I Think we’re at the point where if I drop It he’ll probably leave it alone if I Tell them good leave it alone yeah that Was a good one buddy you’re not going to Get as far in your training is really Just going out of your way to say yes I Like that behavior I like that you’re Being calm I like that you’re being good That’s what gets you rapid result it’s Not as intuitive to a lot of people

Though I can understand what you think Well how do I keep my dogs on doing Something by acknowledging the things You like that’s how you could smell it In here you would know that’s majorly Distracting for a dog and you’ve got to Do this not just one time not just twice But make your dog part of your life as Much as possible so that you can really Teach them effective it is To cook the bok choy we’re going to use Some of the extra marinade from the Carrot I would never know to do this Signing up a blue apron only took me two Minutes just choose your diet Preferences and whether you want that to Person or the family plan the first 50 Viewers to sign up using the link in the Description will get three free meals And remember there’s no commitment and You can skip or cancel at any time for Any reason Shipping is always free and blue apron Ships to most of the United States this Looks a lot like the picture let’s see If our training has stuck and let me see If I can get flurry and leave this whole Plate alone when I put it in front of Them look at that that’s pretty amazing Quick thumbs up for flurry you make sure You subscribe to my channel and we’ll See you guys in the next episode

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