I Don’t Care What Anyone Says! This Dog is Still NOT TRAINED! [Reality Dog Training Ep. 11]

I Don’t Care What Anyone Says! This Dog is Still NOT TRAINED! [Reality Dog Training Ep. 11]

Dog training takes time. I don’t care what the expectations of others are! Enjoy our process! Thanks PupBox for sponsoring this episode! Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a multi-month subscription!

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We’ve been putting in a lot of work with George training in the basics but it’s Time to start putting things together And see if this hard work will pay off Where it actually counts In the real world in a public Environment with heavy Distractions that will be my focus today I’m zach george and this is george no Relations George has spent the last four months Living in an animal shelter with minimal Contact with other dogs or people And it’s my job to transform him from a Wild and crazy dog To an incredible pet seems Straightforward right Holy cow not getting that ball George is a dog like i’ve never known Before i don’t know if i can let this Dog go Let go this might be the single Greatest transformation i have ever seen In a dog that i’ve worked with The hardest thing about possible dog you Fall in love with them This is reality dog training Subscribe and click the bell so you Never miss an episode Well today i’m hoping to give george Arguably his Biggest challenge yet a fantastic way to Stay motivated About training your dog is to sign up

For a pup box subscription That’s not actually the toy george Fortunately these are training specific Items which You need a lot of george You like that rabbit i’m sure you do This is a nice big bag of quality treats Right here Pup box is a training centered box that You get every month So this box we have here is the five Month old box And you get so many detailed Instructions here’s a george toy It’s kind of a combination of a rope toy And then this like Chewy plastic material but it’s still Quite durable as you can see It can stand up to a 70 pound pitfall so I’m sure it can stand up to a 5 month Old Check out the water bottle dispenser you Put water there and you have a bowl with You Get fifty percent off of your first pot Box when you sign up for a three six Or twelve month subscription by going to Pupbucks.com and entering code Zach i’ll have a link in the description George is such a conundrum In his training i mean in some areas he Really excels and he just Impresses so much but in other areas he Still needs a little bit of work which

Is why We are going in public today i would Expect today to be a little bit Challenging for him i mean After all my goal isn’t to overwhelm him Right my goal is to prepare an Environment that is Exactly optimized for him now That’s not always extremely easy but I thought today i would probably work in A Less distracting environment than we did Last time that we did really well Down here in the french quarter but i Think i want to get away from the narrow Sidewalks And go to something that’s a hybrid of The city And the park and i’ve got just the place You know we have been routinely Practicing Stay when i opened this crate here and If you look around here this is a busy New orleans setting it is early but There’s cars there’s noises there’s a Lot going on this is precisely the Reason We teach stay in the situation so let’s Practice Look at me stay It’ll go slow just in case you forgot Yes stay to be clear here yes just means I like what you’re doing it doesn’t mean Break your stay

Here look at me stay Okay good man we’re gonna make sure i Have a good grip on him when he comes Out there And i usually like to make it a practice To have a carabiner on the end of my Leash Clip that to my belt just for redundancy All right buddy let’s go train Here’s the squeaky sound of the street Car over here Things like that are gonna get dogs Attention but right now looks like he’s Really fixated on the mississippi river Over here really Gathering a lot of sense got a lot of Tension on the leash right now His leash pulling has been an issue but We’re going to hopefully address some of That today and see if he’s made any Progress But you can imagine if you understand The mississippi river there are scents From All across the united states billowing Up from that water I imagine it must smell great to george At least Good man yes good Right here as i was talking to you he Decided to stop pulling and just sit i Want to acknowledge that Yes good just to warm up right now not Going to ask much of them at all

You might notice i have my tug toy just In case but right now i’m using Some of his breakfast so he’s not in a Strict stay or anything right now he Just needs to explore he does see a bird With george it doesn’t seem to matter Whether the bird is big like a duck Or small like whatever these small birds Are i wouldn’t say he’s overreacting or Anything he’s just being a dog he’s Being normal let’s check for attention Right now See how he’s distracted right now let’s See let’s see if i can get his attention Here are the birds right here George here he’s having a tough time Yeah they’re in a frenzy right now George come here Sit okay much less reliable right there He’s refusing sit he’s pulling he’s just Not listening at all right now Now how much of this do i want to crack Down on and insisted listen to me And then how much do i just want to give Him an opportunity to adjust Good man how you doing nice dog walking By So far he did really well with that dog Though he is interested george here Yes so you can see there are moments Where he’ll listen there are moments Where he’s like i’m not listening And i want to build on those moments Where he does pay attention

