How To Train Your Puppy To Listen Around Other Dogs!

How To Train Your Puppy To Listen Around Other Dogs!

How to train your dog to listen around dogs! This video is sponsored by Pupford! CLICK HERE to get a 25% discount on Pupford Premium Dehydrated Dog Food – and for a LIMITED TIME you can LOCK IN THAT DISCOUNT ON ALL FUTURE ORDERS FOR LIFE!!

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

This video is sponsored by pop bird if You’ve ever wished that you could take An in-person training class with me I Highly recommend that you sign up for my Completely free 30-day perfect pup Digital dog training class you’ll get Access to a private Facebook community Daily emails with training tips and Video guides and an awesome workbook to Help you follow along and keep up with Your progress pup bird actually made That course possible and now they’ve Launched their super premium dog food This is unlike any dog food you’ve ever Seen before first of all it’s dehydrated Which means it’s minimally processed so It really retains those nutrients and You can see the real chunks of food in Here let’s do a test let’s see if he Prefers his kibble or this your dog Doesn’t love the taste of this just send It back and they’ll give you a full Refund It’s made with really top-notch High-quality ingredients but not just Good ingredients ingredients that work Together optimally for your dog you ate All of that like you when dogs eat Better they feel better and that can Make all the difference when it comes to Training them puff bird is a great food Whether your dog is a puppy and it’s Also great to help them maintain optimal Nutrition as they get older – I’m gonna

Have a link below where you can try out Pup for its premium dog food click Thumbs up for Angus make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel and follow us On Instagram post a picture of your dog Tag at sack George and use hashtag dog Training revolution and I’ll feature Some of my favorites very often training Isn’t about what you’re working on Specifically but where you’re working on It and what context you’re working on it And my last lesson with Angus we did Some distraction training around lots of Different birds angus is pretty good on The basics when we’re at home and all That but I thought it would be good to Test his basic behavior out here in this Very exciting setting and in the Presence of other dogs there’s a dog Park behind me right now there’s a few Dogs running around he’s kind of taking Note of them and I’m just giving him a Little bit of time to adjust out here Really take it in get used to seeing Dogs at a distance we have this black And white dog running around over here And you can see Angus is paying Attention and doing really well you Don’t need to wait for your dog to react Unfavorably to train them I like how He’s behaving right now when you behave Like that in this particular setting you Get something really good in this case a Tiny piece of real meat good job let me

Make it clear here we’re not going Inside the dog park for this particular Training lesson this is just a way For us to give him exposure to dogs but In the event he does react or if your Dog at home reacts it gives you the Opportunity to create distance so that You can then measure where they go from Being non-compliant to compliant that’s A really key factor when you’re training A dog look at me here there we go gotta Let him go up and check it out a little More he’s picking up all of those scents They’re from all of those dogs that’s Some people walking by let me see if I Can get us attention on me hey Angus yes Good job right there first attempt but Now let’s see if we can do some training On come when called around some more Significant distractions there’s a lot More dogs down here than over they’re Practicing at a dog park like this is Likely to add a completely new layer of Difficulty and so I’ve switched to the Long lead here to kind of simulate more Freedom but again I still have complete Control of Angus he’s showing interest I’m actually gonna let him investigate There cuz I think that’s healthy on many Feet away from him he’s over there Checking out the dogs Angus come okay Didn’t have much luck there so I’m gonna Let him know hey I’ve got this Angus Come there it is sometimes they just

Need a little reminder now that he’s a Little distracted do you see that do you See how he’s taking an interest in those Dogs I’m gonna call him can I call him Off of dogs in this situation let’s find Out Angus Angus come look at that haha nice Job sir that was really good come on Let’s go come on let’s go over here and Sit good job so I was able to get us Attention off of that adorable puppy Over there if your dog is playing with Other dogs you want to be able to call Them off of those other dogs but you Have to be able to do this first before You can expect your dog to listen to you Inside of that dog park Let’s go very good and will you give me A sit and so right there we had come When called he came to me he looked at Me he sat there’s barking dogs in the Background and he’s doing a great job Angus come Little hesitation there that’s okay Though good job so I got him to come to Me voluntarily without having to lure Him that time that’s an improvement good Job there’s a dog there can I get his Attention I can stay we’ll give me a nice job I Love it and as you can see angus is very Relaxed right now this is a really good Moment for capturing calm behavior when You do capture your dog behaving calmly

In a situation just like this with dogs Just a few feet away Be sure to reinforce that and let him Know hey I like that you’re behaving Like this see the more experience your Dog has that actually listening to you And distracting scenarios where you’re Really focused on them the more likely It is they’re gonna pay attention to you When it really counts this is gonna vary A lot from dog to dog but what you Should eventually find is that the more You take your dog to a setting like this And just kind of let them hang out the More that you should see normal behavior Just like you would see at home for Example if your dog is a lot more Energetic than this or you’re having Issues make sure you give your dog some Vigorous exercise right before you do a Training session like this much easier To communicate with a dog that’s had Some exercise than one who has a lot of Pent-up energy don’t be discouraged if You don’t have results that’s great You’ll get there but I think a lot of People underestimate how much time it Really takes to work with your dog and Give them these types of life Experiences this isn’t something you can Do passively one or two days a week at Least if your schedule allows you know Plan on going out to a park like this For three hours ahead of time and just

Letting your dog exist out there and Doing some really light training like Look at me or come when called or any Other number of things and it’s Important to repeat training sessions Like this over many months so that your Dog really learns how to behave in a Broad set of circumstances I’m gonna Have a link to pup bird super premium Dog food in the description of this Video and a link to my totally free Digital dog training class 30-day Perfect pup be sure to post a picture of Your dog on Instagram tag at Zak George That’s me and add hashtag dog training Revolution I’ll share some of my Favorites click thumbs up for Angus he Did a great job today and make sure You’re subscribed to my channel see you Guys next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]

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