How To Train Your Dog To Stop Leash Pulling, Stop Barking, and Stop Jumping!

How To Train Your Dog To Stop Leash Pulling, Stop Barking, and Stop Jumping!

How to train your dog to stop pulling on leash, stop jumping, and stop barking! This video is sponsored by Pupford!  CLICK HERE to get Pupford’s AWESOME new freeze dried beef liver training treats:

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This video is sponsored by pop fir’d who Made my free digital dog training course 30 day perfect pup possible you can sign Up absolutely free at the link in the Description today I’m gonna be working With the very high-energy challenging Catahoula Leopard dog Leeloo this is Goldie you’ll be seeing Her in a future video these streets are Brand new from Poplar they’ve just Launched them and these are not your Ordinary dog treats in fact they only Have two ingredients in them beef liver 95% by the way and 5% P protein the P Protein holds the treats together it’s Also an antioxidant freeze-dried treats Like this are amazing because they’re Extremely flavorful and of course or Less processed than many commercial Treats treats like this actually keep Well at room temperature virtually every Dog likes beef liver these are a nice Size you get around 450 treats in one Bag and you can even break them up half Or a quarter size to get even more That’s a ton of dog training potential In every bag keep these throughout your House so that you can quickly have a Very high-value reward when your dog is Doing something just like that Flying down without me even asking when You’re really focused on teaching your Dog something new you don’t want to use A second-rate treat you can use these

With dogs of all ages too I strongly Recommend that you get these pup for Treats I’m gonna have a link in the Description below Click thumbs up polly lu the 9 month old Catahoula Leopard dog make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel follow us on Instagram to share a picture of your dog On instagram tag at sack george with Hashtag dog training i’m gonna share Some of my favorites make sure you’re Following us on facebook too and if you Need a complete guide to raising and Training your new dog pick up a copy of My book dog training revolution i’ll Have links in the description for Everything i just mentioned Leeloo is an extremely right dog but as You can see her manners are a little bit Lacking Leeloo has many issues actually Obviously we’ll want to get this barking Biting and jumping under control right Now But I have to first build some Communication and figure out her Currency it’s really important that when You have a young dog like Lilu she’s Only nine months old and she’s high Energy as you can see that you’re very Consistent about sure you do welcome to DC there’s no barking but I’m not going Over the treetops barking so I’m gonna Insist on just a moment of quiet getting

Your dog to stop and unwanted behavior Is about encouraging and acknowledging The preferred behavior I’m gonna try to Reward her for silence when She’s quiet right there good girl quiet Really focus on reinforcing your dog When they are behaving well I missed an Opportunity to reward their I was Pushing it a little bit You’re good quiet kind of like the Subdued bark that was good See how she looked at me as if to say is This right leave it over here she’s Picking up the carpet let’s redirect her Good look at me yes good girl I’m gonna Go ahead and give her a jackpot there Cuz even though it’s only a sit she’s Really amped up right now I’m gonna do It down in other words I’m just trying To teach her that Hey looking at me is Gonna get you what you want She’s just begging for engagement right Now we need to give that to her but We’re gonna give it to her in a way that Makes it compatible with our lifestyle Let’s try and switch from treats to play And see how she does look how nuts she Goes over this tug toy here she just Loves it if you got a dog that likes a Vigorous tug-of-war like this that’s Great but they have to know how to do a Really good let go and so the last time I met her I think she was still Struggling on the let go so let’s see

How she’s doing there tug and let go can Be powerful currencies we’ll need to get That looking good because that will not Only be a powerful way to reward her in The future But it will also show her how to control Her impulsive desire to jump right now Flicka okay that was pretty good you see How she immediately went back for it sit No let go Leave it alone and I know her next move Is to immediately go for it like that so I think that’s what we need to work on Letting go is good but they need to let Go until given permission to go for it Again Leave it alone so I’m just gonna before She has a chance to lunge for it I’m Gonna just no man see the barking I’m Gonna wait she’s quiet she say you give It to me you can see in her eyes when She’s gonna go for it sit yes good girl Good go get it get it come on get it and See I’m really giving her that vigorous Play that she’s craving cuz she listen I’ll be up for a fraction of a moment Oh all right let go Do you see I’m making it distracting Intentionally right now letting her know Until I say get it you don’t get this Leave it alone No ma’am over here sit leave it alone no Leave it Being really obvious with this body