Good boy i am yes [Music] Oh i do it for youtube only i don’t i Don’t charge for dog training Yeah yeah i make you i make training Videos for the world free of charge You can just go on youtube you can type Dog training we’re very Uh it’s easy to find us but you can also Look for zach george Yep and you’ll get all the training Information you need yes what kind of Training help do you need This friendly stranger gave me a great Opportunity to practice with george when A new person is nearby and dogs can Really tell when your attention is Divided so having light conversations While you still keep most of your Attention on training your dog Is a great way to teach your dog that You still expect them to listen to you Even when you are busy listening to Someone else See you later thanks for saying hi here We go Here yes great Real life example there you might wonder Why i was giving him so many treats There while i was talking To that woman who was asking some dog Training questions and the purpose He was really stable he was sitting i Would love to be able to stop and talk

To people when i have a dog like this With me so i wanted to really Communicate to him i love that you’re Holding that position you’re being good You’re not lunging up to the woman Trying to get attention from her So look for opportunities when your dog Is being good and you’re conversing with Someone in public Try to do two things at once there if You can yes Good boy looks like we have a jogger Coming with dogs good boy What’s this can you give me a pretty Yeah okay that’s looking good Good boy stay George see this he’s pulling he’s Investigating the scent of the dog Got another jogger coming by here no dog This time a little bit easier for him it Looks like Yes good boy can you give me a trick i Want to see how pretty he’s looking Sit pretty stay i’d say that’s looking Pretty good Yes okay good boy Good example there of using yes to say i Like that And then okay to release him so that was Wonderful Yeah his his sit pretty is looking Fantastic Lie down Good stay yes pop stay on the ground

Yes he’s a little reluctant to lie on The grass here but he’s doing it Nonetheless so i like that Good boy and so the whole point of Today’s training session is to get Into a significantly different Environment than we’ve been training in Just to prove a lot of what he knows Maybe we’ll go over some new stuff today I’m going to play that by ear All right i’m going to try and roll over Because he’s Is that not incredible how i don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog take to roll over That quickly Let’s see if we can phase out that lure A little bit better lie down Good right there so i start to lure him And he goes yes Right into that roll over that’s really Good sir Noticing this dog over here watch sears I want to see if i can get those ears Paying attention to me okay George like before when george became Distracted he’s not Immediately responsive when i call him But i am intentionally giving him an Extended period of time to register my Request To see if he can think through this Without too much guidance from me Yes good very good Yes all right there was an example i was

Resisting saying george come Or anything like that because i felt Like he’s probably not going to listen To me he was a little intrigued by that Ground set so instead of that i chose to Make a little sound that got his Attention At which time i was right there to be Like yes i love that attention building Attention like this In public is not something that’s done Overnight and remember George literally wasn’t doing anything Beyond sid When he first came to me so i wanted to Start some heel training Right now but he’s really interested in All these smells and believe me there Are plenty of them Including other it looks like a dog pee Scent right there he’s checking out Come on hey george If i can get one glance it’ll let him Know i like that yes Good i want to test his desire to play Out here right now though Is he interested in playing tug See that i mean he’s a dog that loves to Play he Loves to play tug when your dog is Clearly not interested in something that They reliably Love at home that is often a sign that Your dog still needs some time to adjust

To their new surroundings She’s like man just chill let me let me Take it in right now As evidence there by his yawning he’s Like no i don’t want to do that I definitely want to let george satisfy His Many curiosities while also occasionally Asking him to do a few things Here and there so i’m gonna give george Another minute or two to observe the Mighty mississippi river And now let’s try again to see if he’s Interested in practicing heel For some treats with george i’m working On heel by practicing Back and forth in one area like this at First instead of continually trying to Head forward in one direction that way He can practice the mechanics of healing Or Even not pulling in new exciting places Without the additional major distraction Of brand new sense sights and sounds As we continue our walk he’s fixated on That burn It was hey Yes that’s one of those small moments That i’m talking about there he went From being Like i don’t really feel like doing Leash training right now to okay I’ll pay attention to you for a little Bit and so i really want to be there and

