How To Train Your Dog to NOT LOSE Their MIND When You Go Anywhere! (EP: 11)

How To Train Your Dog to NOT LOSE Their MIND When You Go Anywhere! (EP: 11)

How to train your dog to be good anywhere! This video is sponsored by PetFlow and WizSmart Enter discount code ZAK30 at checkout to get $10 off your first THREE automatic shipments!!!

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I want to make sure she doesn’t go Jumping in the water though look at that Adventure dog let’s go see what else we Can get into I’m zach george i’m a dog trainer meet My new project Kona i’ve got just three weeks to train Her and set her up for the most Well-behaved life possible that means i Need to work on the most common puppy Issues like potty training how to Actually pay attention Stopping things like play biting chewing Separation anxiety Getting along with other animals leash Walking and teaching her Everything a good dog needs to know real Dog training doesn’t always go smoothly And that’s why i’m going to show you Every success and mistake and how i work Through all the most Challenging parts of raising a new puppy Welcome to your new puppy Survival guide one of the biggest days For anyone with a new puppy is when you Take them out into the real world That’s what we’re doing with kona today Wish us luck Clearly we’re only part way through this Series and you guys can see that there Are a lot of challenges to raising a new Puppy but one thing Is easier than ever and that’s getting Your puppies food and supplies you can

Now have everything you need Automatically shipped to your front door From peflo Especially their food just choose your Dog’s favorite food and tell peplo how Often you want it delivered and when you Enter my special code zach30 you’re Gonna save ten dollars on your first Three automatic shipments i’ll have that Link and code in the description below Okay big day girl do you know how to get Out of the car Look at her i just kinda wanna see if She brainstorms on getting out overcomes A fear and she does good work girl Little things like that really build a Puppy’s confidence in the new world now Today we are at city park in new orleans And we are going to Give kona some exposure to a brand new Place this is one of my favorite places To socialize and train a dog anytime you Go into public with a dog it is Impossible to predict All of the experiences they’re going to Have and all of the training Opportunities that you’ll encounter look At her Looking around smelling the ground Gathering information Got her on a 10 foot lead today because Our primary objective today is just to Get her to explore this new place Secondarily if she seems to open up and

She seems to be comfortable i might go Over some of her training But i’m not going to rush the Socialization process here this is Extremely valuable for a 13 week old dog We’re walking that fine line here where She’s going to encounter Scents on the ground but i would prefer Her not to get totally fixated on them Like we’re seeing Here so let’s go ahead i’m just gonna Block it Okay come on there we go so i was able To block the scent encourage her to move Along and she did wonderfully One of the really interesting things About this park are the fact that you Have many different kinds of birds here And birds seem to be very Interesting to dogs you might remember She saw the ducks pretty recently and She reacted So well when encountering ducks for Probably the first time Okay and i mean there you go you have a Bird flying You can see how that’s gotta trip a dog Out if they’re not familiar with that Nice job good girl tona Yes just letting you know i got that so I am going to let her know i have treats Available kind of keep her centered and Grounded here Sit yes

Look at that oh more ducks what is that I was excited there because i got to sit In a brand new place if you get your dog Complying even with something easy like Sit in a brand new place Especially when they’re this young You’re ahead of the game that’s really Good Because all of that is secondary right Now so you really don’t want to Insist on too much obedience training or Compliance Right out of the gate when you’re coming Into a new place with an inexperienced Dog I should point out too we’ve come out Here early in the morning it’s not too Busy yet so this is all in the interest Of just Gradually phasing in more and more Distracting environments Look at this piece of garbage not you This leave it alone Good opportunity to practice so real Life leave it leave it Here kona look at me perfect Yes i mean because this is exactly the Kind of thing that many dogs will Encounter So you want them to be familiar sit good And Leave it look at me Wow yes Okay come on let’s go a little training

Exercise like that takes less than 10 Seconds And it gives him an experience of Leaving a piece of garbage alone that You encounter of course I do think we should probably throw it Away huh City park has the largest collection of Live oak trees anywhere in the known World to my knowledge so we don’t know Exactly How this old tree got this way but you Can see it’s growing sideways Let’s see if we can get her comfortable With walking up here look at her yeah Girl what is this come on let’s go Look at this come on let’s go can you do It Come on come on you can do it You can do it come on there we go she Did it At this age dogs are really learning how To use their body in many different ways And It’s always gratifying to see them do Something like that for the first time Because when she first encountered it She’s like huh i don’t know if i can do Anything with that and then She eventually just jumped right over it And look at this second time it’s Nothing She goes right over it look at that Adventure dog

