How to Train Your Dog to NOT PULL on the Leash (Chloe the pit bull)

How to Train Your Dog to NOT PULL on the Leash (Chloe the pit bull)

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Today’s video is sponsored by I think you guys are going to love Today’s video i thought i’d give myself A bit of a challenge and take a trip Down to animal rescue new orleans where They have so many amazing dogs however a Lot of them still need some work on Basic training one of the most common Requests from you guys is leash walking Tell me how your dog is on a leash would You say they walk just fine the way they Are or they could use a little bit of Work or they’re so bad you’ve just given Up completely tell me in the comments Below click thumbs up for rescue dogs Like me on facebook link in the Description and make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel I think most of us would agree that Teaching our dogs how to walk nicely on The leash is imperative not only for Teaching them how to take walks nicely But so we can contain them during those First several weeks to months of Teaching them i’ve talked with a couple Of the volunteers here at the shelter And they say that chloe the pit bull Needs some work with walking on leash uh We’re gonna see what her issues are does She pull does she chase squirrels does She try and bite the leash does she try And bite my clothes what are you biting My shoe for that’s my shoe

All right so i don’t know if she’s a Puller or she just has a shoe thing no No what are you doing hey This is what you deal with when you have A brand new dog this is normal No ma’am sit nope That’s it Yes What i want to do is get her attention Onto me so that i can guide her first Thing we want to teach our dogs is look At me this is actually pretty easy to Teach holding up a treat directly to my Eyes when we have eye contact we’re Going to say the words watch me or look At me Watch me You’re a smart dog now it’s going to be Watch Treats coming from down here this time Or wherever it’s not coming from my eyes Anymore do you understand all we’re Doing with this is saying look if you Look at me good things will happen once You have your dog’s eyes you can guide Them so well for example if you’re Walking and they see a squirrel or they See a rabbit you’re able to get their Attention back on you after a lot of Practice of course now you got to work Up to this so check this out here we go Look at me yes wonderful girl remember Always be sincere connect with your dog Ah she got my shoelace again didn’t she

Uh i need a tug toy i don’t know if she Knows how to play tug of war and let go But i can see she obviously likes Strings because i can’t keep my shoes Tied right now when you’re playing tug Of war with the new dog you want to be Careful because they don’t have very Good control of their bite yet but I will be careful we definitely have her Form of money we just need to pay her When she does what we like what i’d like To see is if she’ll work For play with look at me sit Look at me Yes good Good girl Good job good job when she walks nice I’m going to frequently reward her with The tug toy that’s what she likes i want To make sure she’s having a good time Come on Sit Now when she gets a little out of Control like that i’ve got her by the Harness Since she put teeth on me there i Actually have to pull her away gotten a Pretty good feel of what she’s going to Do and when she’s going to do it so i Need to really focus on getting her eyes On me right before she thinks about Jumping or biting at me or pulling does That make sense you do need to be one Step ahead of them and since i’ve just

Met her that’s a little more challenging Than normal if she does pull i’ll simply Turn around and walk the other way Ideally right when i see the pulling is Coming kind of like right now come here Look at me so it’s a combination of Guiding her and getting the eye contact Yes Good ah Right there see she’s going towards the Shoe here to distract bring the Attention on an acceptable item to play With look at me yes good come on Good good girl very good And i’ll reward intermittently there Nice No ma’am up here now see right there she Was going for my shoes you have to be Quick not everyone is going to be that Quick in the beginning but don’t be Discouraged you will get better at that Up here look at me yes let’s walk Before she has a chance to pull i’m Turning around did you see that Good Look yes nice war yes that was a magic Moment it was three seconds maybe less Of no pulling but those little tiny Moments are the moments you have to Reward with your dog and resist the urge To pull them every time they start to Pull ahead try and connect with let me Give you an example because i know she’s Going to start pulling after a few steps

Here this is the pattern nope this way Chloe i’m not pulling i’m getting her Attention on me look at this no tension On the leash at any point at all Hey chloe over here yes good this way Chloe yes come on Good good girl good come on right there I had her at the eyes i was able to pull Her in and actually teach her rather Than relying on some superficial method Of teaching it’s important to take Breaks often so you don’t become Frustrated and obviously give your dog a Break so they can reset and recharge in Just a moment we’re going to see if we Can make a little bit more progress with Chloe thanks to i’m able to Continually make videos like this for You and make you aware of the most Convenient ways to get dog food and Supplies for your dog time is one of the Most important factors when teaching our Dogs and gives you all sorts Of freedom to enjoy time with your dog Set up automatic pet food delivery Anywhere in the continental united States no need to make unnecessary trips To the store shipping is free on all Orders over 49 after all discounts are Applied choose from hundreds of brands And check out their huge variety of toys Accessories treats and more is Supporting the dog training revolution By giving you fifteen percent off of

Your first purchase just visit Zack george today and enter coupon code Zac george 15 when you check out look at Me up here yes let’s walk even though She’s jumping up at the toy it’s better Than her jumping at my shoelaces in my Clothing and my arms and legs so i’m Gonna try and polish this a little bit But i’m picking my battles here i’m not Terribly concerned with that right now As far as the length of time that it Takes to teach your dog to walk on a Leash properly that varies significantly From dog to dog now if you have a really High energy dog you’ll almost certainly Need to incorporate a lifestyle of fetch Or some other vigorous activity like That that engages their mind and body With a human being don’t wait until You’re on your way somewhere with your Dog to teach us you have to set up Specialized training sessions where you Can give 100 Of your attention to your dog this is a Little bit more than just okay you did What i wanted so i’m gonna play with you This is more like you did what i wanted I’m gonna play with you and you know What we’re gonna bond we’re gonna have a Good time right now it’s so important to Connect With your dog while you’re teaching them Enjoy the relationship

It’s not just a mathematical formula That you’re applying when you’re Teaching a dog this or anything your Amount of consistency while teaching a Dog to walk nicely on a leash is Directly proportional to your success She’s doing well right now I’m just going to kind of let that be i Like this oh she’s doing great here oh This is great Look at her good let’s walk the other Way Come on Yeah and right i mean she’s glancing up At me she’s glancing up at the toy we’re Still getting some pulling but it’s Dramatically dying off oftentimes the Reward is that the walk gets to continue And your dog learns that they get to get To the place they want to get to as long As they’re walking at an appropriate Pace oh she’s like getting into her Groove right now i’m loving it where Dogs just simply walk faster than we do That’s the only reason they pull we need To be understanding of that and be very Patient that we’re asking them to do Something that’s really quite unnatural To them how many of you would be Interested in seeing a video of teaching Your dog how to leave things alone off The ground if you’re interested in that Tell me in the comments below and you Know what we’ll shoot it how would you

Rate your dog’s ability to walk nicely On a leash would you say they’re great They need improvement or they need a lot Of improvement tell me in the comments Below make sure you click thumbs up for Animal rescue new orleans and rescue Dogs everywhere by the way chloe is Available for adoption as are many Amazing dogs here at animal rescue new Orleans and you don’t even need to live Here in order to adopt one of these dogs You can apply i’ll have all the Information in the description don’t Forget to like me on facebook the zack george link will Be in the description and also subscribe For lots of future dog training videos Okay guys we’ll see you in the next Video you did so well today What no no that’s your leash don’t chew On your leash No look here here we go that’s what you Want there you go that’s a good girl Good now let go Leave it alone No that’s my arm That no don’t no don’t chew on my arm no It’s my that’s a good girl Good let go Yes

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