Be like oh man i’m going to make that Worth your while i even upped my Currency a little bit And gave him some real meat instead of His breakfast because i saw he was Struggling Did you also see how we weren’t trying To Ask for five minutes of heal we’re just Trying to get a few seconds Because even though he does great with This in a distraction-free place being Out here and doing it Is worthy of extra recognition by us Also sometimes he fixates on the treat i Want his eyes on me not on the treat That’ll help us wean him off of treats Later Okay good man whoa buddy All right do you see this though it Wouldn’t it be great if he knew how to Just Sit and stay while he’s such a good dog In so many ways I mean he gets aroused sometimes and This becomes hard to manage Because even though he’s being a normal Dog he’s 70 pounds of pit bull type dog You know what i mean so he’s tough to Manage and i don’t know where his future Home is going to be I don’t know what their strength is Going to be like so it would be a lot Better for george to

Know how to behave of course there are Going to be times where he just needs to Be a dog One of my goals out here today is to try To make progress On his stay while in a real world Setting i mean this is reality dog Training after all i would say that if i Can get a 30 second stay out of him Today i will be More than happy and you know if we can Do better than that All the better sit good boys stay All right Stay I need it i need a time whoa yes Look at yes i mean it was inches from us Good man stay he’s looking at these Birds right here Good man yes He’s reaching deep right now okay good So i don’t know i don’t think that was Quite 30 seconds but i wanted to release Him before he failed we had birds at Close range he was Kind of teetering on the edge there so i Want to build on that and to me that was A really impressive stay because of All of the factors considered all right We’re going for 30 seconds now Sit notice i’m not using a treat in my Hand to get his attention he’s past that Stay Good boy i’m saying good to let him know

I like it i’ll say Yes when i’m gonna give him a treat Stay i’m trying to make it the whole 30 Seconds without having to treat him here But i also want to give him Encouragement to let him know he’s on The right track without having to treat Him you see So that’s how we use the word good Here up here i want his attention Okay and so that was 30 seconds of sit Stay In a new place with mild distractions i Say mild distractions for him there are Some dogs where if you took them out Here This would be considered a major Distraction environment Okay now let’s see if we can do a real Life application he’s pulling me because There’s a dog so let’s say sit Stay loose leash Oh lovely dog bull terrier nice He’s trying to smell stay i’m gonna Reiterate stay Stay george here okay I’d like to try and make that stay a Little more impressive by doing it Farther away i want to know that he’ll Stay When i’m not right next to him so i Think that’s something we can work on Sit stay See the difference though just being a

Little bit farther away makes the Exercise harder for him George look at me yes okay good boy I’m gonna give him a nice extra big Reward i’m gonna give him some chicken I’m gonna give him a handful of his Breakfast here So you’ll remember we introduced stay For a period of time stay with distance And stay with distractions And we’re really starting to merge those Into the real world now so we’re getting Those stays but in this type of setting With the real world distraction like the Birds Like people walking by like dogs like The scents coming off the river and so On But we’re not in such an overwhelming Situation like a crowded new york city Street right now either where he might Become overwhelmed we want to become Proficient in places like this before Upping the difficulty level why don’t we See if george wants to do A couple of tricks now that he’s had Time to adjust i kind of like that he’s Coming up on his hind legs for a Separate trick But i want him to not confuse that with Sit pretty which is where he sits on his Butt I want to work on that stay but i want No i want to sit pretty first sit stay

Good here stay Yes okay so pretty is looking So good so i want to continue to teach George new things not just because They’re entertaining for you guys but Because dogs really find that gratifying When they Start to learn new things it really Improves their communication it fatigues Them mentally and physically in a good Way Yes just rewarding random attention Right there When he gives it to me without asking For it i would love to teach him how to Stand up on his hind legs and balance Much like sip pretty when we first Started teaching him that we lured him Like this right and you can see he’s Getting it stay Yes okay good but let’s see if we can Take that to the next level now hey And i’m gonna be battling with his Attention and i’ll be prepared to Abandon this training session When teaching him something new because It’s a little controversial Teaching a dog yes something new uh In a brand new environment you know i Think he’s got it in him But we’ll find out but in general you Want to teach new tricks in a Distraction-free environment But he’s doing well so we might be able

