How To Train Your NEW DOG! (Stay, Clicker Training, Puppy Training)

How To Train Your NEW DOG! (Stay, Clicker Training, Puppy Training)

How to train your dog to stay, stop biting, listen without treats, clicker training. Puppy Training! This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at  

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

This video is sponsored by pesto so Let’s cover why you should not have your Dog’s food automatically shipped to you From pet flow having to drop everything And go do an unexpected chore that’s fun My cruise leaves in one hour I better feed Indy first oh wait I’m out Of dog food I didn’t want to take that Cruise anyway you love sitting in Traffic traffic is the best carrying Heavy bags of dog food that gives you a Great workout of course you don’t want To try it out because saving $10 on your First three automatic shipments after Entering codes act 30 is not as good as Paying full price after driving across Town Saving money mmm get $10 off your first Three auto-ship orders when you set up Automatic pet food delivery at pet flow Link and discount code in the Description below click thumbs up for a New video meet Charlie the golden doodle He is super cute isn’t he Make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel it’s free and if you got a new Dog you’ll be glad you did follow at Sack george on instagram too it’s a Great way to keep up with the dog Training revolution between videos I do Live Q&A s and just generally interact With you and help you with your dogs I’ll have a link in the description get A copy of my book – I’ll have that link

Below joining me today is Charlie’s mom Brandy and today I’m gonna show you a Shortcut to get your training started Off right how to teach your puppy to Stay we’ll go over some puppy biting Tips how to introduce your puppy to new Dogs and more so we’ve got a lot to do We have so many new subscribers lately I Want to make sure that all of you know How to do clicker training because Clicker training is a really great way For you as the person to start refining Your training ability and get really Good at timing which is a critical Factor when you’re training any dog and It really just helps to sharpen up your Overall communication with your dog this Is a clicker right here you can get These at a lot of different places if You want to click or like this join my Patreon community to learn how to get One it’s a good idea to have lots of Clickers too so you have them easily Available they’re pretty inexpensive as Well all it does it makes a clicking Sound we’re gonna pair that clicking Sound with an actual treat it goes like This Click and I’m gonna give them a treat Just a tiny piece of real meat that’s What I’m using today this is called Conditioning your dog – the clicker I’m not asking Charlie to do anything at This particular moment I’m just clicking

Waiting a second and giving them a bear Tiny piece of Turkey about the size of a Grain of rice and in a moment assuming He’s been taught to sit for a treat my Guess is we’re gonna see him pop into a Sit the moment he hears that click you Want to do this between 10 and 50 times Just click and treat don’t Overcomplicate this your goal is just to Get your dog to associate that clicking Sound with getting an amazing treat There it is that’s the automatic sit I Was looking for to me that’s usually Evidence that a dog is making the Connection that they’re gonna get a Treat and there it is again to be clear The clicker is not a signalling device To tell your dog to do something it Actually happens as a desired behavior Takes place and then the moment he does Something we like we’re gonna click in Treats worth noting that some dogs might Get nervous of that loud sound so you’ll Want to kind of introduce it from a Distance but Charlie’s doing really well Right now so now that he’s clearly made The connection how do you actually start To use the clicker in real training you Basically use the clicker any time your Dog does what you like in that case he Came up from a sit I like that watch This sit yes I also have a habit of Pairing the word yes with it four times When I don’t have my clicker and for

Later on in the training process as your Dog voluntarily offers things or as you Encourage your dog to do things you just Simply click the click means good dog I like what you just did I’m gonna give You a reward pay attention to the timing Here let’s see if we can get Charlie to Go into a lie down right the moment he Went all the way down I clicked and made sure I gave him a Reward and I kind of like that he’s Offering his foot right there Pete see How he lifted his foot I’m gonna go Ahead and reward that that’s a great way To capture behavior as they’re offering It even without you asking for it that’s A nice little trick yeah shake there I Just said shake for the first time I’m Not too caught up with the actual Language at first I’m really just trying To get him to go through the actions but As it becomes more reliable shake good Job the idea here is that your dog Starts to brainstorm what can I do to Make that clicker go off let me cover a Couple of the really common objections To clicker training number one is why Can’t I just say yes or good boy and Actually you can it’s just fine but if You’re a beginner you’ll probably find That having a button in your hand to say I like that behavior is going to be a Lot more beneficial in other words You’re gonna be a lot quicker when you

Clicker the second question is kind of Make a sound with my mouth like you can However this is an artificial sound and It’s consistent every time just makes Things a little bit easier in general is It required no but it’ll probably help You out Randy’s been doing some training With Charlie let’s see what Charlie’s Learned so far Charlie sit sit sit Shake shake now look at that honey shake It boy touchdown Cool touchdown You know why I click there you could see In his eyes he was thinking about it Yeah awesome we got it that’s a clever Trick I will give that one a 10 out of 10 on originality oh one note I will Give you and everyone has this habit of Repeating things sit sit sit try to Break that habit so it doesn’t become a Three syllable war typically what I’ll Do is something like sit waited out a Little bit see if they do it if they Don’t do it then I’ll give a gentle Non-emotional No it’s it’s okay no it’s a real hard Habit but it will really clean up a lot Of the communication it’s important not To jumble too much of your early Training with a bunch of words but it’s A fine line too because dogs can Actually understand sentences and Phrases

