How to Train Your Dog When They ONLY Listen SOMETIMES!

How to Train Your Dog When They ONLY Listen SOMETIMES!

Train your dog to listen more consistently! I’ll show you how I’m training this to my dog! This video is sponsored by NomNom! Get 50% OFF a 2 week trial:

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I got to tell you guys there is a new Trick that i’m working on That actually looked extremely good i’m Zach george I train dogs this is my dog and i’m Going to show you how i train her From day one things definitely won’t Always go smoothly you can start from The beginning or you can pick up Anywhere subscribe and hit the bell Notification so you never miss an Episode when you put into motion an Approach based on love and respect your Results will forever Remain in motion this is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience Today i’m going to show you where we are Present day with the nurses training And what we’re working on next do you Know one thing that gets inertia in the Mood for training It’s really good food fortunately Nom nom makes it so easy to give her a Crazy nutritious meal in seconds Trying to prepare a meal for your dog That gives them all of their necessary Nutrients Requires a lot of specific knowledge That’s why you don’t want to do it Yourself Imagine being able to give your dog food Like this without having to prepare it At all They actually have a team of

Nutritionists that prepare Restaurant quality food that’s Specifically designed For your dog the modern world Is amazing it’s pre-portioned it arrives Cold in an insulated box and you can Schedule regular shipments straight to Your front door so that your dog never Runs out of healthy food and you never Have to think again Well almost anyway try not nom today by Going to Zach to get 50 off of a two-week Trial okay inertia i’m expecting big Things let’s go train This series is all about giving you guys A detailed look as to how i train my Very own dog Inertia and so many of you have really Requested to see what our daily training Sessions look like so i’m going to show You what we have in mind for today So right now i’m really into taking a Series of things that inertia can do And asking her to do them in rapid Succession And in different orders from time to Time and i do this because it really Seems to improve her focus on me for Example recently you’ve seen me work on Heel switch down up Down stay and come in rapid succession And you can see how she has to be Extremely focused to perform these

Skills as quickly as she does after i Request them And so mixing things up like this really Keeps training from getting too boring To your dog so i’m always looking for New ways to keep inertia on her toes and Excited about learning the reason focus Is so important in a case like this Where you have a pedestrian approaching You You want to be sure that you can get Your dog’s focus on you and one of the Best ways i know to get a dog to focus On you Is to get them playing with you so That’s why i’m using the frisbee as Currency so far today Get it oh yeah i’m liking the way that Tug’s looking good girl Yeah nice we’ll talk about that later Though Pretty good Lie down good heel Circles home buttons here How about this circles Good lie down See that’s a good example right there Did you see i asked her to lie down and She went into a roll over and that’s Exactly the kind of thing i’m trying to Cut back on Because i want to make sure that she’s Focused on me rather than being on Autopilot and doing her own thing i mean

You can see those are two fundamentally Different things if your dog is So used to doing a specific routine that They don’t even need to focus on you Then that’s certainly not as beneficial As them looking at you Good lie down roll over good come back Here into a heel stand Heel circles so that was a slightly Different routine where i did a few Different things Every single dog that i’ve ever worked With has this issue of Anticipating something like i know the Answer before you ask and sometimes i Can work against us so today i’m really Focused on throwing some variation in There To keep her extra focused brie give me Three tricks that we can put together in A random order That way there’s no way she can predict It [Music] All right stand good okay what’s this Come on keep going figure eights Good lie down and roll over Good girl very nice and so just to Re-emphasize you can see that i’m Really trying to get her attention on me Rather than her being inside her own Head more or less Keep going good girl Circles lie down roll over

Come around lie down play dead Oh haha gotcha lie down Play dead okay i’ll take it Not the best play dead but she’s trying Good job girl You can see the enthusiasm get it that She’s returning that frisbee with The tug she’s playing here i’m really Enjoying that good job But i gotta tell you guys there is a New trick that i’m working on with Inertia my dog venus used to do this Really cool trick where she would Spin and to go backwards through my legs It just looked really flashy And i really enjoy doing that i’d like To see if i can teach inertia how to do That now a lot of you guys today might Not realize this but many years ago i Used to travel all around the country And do stunt dog shows with my dogs i Love how you pointed out how much fun They’re having together out there And zach of course is relatively new one Of the younger Generation when it comes to this sport [Applause] Very nice that’s good to see a lot of This new blood Coming into the sport and even though i Obviously don’t do that today i Still really enjoy teaching dogs how to Do unconventional tasks and tricks in Order to really

Keep them mentally sharp i find that it Really builds our communication together Now inertia already does a similar Movement when i put her into heel And she also knows how to back up so Today i’m really hoping To put those two together and see if we Can get some type of Version of this trick it’s kind of a Abstract process when you’re doing Something like this With inertia if i just give her this Casual hand signal it kind of gets her Going into this spinning action Then i’m able to encourage her to back Up since it’s a skill she already knows That actually looked extremely good you Can see i’m kind of moving my legs there To make it a little bit easier for her And i think we’ll be able to evolve this By the way i’m really loving that she’s Generalizing the skill of backup in this New context that can throw a lot of dogs Off at first Good keep going good good nice work Ready Spin back up stay back stall Stay good okay Come around go nice good job Now i want to talk for a moment about Building drive With your dog one of the best ways to do That if you have the kind of dog that Likes to play tug of war even a little

Bit then there’s always A shot that you can get them really into It that’s one of the things that Inertia has had a recent breakthrough on She’s never been like a real Super hard tugger like i’ve had to Really work with her to get her More intense about tug uh you know she’s The kind of dog who might bite it and Let it go or play for a second Good get it come on see that’s a weak Tug right there i want to get that Stronger do you see that she’s not Grabbing on hard enough Look at that comes right out i think she Could do even better let me see if i can Get her going There we go did you hear that growl good I love when she bites hard and growls Like that that’s a good thing So essentially if i can make the game of Tug even more desirable to her That’s probably going to manifest into Increased focus and when your dog’s Playing tug that fiercely that’s Probably a sign that they’re really Enjoying themselves and when they enjoy Themselves they’re much more Likely to do well in their training so In a nurse’s case when i blow in her Face a little bit that really gets her Going but you would want to be very Careful about that with your own dog Not all dogs like that obviously use

Discretion here you would Want to use a method that’s going to Work with your dog and not cause them to Get nervous or over excited on you there Are all these little random things you Can discover about your dog Like with the nursery i want to shuffle My feet like this she sometimes gets Excited Of course when the camera’s on and i do It she looks at me like what are you Talking about dad The point is find those little niche Ways to get your dog Extra excited about something you know Your dog best Good uh you want to bite this okay good But you can see i mean that gets her Into play mode which i really like Yeah good good let go heel Ready weave go keep going Keep going good circles Keep going good ready come around Let’s see what i want to do with you Come here spin Back up stay stall Stay nice Without a frisbee this time too so it’s It’s good that i have another currency In my pocket here you see Having a multitude of currencies is Extra valuable okay Go contrary to what you’re seeing right Now there are times when inertia just

Isn’t in the mood to play Or to play tug of war you know what i Mean so token war is a really great way To take your dog’s temperature And see how they’re feeling about Playing or training at that specific Moment you can see she’s a little winded Now right Hey girl you want to play come on she’s Like no I’m good i’m going to take a break i’m Happy to give her a break she’s worked Very hard today Good girl inertia go to Zach to get 50 off of a two-week trial Of nom nom subscribe to this channel Follow me on instagram facebook and tick Tock and get both of my books too i’ll Have all the links below see you guys Next time You

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