To bypass that or Not we’ll find out What’s this you see this going yes just Gonna reward him You see how at first he thought we were Asking for sit pretty but then he’s like Well the treat’s way up there Come on up here yes good boy just Rewarding him for getting up on his hind Legs I know some of you will be wondering Aren’t you encouraging his jumping I would say no because it’s a very Limited specific context it’s not like We’ll be rewarding him when he jumps on People This is the kind of skill that when You’re training it to your dog you don’t Want to overdo it i mean you want to be Very mindful Of their muscles and their joints and All of that but in moderation i think This can be a great thing to teach your Dog Yes okay holy cow that was amazing For him just learning that some dogs Will take to this easier than others Like you kind of have to consider their Anatomy and their physiology based on Your specific dog Okay yes we’re even getting him to walk Which i think that’s typically a little Bit harder so He’s real comfortable walking backwards

That’s pretty common Yes okay good man good boy I think we’ll stop there on that Particular trick but what a great Start to teaching him to walk in his Hind legs very impressed by him Oh looks like we got a couple of dogs Coming back up george Here sit Stay well done sir Look at me okay Not gonna get a look at me that’s i’ll Say Gotta wait for an automatic look at me Yes i knew it was coming okay good boy Did you notice his butt there how it Started to get up but he like seemed to Summon some inner discipline there and Go back into the sit so look how he’s Focused on those birds right now there’s A whole cluster of them George here come Yeah good boy all right here you go Nice big reward for that one he’s doing So well with birds today Here i mean you can see that’s a Dramatic transformation for this Particular training session Because that was a really tough Distraction for him For other dogs they’re like i don’t care About a bird so you have to look at each Dog case by case Looks like we’ve got an off leash dog as

We’re coming over here So far george is doing pretty well George Come no come Good boy good able to call him off a dog Always like that well done so let’s see How george does when we just go Like on a normal walk here on a path With Moderate distractions if you call that a Moderate distraction i mean to a human That’s exciting to see that is a big Boat look at that okay there comes the Pulling so it’s like once we advance Into new territory He really starts pulling ahead And you don’t just go from like pulling Like this to perfect behavior so You have to be tolerant of that in Between phase as you’re working through It we want to trend in the direction of Better Leash walking over this pulling over Time and so in the time that i have him I don’t know that we’re going to be Perfect on this So i’m just trying to feel him out here Like if he pulls for a little bit will He eventually Chill or does he just pull for 20 Minutes straight Okay george too much buddy so The way that i hope to work between this Phase of him

Pulling and walking nicely is just being Able to reliably get his attention George here Look at the ears george come good boy Here good yes You might notice i’m kind of walking Back and forth On this extended path here Just to really familiarize him with it And Hopefully he learns to behave and adjust Good boy george i’m not insisting on a Perfect heel But i think we can make a lot of Progress on it you know George here then right there he’s just I mean gosh Don’t pull me into the river buddy George all right so rather than just Powering through this i just have to let Him explore these waves a little bit He’s really pulling towards those waves That’s what it appears to be it’s not Just the water in general but the moving Water that seems to be getting his Attention and the sounds And of course the smells let me see can I get his attention off the waves I mean i want to be fair to him so you May have never seen waves like this Before George come sit whoa A plus yes Take it good work

Okay george let’s continue shall we go And look at that he’s doing much better Here good Bird well done and here i think he’s Probably Less interested in treats and more Interested in exploring pea spots Okay gross come on be civilized that’s Disgusting Come on george well done good real life Leave it i’m loving those Leash walking is coming along nicely When we first started walking he was a Lot more pully If that’s a word but now that he’s had Time to adjust he’s doing so much better There’s a lot of tension on the leash Right now george come on This way okay so i didn’t say his leash Walking was Perfect but we’re definitely trending in The right direction Good boy not having to use treats with Him right now But he does pull ahead quite a bit there So i’m going to stop Give me attention give me a sit good boy That’s very good stay I’m going to give him a nice long stay How y’all doing Good boy here well done sir Yes okay i’m gonna lure him back to my Side I’m gonna use the treat to encourage him