Most people think dogs only understand Tones or one word at a time but there’s Actually quite a bit of science on this That shows that dogs are capable of Putting sentences together provided you Take the time to teach them early Training you really want to keep it Pretty basic and pretty simple Stan that’s Brandi what general Questions you have I mean usually people With a dog this young having a lot of Questions He just started like if you walk he Wants to bite the back of your pants or Something to play you don’t know if you Have any tips were trying to break him Of that habit yeah puppy biting and Biting at ankles and clothes really Common with dogs this young this is how They interact with the world if you’ve Got clothes moving they’re going to try To bite them so our goal isn’t to Eliminate it immediately it’s to reduce It slowly over the next few weeks okay So the way to do that is to consistently Redirect Charlie so if you see it in his Eyes that he’s about to bite you should Have treats scattered throughout the House and Tupperware containers or Something like that where you can Quickly get to him lure him with the Treat put him into a It rewards show him what you prefer he Do when he’s biting what would you

Prefer he do you’d prefer that he sit And stay and so you gradually work up to A five ten seconds stay and so forth Doesn’t stay we have been practicing Stay he does not stay at all I say we train it would stay we break it Down into three major categories we have Stay for a period of time we have stay While we walk away and then finally stay With distractions why don’t we work on Something like stay for a period of time And then there are so many distractions Out here maybe we can get him to stay With a minor distraction at some point Stay I’m telling him stay because he’s Staying right now in other words I’m not Saying stay while he’s running around I’m capturing him while he’s in the State position right now stay good nice Work it’s a one-second stay and you’re Using a hand signal that’s right we Should accompany a lot of our verbal Requests with hand signals stay a little Bit longer that time you see that he’s Doing so well that’s why you practice We’re using clicker training we’re using A high-value currency these are probably Things that you’re not doing at home I’m Guessing Rhett so that might make the Difference oh look at this he’s doing Really well if the dog walking by stay Wow over here yes this is great look at That and so right now notice the timing Stay good I’m rapid-firing the rewards

He’s looking at the dog and he’s staying That’s a big deal these are the Spontaneous moments you have to be Prepared for stay and so right there That required me to burst into training Mode that’s called a secondary training Session when you just have to first in a Training mode when it’s unplanned that Was a good example of one women should I Try to start introducing them to other Dogs Now-now-now and generally the ideal way That I recommend doing that is Introducing him to dogs that are Extremely likely to react well to him Because puppies don’t have manners yet They may go up and buy a day and if you Introduce him to the wrong dog it could Not go well so one way to protect Against that look at things like doggy Daycares the staff know the dogs they’re They know which dogs are likely to react Well that’s a great way to introduce it Friends dogs people usually know how Their dog is gonna do with a Rambunctious puppy other issue that We’re having is he has a booster seat in The car he Hates it he would just throw a fit he Would get so mad good question so Usually with things like securing him to The booster seat or just getting them Comfortable with being in a car you want To go real slow and you don’t want to

Wait until it’s time to take a ride it’s Important to set up training sessions so For example putting them in the booster Seat when you have nothing else to do Click treat or good dog give them a Treat great I never thought about that Breaking things down into smaller steps Isn’t really intuitive to us when we’re Training dogs but if you can get that It’s like if you’re having trouble with Anything if you just ask yourself how Can I make this as low stress and easy As possible for them just to get Traction and then you gradually make it More and more challenging that’s a good Idea I need to work with them and giving Some rewards for it what other questions You have when do you start to like Withhold some of the treats and know That the behavior is gonna stick without The truth well I’d like it you’re on top Of things here yeah you might have Noticed I’m like rewarded just about Every single time that he’s doing Something that I like in the beginning As behaviors are kind of shaky and Unreliable it’s really important to Reward close to 100 percent of the time But as behaviors become more reliable You reward a little bit less however It’s not quite that simple because you Also want to up your rate of Reinforcement periodically just to let Them know look sometimes you get the

Jackpot think about slot machines one of The reasons slot machines are so Addictive it’s because you never know When you’re gonna win and so during Early training really the first year of Training you want to let them get those Jackpots from time to time would you say For the next week if I practice with This i reward 100% of the time if this Was my dog and I was working with him From day to day I would quickly probably Bring it down to 75 percent on sit for Example he’s so reliable but I want to Keep him reliable so I don’t want to get Too lean on the rewards Charlie and his Mom Brandi are doing a great job giving Them a thumbs up make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel and follow at Sac gorge on Instagram to keep up with The dog training revolution between Videos too we do lots of live Q&A s and General interaction with you our Instagram community it’s totally hot it Is a place to be get $10 off your first Three auto-ship orders when you set up Automatic pet food delivery at pet flow Link and discount code in the Description below we’ll see you guys in The next video good job buddy look [Music] You

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