Language over here telling her to stay This is impulse control training yes That was a really good one there so I Want me to go ahead and let her play I’m Gonna give her a nice big reward you can Tell by that play growl certainly hope It’s play that she’s really enjoying Herself right now Tug of war and play really is a valuable Currency for her and so you’re really Just trying to fine-tune this little Exercise right here so it’s more fluid And so you can more easily or leave it Get it good I’m gonna give her kind of a Medium reward right now because I don’t Want to have to do these like 30 second Tug sessions as rewards what I’m trying To phase in here is you know a good Five-second tug good restraint did you See that she thought about jumping she Thought better of it I’m gonna go ahead And reward her there leave it alone Yes get it good job very good let go sit My goal here is to be able to pet her Without her jumping up because when you Pet her she tends to get really excited And we’re gonna use the tug toy as Currency Yes so right there I was able to just Stroke her very gently one time and I’m Gonna roar but to keep the tug game down Here so she’s not too encouraged to jump Up on me good luck okay good sit good I’m gonna try a little bit more there

You see that no jumping yes good you can Read her eye she’s like okay I’ll do What you want but let me play tug with That and this has the added effect yes Of teaching her that basic impulse Control as well so this is gonna carry Over into many other aspects of her Training yes good let go good yes Good let go when you’re trying to Resolve things like unwanted jumping and Unwanted barking it doesn’t happen all At one time leave it alone Good impulse control look how far she’s Coming this is one training session Right here for Lulu who has a lot of Energy fetch or general exercise that Involves working with a person is going To be paramount to her success look how Amped up she is with the frisbee let’s See if her impulse control has carried Over from the tug toy to the frisbee and Then we’ll see how she’s doing with Krispies Alright sit good leave it alone leave it Okay get it I’m gonna give her a little Tug with the frisbee here just to let Her know I’m willing to play all right Let go we’re not gonna go over the top With it though hey let go Sit stay let’s see if she’ll catch it When I toss it up I mean excellent first Attempt good let go let go sit good and Let go it looks like she has a tendency To want to chomp on it and play with it

I don’t want her to do that I just Wanted to catch and let go thank you Sometimes the kiss works over here sit Good get it yeah let go it’s over let go It’s looking pretty good so far we’ve Addressed Lulu’s barking her jumping She’s doing well with frisbee so I’m Really curious to see how she does on a Walk we’re gonna go out and do a Neighborhood walk with her any time we Change environment on the dog we have to Be prepared to really roll with punches I’ve never worked with her on leash Walking so I’m as new to this as you are Right let’s go so clearly you know we Have very significant tension on the Leash here as we walk there’s a German Shepherd over there let’s take the Opportunity to use that as a training Opportunity so I got her to sit and stay While there’s a barking dog in the Distance but these are the kind of Things you have to do come on let’s go Let’s go yes good work come on Good and one more turn come on let’s go And sit perfect you’re doing great keep In mind I mean dogs pull because they Walk naturally quicker than we do I mean Look how slow I’m walking and you can Probably imagine how fast she would walk If she had her say and today happens to Be garbage day so she’s distracted by All the garbage that people have left Out it’s interesting whoa

I wonder what’s thrown off there’s no And hats and sunglasses well hats and Sunglasses are a big one they’re likely To be like what is that I’ve never seen A person like that I’m gonna break out The turkey and see if we can get our Attention off of the ground and you Might be surprised this isn’t as easy as You might think with many dogs you want This see that real Turkey real Turkey And she wants to sit here and smell the Graphs instead of take this that’s how Powerful scents can be too many dogs Because she’s a heavily driven dog when It comes to food let me see if we can Get her to sit remember that’s a way to Measure for compliance sit she won’t sit Right now for a treat that means she’s Really overwhelmed at least that’s my Working hypothesis at the moment so I’m Gonna give her some time here to adjust Let her smell let her check out all the Sights there’s a falling leaf acorns are Falling from the sky that’s throwing her Off a little bit I noticed that she Keeps going for these little acorns on The ground here and so this is a good Opportunity to practice a real life Leave it leave it alone to all these Little things that you have to show your Dog when you’re training them now she’s Starting to take Turkey that’s a good Sign when we were working with her a Moment ago she was very eager and happy