Here george here Good look at me Yes okay easy Good a little better that time he Adjusts well when you just take the time To communicate with him Good nice loose leash love it Let’s turn around George come on Good boy easy stay really good Stay love that i just threw that stay at Him out of nowhere right there And he looked at me and promptly Responded i’m really proud of his Progress but his leash walking still is Far from perfect and that’s okay Normal unexpected he’s doing so well on His impulse control With those birds i’m seeing a huge Improvement with them his Tricks are just unbelievable he really Does learn fast You know if your dog is unruly in a Place like this i totally get it i Understand you’ve seen me Work with many dogs that were much more Challenging than this out here but i Want to point out With george we’ve been trying to avoid That by working him up to these more Challenging environments And he’s responded really well so if You’re watching a video like this and You feel like hey there’s no way my dog

Would be That good in a place like this then find An easier place to work And take your time there’s no rush Knowing when to give your dog more Freedom In the house is a struggle for a lot of People i mean For this reason right here look at this He’s getting all over our props table He’s still not at the point where he can Totally be trusted To be unsupervised in the house so That’s kind of one of the things i was Hoping to make progress with them On today right now keeping them near me Is pretty easy if i have a toy or some Great treats As you can see here a very common Mistake that we all make is giving our Dog too much freedom too early on in the Training process You might have noticed that’s why i’ve Been using a tie out with george In the house because we have a big open Area here in the house and i need to Keep them contained So this is a nice crate alternative it Gives him lots of room And it phases in behaving in the house Now in general it’s not good enough to Just tie your dog out and hope that They’re going to understand how to Behave

Obviously a dog like george has a lot of Energy so i’m going to show you kind of The process i go through to phase in off Lead time In the house so that they’ll eventually Become reliable and well behaved in the House But when they’re acting like this it Starts with exercise so Let’s go outside real quick ready and go Toys like this are great too you can Play fetch with them you can play tug With them Good boy yeah go So by getting this layer of energy out Of him it’s going to make my job a lot Easier With bully breeds like georgia you want To be extra careful they’re Brachycephalic dogs Meaning their breathing isn’t always as Efficient as some other dogs and Breathing is really important for dogs Because that’s how they stay cool So you can see he’s panting a lot more Relaxed right now i appreciate that So we’re gonna go inside sit i’m gonna Give him something to chew on Now let me see i’m gonna try and keep Him off the tile for a little bit This is a natural chew from our pup box And so what i’m hoping he’s going to do Is kind of relax check out a little bit And just chew on this natural chew for a

Bit i have been giving him stuff like This while tied out But what i’m trying to do here is just Give him a few minutes without being Restrained in the house but being Totally free and experiencing what’s What that’s like I’d like to be able to get up and walk Back here for example while he enjoys His Chew gonna hang out On the chair supervising him nonetheless When you’re trying to teach your dog how To be good in the house and you’re doing House training like this you can get So much bang for your buck by choosing To Address this training when they’re in a Really relaxed Pleasant mood now getting your dog to Just kind of chill out In a contained space is only part of This You know we’ve talked in the past about Doing secondary training sessions that’s Where you must snap into training mode You’ve seen us do that a few times with George when he has a barking outburst Maybe he sees something In the park behind the house here or When he almost destroyed one of these Shoes that i’m currently wearing Thank goodness we intervened or else This would be a very different scene

Right now Meaning that i would have different Shoes on and so you don’t want to let Your guard down with a dog at this point In training when you’re house training Them in terms of potty training with him Things have gone amazingly well because I don’t know when he would have gotten Potty trained he was a stray on the Street He was in the shelter for months i think Just by being consistent And taking him out very often he’s Really put two and two together And he’s been very easy in the potty Training area now one thing we should Probably Follow up on years is does he resource Guard I’m gonna grab one of our pup box Streets here Good i’m just gonna drop that good boy Sit he’s gonna give it back All right here we go good boy All right he’s done with that and so These are little tests That i like to do this was a great one But just because Just because he did really well with That particular test doesn’t mean he is All of a sudden free to roam the house You literally start with a few seconds At a time Of them being unrestrained and