Nice work girl here What’s this so i’m luring her with the Treat again another benefit to lore Training here you can easily guide them Look at you being so confident And you can see she’s having to Fine-tune her balance yes Let’s go back the other way kona just Little exercises like this go a long way Towards teaching your dog how to be more Confident in the real world and you get So much bang for your buck when you do This With a young puppy come on girl yes Good job i’m just giving her a treat for An added bonus there let’s go see what Else we can get into Wildlife is one of the more interesting Things to train your dog around because They have erratic interesting movements To dogs although look she’s she’s just Like eh okay Men they’re birds whatever really Healthy reaction to the birds right now Pretty good really good reaction to People walking by i mean Very interesting she started to walk Towards them i didn’t even need to Restrain her though she’s like I’ll stay over here which is good i like The fact that she’s staying near me We’ll see if that sticks over time Let me see if i can get her attention on Me around these birds here

Just so i know where i stand as a Trainer with her right now Yes i mean i just got into her area She’s like oh there’s that man again When i see him he gives me treats and That’s really the kind of Logic and part that we’re trying to Build into our dog here like look pay Attention to me good things are going to Come your way But you can also chill out and observe The world too ultimately as your dog Matures and gets older you want them to Listen to you in places like this but It’s not really reasonable to expect Them to listen to you reliably if They’re not used to being in places like This but if they’ve been seeing Parks and interesting settings like this Their entire life Then they’re far more likely to be Compliant now if you have an older dog And you haven’t gone through this Effort that’s okay it’s never too late To start dogs of any age can benefit From Socialization you can see she was a Little thrown off by that dog for Example That’s normal but she reacted well Yes good girl it’s okay nice It looks like somebody has left actual Lettuce out here for the birds Might be fun to practice a leave it with

This Organic matter kona Here good girl took her second leave it Look at me yes Good leave it look at me combo right There good girl Leave it i’m just blocking access notice I’m really doing my best to avoid Pulling her back on the leash here i Really want her to think From the inside out okay nope too much There see We have a passing crowd over here so i Mean that was an example where i tried To get her attention she’s a little too Distracted i’m going to let that one Slide right now Again given that she has so much Inexperience in an environment like this Okay let’s move on leave it Come on let’s go good very good an Example there where she was trying to Lag behind she was really interested in The lettuce i didn’t pull her i got to Voluntarily come now there would be no Harm in assisting your dog physically And saying come on let’s go already But if you’re feeling extra patient and You can get your dog to go through the Motions All by themselves with a little bit of Encouragement it’s probably going to be A more potent training instance Training a puppy is far more than sit

Stay come down potty training Stop biting and stop jumping it’s also About getting compliance in the real World But before you can get compliance out Here they have to know what it is They have to exist within it if you’re New to raising a puppy or training a dog It’s really easy To intuitively take big steps in your Training in other words come out here Run through everything you think they Know that they do at home and expect Them to comply just as they do in your Living room and that’s not always Realistic because environment remember We’ll throw a dog off more than anything Kona yeah good girl Good job and so in this case rather than Giving her a treat She was content to keep exploring and That was like exciting enough to her Let me give you guys an update on her Potty training and how that’s going So i think potty training could be going Better than it currently is and i blame Myself completely for that So most of the accidents that she has Had inside the house occur well number One when we’re filming and i’m a bit Distracted But i’ve been letting her and inertia And indy Play so much while in the house that a

Number of accidents have occurred when I’ve Kind of let my guard down and they’re Playing together normally i’ll keep a Dog on leash and under very strict Supervision In the house but with her being the age She is and her Inertia hitting it off so well i really Think that social experience With an older dog is so incredibly Valuable to her So i’ve been letting her get in a Disproportionate amount of play time With inertia too so what i’m doing to Fix that is i’m going to encourage their Play sessions to occur more Outside or when i do have her inside i’m Going to have her on a 10 foot tie out Because they’ve been learning how to Kind of play with that limitation in Place and they’ve been doing pretty well The less range she has to get around the House the less likely an accident is to Occur but the lesson i’ve taken from all Of this Are puppies are fast but they pee even Faster One of the things that’s helping us out A little bit too is that i’ve put the Wiz smart p Pads down so that she has easy access to Those That combined with her 10-foot tie-out

While in the house Means she has very obvious access to the P-pads right she really gravitates to Those pads because we’ve been Introducing them to her from a young age I have definitely become a fan of pad Training because it does give you a lot Of options moving forward like bad Weather Or if you live in a high rise you really Have that extra option For your dog to go potty and dogs can Learn to do both they can learn to go on The pads and go outside so it only gives You options And you know that i’m a huge fan of Creating lots of options If you’re wondering what kind of pads to Use i definitely recommend whiz smart Pads once you get them you’ll see what i Mean they’re the thickest most absorbent Pads around they stick on the ground And really hold their position pretty Well so i’ll have a link in the Description Zach and you can use code zac 10 to get 10 percent off and get free shipping too So the other day we were teaching kona How to go up and down stairs But stairs are a thing that actually Trip up a lot of puppies they don’t know How to deal with them It might sound funny but giving them Practice and experience with stairs