To work for a tub choice still a little Uninterested she dad there’s a spark so She was you know it’s a little tougher To get her into the toy but that’s a Good sign right there So now she’s a little responsive to Interacting with me it’s off and on That’s okay I’m gonna let her really get Into it in other words I’m not going to Insist on a discipline let go at this Moment because we’ve dramatically Changed her environment and these time We change a dog’s environment we must be Prepared to take a giant step back on Our training so my goal right now is to Really get her into this toy and thereby Getting or more into meat you have a Tractor there’s just all sorts of things In public that you can’t possibly Prepare for unless you just go in public Very often with your dog Who knows what she’s to make of that She’s having a good time right now she’s Into me and when she’s into me that’s The time you want to capitalize Ellen Even if it’s for a moment at a time to Do some training so let go sit yes good And what’s her being a dual currency dog You can switch back and forth between Currencies whatever she’s into at that Moment so let me try again and see how She does sit good job nice work all Right come on over here yes sit leave up Here give me a fine I’ll take it even

Though it wasn’t a sit I’ll take it Because it’s compliance nonetheless Rather than just going on a long walk Where every new inch is brand new Territory I want to focus on Familiarizing this particular stretch of Territory so I’m gonna walk back and Forth on this trail and the more that I Do that the more familiar this Particular stretch of real-estate is Going to become to her and the more Familiar it becomes the more likely it Is that she’s gonna listen to me she’s Doing okay come on girl let’s go got Tension right here she’s saying no I Don’t want to go so there we go good job She was little as fond so she took a bit Of treat there now she’s starting to Kind of stay near me see I stopped there Was tension on the leash she looked back At me will you take a treat okay Again this is an indicator that she’s Beginning to adjust yes here we go good We walked past that spot which she’s Been continually getting distracted on And even though I’m just luring her Right now it’s still much better than Before because before the treat wasn’t Even getting her attention gonna stop Let her check it out and let me go ahead And turn around again yes again I love The look and so you see just after a few Passes here she’s like okay I’m getting Familiar with this little pathway over

Here she didn’t just go from sniffing The ground and getting distracted to Then listening you can see she’s still Got it in or a little bit but it’s Slowly reducing we’re getting slightly Longer periods of attention and slightly Less long periods of stopping to sniff Around so let me turn around here that’s A new bush right there that she’s just Discovered so let me let her get it out Of her system yes Every time she looks up at me I’m gonna Go ahead and give her a little piece of Turkey yep right there there’s another Look good over here making a turn we’re Getting close to mastering this little Path right here in terms of getting her To walk acceptable aeon leash I love This loose leash right now come on girl Yep good I’m gonna start right actually Rewarding a little less frequently now Because she’s becoming more reliable the More reliable as she is the less I’m Going to reward yes and right there she Started the sniff she made the decision She’s like yeah I could sniff here or I Could go back there and get some good Good treats now many of you might be Wondering well Zach am I gonna have to Bring Turkey with me forever no not Forever but while your dog is learning This highly a natural skill of leash Walking yeah you should it’s so easy When you go on a walk to forget your

Treats well we tend to get complacent Really easy always bring treats with you You want to walk if your dog has an Issue like this anyway and so in real Time I guess we were out here maybe 15 Minutes or so and that really was enough Time for her to adjust some dogs may Need longer than that some dogs may Adjust quicker than that with a dog like Lulu who’s highly curious about the World she lives in this is what a very Early leash walking session should look Like when you’re in public click thumbs Up for Allie Lou she did a great job Today make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel go get your pup furred Freeze-dried training treats sign up for My 30-day digital dog training class 30 Day perfect pup I’ll have those links in The description below good job Lulu Whether your dog needs to learn basic Skills like sit stay leave it leash Walking come when called and most Importantly how to listen around Distractions or you’re struggling with Play biting chewing jumping potty Training or you struggle to keep their Attention the 30 day perfect pup series Will help you and your dog overcome These challenges and progress towards The perfect pup you’ve been dreaming of

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