Supervised Before you graduate to more prolonged Examples but i’m going to go ahead and Put that back on Right now but the short answer to Knowing when your dog is free to be left Unsupervised is that you’ve given them So many supervised instances just like This that you’re very confident That they’re likely to behave well You’ll know when the time is right for Your dog It looks like george is starting to Relax a bit more So this is really i mean how it looks While you’re sitting around doing your Work or Whatever it is you do with your life Kind of keep an eye on your dog they are Eventually going to settle down I mean they have to sleep sometimes but You can see if you just look into his Eyes now He’s looking a lot more relaxed i’m Waiting for him to get just a little More chill and then i’m going to go Ahead yeah just about like that I’m going to go ahead and take his lead Off i’m just gonna be quiet and calm Here Relax Not trying to get him excited you know We he’s doing well with stay he’s Learning this concept of relax

Because i’m saying the word relax to him In a specific context Over and over again he’s relaxing so Here we have an early instance of What being off leash in an uncontrolled Environment is like at least in the House uncontrolled in that respect This is where it starts i mean this is The beginning step and then it’s A matter of really doing this over and Over again over many weeks Many months if necessary or just a few Days with some dogs perhaps but With him he’s a wild child he’ll get Into all kinds of stuff if you don’t Keep an eye on them another way that i’m Really trying to set him up for success Is right now Indiana jones and inertia are upstairs Taking their own nap time i really want Him to be the sole focus Of my attention at least as it relates To Training dogs right now it might be a Good idea to have other pets in the House put up when you’re when you’re Doing this For example inertia really likes to play With george she could easily Convince him to do a game of chase in The house which with those two dogs It would still wreak havoc throughout The house if they were doing full-on Chase

So definitely want to discourage that The thing about teaching your dog to Settle down and relax Like this is that it really needs to be Taught when they’re naturally In that frame of mind when they’re Naturally relaxed you can’t Force it however the beauty of this is Over time As you teach your dog relax they’re very Likely to be able to Put the pieces together and summon this Behavior But it’s not taught quickly we do this Through capturing remember Capturing is where you catch your dog Doing something that you like They may not pick up a concept like Settle down and relax As quickly as they might pick up a Luring exercise when we’re teaching Sit or lie down for example but Contextually They will learn over time provided you As their trainer are super consistent And it might not look like much but this Is really A significant step forward for him we’re What 30 minutes in now [Music] He hasn’t changed his position so Pretty good it’s just not getting up Can you relax Just going to ignore him here for a

Second and see if he just kind of checks Out Keeping an eye on him hoping he doesn’t Become amped up just ignore him Breathe Just hoping he’s gonna lie down i don’t Feel like he totally understands what Relax means just yet let’s just wait and See what he does here we’re gonna ignore Him He’s not in an excited state which i Like so i think we have a reasonable Chance of him just Settling down okay so it looks like he’s Probably not gonna go into a Natural lie down and settle here so brie Is going to Give george another chew Hopefully that’ll encourage him to relax We’re gonna see what he does the point Here is to give george experiences Off leash in the house when he is Behaving in the way that we want so Giving him a chew is a great way to get Him naturally to settle down and to be Good On his own it wouldn’t be fair to george To just set him loose without a chew or A toy to occupy him And expect him to just naturally be good Without practice All right good man you did a good job Time to go in your crate now so i’m Gonna put george up

In his crate now because we have Somewhere to go just for a little bit Hopefully he does well come on buddy Look at that heel that’s how it looks Good i’ll take it Throw a treat in there very reliable way To get him and most dogs Into a crate that is unless they’ve Gotten in the habit of being forced into The crate then it might be A bit challenging that’s why you really Want to resist the urge of forcing dogs Into the crate there you go enjoy buddy We’ll be back i’ll give you an update on How he does when we leave him alone Another time get 50 off your first pup Box when you sign up for a multi-month Subscription by going to pupbox.com Zach and using discount code zach Subscribe to my channel get a copy of Both of my books and follow us on Instagram facebook and tick tock all the Links are below and we’ll see all of you In episode 12. not getting that ball Buddy You

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