Is quite important here’s a real life Example let’s see if she has general Eyes doing stairs yet you can see she’s Like hyper aware of her environment here Look at see it’s a little awkward for Her to do stairs But she’s doing it good girl yeah You can tell she’s just learned how to Do stairs good i even got a Free sit right there ah now let’s do These other stairs I want to make sure she doesn’t go Jumping in the water though Come on Good girl you did it you Did it in here we’ll let her go up to The edge and at least See what she can discover and take in About this water here she’s just Interested in it so coming down the Stairs is one thing let’s see if she can Remember how to go up the stairs Can you oh nothing to it look at that Some puppies take a little longer than Normal to learn this but Good job she goes right up there nice Job girl This is a fun little section right here Because we have joggers running by we Have the occasional dog walking by we Have birds over here and Just general moderate distractions so i Think we’ve been here long enough and i Think

Kona has somewhat adjusted we’re gonna Find out So i’d like to go through some of her Basic training right here and see how She’s doing We can start with leave it because she’s Eating grass Kona yes good work you Oh man that good Sit okay come Good so that was a nice sit stay and i Come when called at a very short Distance In public that counts girl come here She’s still see it’s a balance here this Is where you have to really watch your Frustration she was very compliant a Second ago And now she’s like wait a minute i gotta Check this out and that out and You know that’s the give and take you Have to balance when you’re training a Dog but we can’t eat grass leave it Come here girl yeah there we go got her Back so sit How about a lie down oh can you lie down Yes good work can we get a roll over With a lure Yeah kind of how about it this way good Job girl A little messy but the fact is she’s Really complying here and that’s what we Look for So proud of her sit stay

Okay come good girl nice job So i’m loving how that looked i mean That looked like a professional sit stay And come and i was even able to put the Leash down but i feel pretty confident She’s not going to bolt on me in this Particular section of the park Comm is looking good stay is looking Good i like to test those pretty often Because they’re potentially life-saving Skills Let’s talk a little bit about the proper Mindset to have when you’re teaching a Dog like kona It’s really important to summon genuine Optimism even when your dog Isn’t behaving exactly as you want them To they learn extremely quickly and they Can tell when you’re being authentic Versus Being fake or impatient or non-genuine Think about the different relationships You had when you were a kid maybe Some teachers were easier to get along With and communicate with than others Maybe you had one parent that was more Permissive than another parent And you learned how to behave Contextually in that particular Instance right dogs are no different i Mean keep in mind kona has been on this Planet less than four months and that’s Not a lot of time so whenever you’re Struggling with your dog really put

Yourself in their position to the best Of your ability and Ask yourself is it really reasonable for Them to be doing what you’re asking them To do With their current level of experience But i think that you’ll find when you Really summon that genuine energy when You’re working with your dog That you’ll get much better results so Some of the tips i like to give people Who are new to training dogs are Use a quiet voice you’ll find that when Your dog has to really focus on you that They’re probably going to perform better Speak normally and intelligently when You’re talking to your dog Try to avoid thinking that your dog can Only understand really simple words or Phrases In fact dogs can understand thousands of Words naturally you won’t want to Overwhelm them and there’s nothing wrong With teaching a basic concept when They’re young but you can Really evolve that communication and Over time they’ll learn to understand Very complex concepts One thing i’d like to work on here see If we can get her to Sit hold her stand i like when a dog can Stand on all fours Stay and i’m working on teaching her to Stand without

Advancing these feet so you see how i’m Like creating discs because she’s so Fixated on the treat right now which is Normal We’re just trying to build a little bit More time to get her to hold that stand I think it’s important for dogs to know How to stay in a variety of positions Whether that’s sit or lie down or stand So that’s something you can work on to Like teach your dog to generally Understand Stay in different positions so like Really trying to zoom in On those half second successes is Something that’s not very natural As people if we’re not used to this We we tend to insist on more than as Reasonably possible look at how these Feet are not advancing forward Stay yes yes Yes a little bit longer Yes Yes and she’s just getting tiny nibbles Of the treat here Huh yes i like how she took a step back Even though she went into a sit Yes Yes okay good girl That was i mean excellent so we were Struggling there for a minute but Ultimately we got a two or three second Stand stay in a new environment which is Just icing on the cake

Oh we got some dogs coming by Good job girl really healthy reaction There Love it this counts as socialization Because your dog’s still getting Experience with dogs walking by and She’s learning that there’s more of her Out there So i think we had a great experience With koda today it’s a lot of fun to get Out there in the world and train your Dog and see how they do And as usual kona exceeded expectations Didn’t she Get your dog’s food automatically Shipped to you from petflow and check Out wizsmart potty pads i’ll have those Links below Follow us on instagram facebook and tick Tock and get both of my books for the Complete guide to training your dog Everything we’ll see you in the next Episode which should be pretty Interesting You

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