If, Why, and How You Should Use Treats When Training Your Dog

If, Why, and How You Should Use Treats When Training Your Dog

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You are so hyper today’s video is Sponsored by loving pets like thumbs up For max the fluffy Corgi subscribe to my Channel and pick up a copy of my book if You want the fastest Pat’s training your Dog I wonder if you rub them against the Carpet if he’ll generate electricity Stop being fluffy max is really going Through a major puppy biting stage right Now you can’t have the ball forever so That’s all it takes to get you to stop Biting just give you a belly rub Oh No Smoke too soon I guess today we’re gonna Explore if why and how you should use Treats when teaching your dog so have You ever heard or thought that using Treats to teach your dog is nothing more Than bribing them or that if you start Using treats with them that you’ll Always have to use treats to get them to Listen to you see dogs don’t intuitively Understand that they need to pay Attention to you for sustained periods Of time so that you can teach them Things there’s a couple of ways to get Your dog to listen to you the more Traditional way for example is to force Them to very often through the use of Things like choke pong electric collars That comes with side effects though like Compromising the bond between you and Your dog and the training just isn’t It’s enjoyable as it could be your Long-term goal isn’t to teach your dog

How to sit and stay because they dread The consequence if they don’t your Long-term goal is to show them how to be Fluent in your language and lifestyle Regardless of where you are what you’re Doing or what’s going on around them you Know that I strongly recommend having an Awesome currency to effectively teach Your dog I mean good treats combined With a fun optimistic attitude are Likely to ignite progress today I’m Using these these are brand new their Hound ations training treats and they’ve Got to be the most convenient treats That you can find I haven’t even opened Them yet why are you trying you can’t Eat them in bag dude why don’t you Puppies understand that look how easy They open and they feel closed you want To have the best currency possible so Let’s see which one max prefers you got Chicken beef lamb duck and salmon so That’s how about max seems to like all The flavors pretty equally so I think I’ll use the salmon treats a good Training treat should always be really Soft – that’s because you want to be Able to reward them frequently sometimes And you don’t want to wait on them to Crunch him up and lose momentum on your Training session every pack comes with This carabiner so that you can easily Attach them you just open it and attach It and you can literally train your dog

All day these are grain wheat gluten And corn free and they’re made in the USA if you have a puppy especially Finding tiny reasons to reward them Throughout the day is key but if you Don’t have the easiest possible access To treats then you’re definitely going To miss opportunities you get these Foundations training treats from pet Flo And other major retailers and I’m gonna Have a special link and a discount code In the description that’ll give you 10% Off your order So let’s go over how we get our dog now Pay attention to a treat to listening to Us in order to get a treat to eventually Listening to us without a treat at all Let’s just say your dog is brand new to Training your first order of business is Just to get your dog looking in your Direction at first so I’ve got a treat Right here and we’ll see if we can do That with max look at this wherever that Treat goes he’s kind of paying attention To it and just to make sure that he Knows I’m fair I’m gonna reward him hey Over here see that some critics might Say that hey the dogs just paying Attention to the treat not you and these Are only stages of training that’s true That’s absolutely correct this is a way To just get them focusing in your General direction think about an infant For example you might rattle some keys

Or use a baby toy just to get them Focusing on your general area and when You have your dog’s attention even if They’re focused on their treat that buys You time to get their attention Off of the treat and on to you the Treats are just a catalyst for igniting That communication what are you doing so We’re gonna do just a quick Leaveit session it’s exactly what I’m Trying to teach you how not to do like They’re I’m gonna teach him that leaving It alone is what gets him the treat yes Good boy Yes good alright so his leave it looks Fantastic So now I’m gonna try and get the Attention off of the tree and onto my Face hey max leave it alone yes good That was a really good moment right There because he stopped looking at the Tree looked to me for direction and That’s what we eventually want to do That’s the first glimmer of progress This is probably one of the most potent Magical exercises you can do with your Dog especially if they’re neuter Training look at me up no not the camera Look at me yes yes right there I didn’t Even have to ask him to look at me just Then so after we get a dog motivated to Follow a treat eat a tree and enjoy the Treat our next step is to teach them to Earn the tree that’s not earning the

Treatment and I’d hypothesize them right Now There’s probably lots of good brain Chemicals going through his bloodstream And he’s probably feeling pretty good Right now This will likely get max eagerly paying Attention to me number one voluntarily And number two for sustained periods of Time and when training is fun you should Notice a dramatic change in your dog’s Attention span so let’s cover the third Step once you have your dog’s attention On you max up here now you’re in a Position to teach them stuff max we’re Gonna learn how to lie down the lure you Into a down good Hey look at me it’s Work I’m just continually asking for Max’s attention just to get them in the Habit of routinely looking to me for Direction I’ve got him in a mid rollover Let me see if I can get him looking into My eyes hey max look at me look at me Look at that mid rollover I’m getting His attention you have to get your dog’s Attention in easy circumstances like in Your living room when there aren’t Barking dogs when you’re not out in Public before you can really expect them To listen to you in more distracting Situations and there gonna be times Where your dog looks to you naturally Without you even asking them to do so It’s really important to go out of your

Way to acknowledge that you appreciate That your dog is looking at you in those Circumstances as well and when you have Treats on you all the time becomes a lot Easier the idea is that your dog doesn’t Anticipate when you’re going to ask him Or her to look at you the more you can Get your dog looking at you voluntarily And spontaneously the better at first Your dog learns I do this I get a treat And in fact your dog comes two weeks Expect a treat and again that’s fine at This stage of training this period needs To go on longer than most realize say Six to 12 months why because they don’t Really have context yet there are no Shortcuts to showing your dog how to Behave in specific situations and it Definitely takes time to establish Context true dog training comes down to Showing your dog how to behave in so Many different situations and places Over time it really is a marathon and Having good treats with you to keep your Dog enthused about that marathon really Goes a long way step four is phasing out Treats over time see as your dog becomes More and more reliable and behaves as You want for treats then you start Giving them less treats this doesn’t Happen at one time though but through Intermittent rewarding in short you go From rewarding your dog frequently to Less frequently while randomly adjusting

The rate at which you reward during any Given training session so I made them do All of those things right there for one Treat and that’s how you start slowly Phasing out treats over time now Remember when you change environments or Things get really exciting you have to Go back to being extra generous with Your treats at first because you have All these variable changes and it’s Different and harder for them so what About times when your dog won’t take Treats for example maybe they’re really Distracted or really excited don’t take This to mean that your dog lacks Motivation to work for treats this Almost always means you just put them in A situation where they don’t know how to Behave just yet and the excitement’s Just too much for that this is normal in These cases work in less intense Scenarios where your dog will take Treats and gradually build up to more Distracting training over time be Methodical and consistent and of course Provide significant exercise before your Dog is likely to be in those positions Now food isn’t the only currency that You have to use when teaching your dog Why are you biting me You can also reward your dog with really Intense play for a few seconds at a time Or often you can even use their Environment to provide him an amazing

Outcome to desire baby even wants to Bite something that’s okay he just Doesn’t know what’s off-limits and What’s okay to buy so we got to teach Him that that’s the thing with puppies You just got to teach them everything Get your loving pets foundations treats At pet flow and other major retailers I’ll have a link and this Code in the description click thumbs up For max the Corgi he did a great job Today subscribe to my channel thank you For supporting us on patreon too and buy My book we’ll see you guys in the next Video good job buddy Did you know Porky’s were the most Ancient herding dog and we believe that Corgis were descended from husky like Dogs you don’t look anything like a Husky stop evolving you’re getting too Fluffy

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