I’m Training These 3 Things Right Now!

I’m Training These 3 Things Right Now!

I’m training my dog a few things today! Thanks PupBox for sponsoring this episode! Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a multi-month subscription!

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There it is see that that’s a nice tug Good shake off I’m Zak Jorge I trained Dogs this is my new dog and I’m gonna Show you how I train her from day one Things definitely won’t always go Smoothly You can start from the beginning or you Can pick up anywhere subscribe and hit The bell notification so you never miss An episode when you put into motion an Approach based on love and respect your Results will forever remain in motion This is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience Today we’re gonna work on continuing to Increase a nurses desire to play we’ll Also see how she’s doing during bath Time and I’m going to attempt to start Teaching her a new trick – she’s been so Conditioned that when she sees her pup Box she gets real excited you don’t know Pup box is a monthly subscription box They give you age specific items that Make it easier to train your dog and you Get this guide every single month as Well that keeps you on track with your Training I mean look at this a bat kind Of scrubber this is a way to like really Effectively scrub your dog in a way That’s comfortable for them what is that We’re gonna use this definitely that’s a Nice one quality product and chicken Hearts this is a delicacy in many parts Of the world just so you know

Go get your toy let’s see how that Retrieve is looking all right she’s got It come on girl let’s go good you want This perfect let’s give a little reward For that you want a chicken hearts That’s a real chicken heart phone so you Put food in this they roll it around and Food comes out so for example if your Dog is dealing with separation anxiety Or they bark when you leave the room Giving them a toy like this is likely to Keep them really preoccupied so I have a Whole month’s worth of supplies here to Use to motivate inertia and to care for Her and train her so I’m really glad pup Box exists pup box is gonna give all of You 50% off of your first pup box when You sign up for a three six or 12 month Subscription just go to pup box.com Slashes act and enter discount code Zach I’ll have that linking code in the Description I’m gonna try something new Today we’re gonna go on a frisbee walk And see how that goes so first we walk Is well I don’t know because I think I Just invented it but I noticed that when We’re on She sometimes gets randomly interested In playing and jumping and biting and I Think I can convert that enthusiasm into Drive for the frisbee that’s my Objective is just to periodically take Advantage of times when she’s naturally Into playing to see if I can really

Intensify her intensity in the game We’re doing it just a normal walk as far As she’s concerned letting her spell Around letting her get adjusted to the Outdoors I’m prepared with my frisbee Over here when she decides she wants to Play let me just see something let’s Let’s try to get a baseline sample here For a second let’s see if I can get her Playing tug with the frisbee on demand That’s it let’s look at that playground Ready let’s try a roller she’s more Likely to go after a roller like that Than she is a frisbee being thrown in The air so that’s good but tug-of-war is Actually what I’m really after right now Because tug is what really evolves into Intensity when it comes to frisbee so I Have limited tug right now but she’s Pretty interested so I also take it come Around ready go Nike it’s a good effort Huh good job but see how she just drops It and loses interest that’s something We’re trying to improve yeah go get it Come on get it see that tugs a little Lame right now got to get a more intense Tug she’s not really grabbing it and Holding on that’s what I want Come on all right there it is see that That’s a nice tug good good and that tug Is a real symbol of intensity good let Go just watch this nice effort really Good that’s it see a little bit more Interested in the frisbee inertia this

Way come on come on good yes good look At that tug nice go ahaha good catch That’s one of our best ones right there So far and see that’s the thing with With Grisby and a dog like inertia it Can take a good bit to get them into it By stopping when she’s at peak interest I think we’re gonna increase the odds That she’ll be more interested in it Next time – good girl get it good let go And we’re gonna stop right there so we Keep a really interested and then we’ll Revisit this maybe in a little bit since It inertia is only 7 months old and not Fully grown yet Frisby lessons like this or kept pretty Short and low intensity for now she Stumbled on another frisbee that I Brought out inertia this would be a Significant moment let go Yes leave it come here what’s this this Would literally mark the very first time That inertia has disregarded the frisbee She’s playing with and decided to go After the additional frisbee good come On what’s this oh boy What do we got here that does a lot Because you’re introducing a new Dimension to the game using multiple Frisbees which will peak many dogs Interests secondly it lets you set up Lots of different exercise options for Your dog and cool fancy patterns see how She’s like dying off a little bit let me

See if I can get her more into the game By playing tug yes yeah see this is why Tuck is important because if you take a Step back and start playing tug and Getting them really interested in you Then they’re more likely to be engaged In the game go see just like that look At that that’s how you get yourself a Catch one of my next medium-term goals With frisbee is to get her playing with More than one disc at a time it’s a Really great way to keep frisbees super Extra interesting by introducing Multiple frisbees let go yes come around Good go See see how unnatural that is because She’s like I was playing with this one And I want to go after that one that Means leaving another one behind come on Let’s go yes come on look at that Good inertia hey come on what’s this What’s that get it yeah see what I mean You can do stuff like that maybe we Should just try to do the double for fun And see what our expression is like the Double disc throw is exactly what it Sounds like it’s a freestyle frisbee Move in frisbee competitions that only a Handful of dogs can actually pull off I wonder if inertia ever will Go one and oh do you see that she went For the first one I was hoping that she Might glance at the second one go okay So we’ve got a long way to go before she

Can catch this double but she’s showing Promise yeah that’s a nice tag there we Go so after a little break – look at That intensity so her intensity is Increasing slowly but surely come around And one more go good and on a success While she’s still into it Keep her wanting more by giving your dog An appropriate outlet for their energy Like fetch and following a few other Guidelines you can resolve all kinds of Unwanted behaviors if you want all of my Dog training advice in one place pick up Both of my books and subscribe to this Channel I’ll have links in the Description so why don’t we check and See how inertia is doing in the bath It’s been a while since we’ve done a Bath update I’ve given inertia several Baths at this point and while she does Have some nervousness in the bath she Generally does very well but it’s still A delicate process so I think it’s Really important to tread pretty lightly During this bath it’s a temperature Right girl yes very good I’m gonna go Real gentle since you know it’s normal For dogs throughout that first year to Feel a little nervous of the water and Everything so we’re gonna go nice and Slow with her you really understanding See this reassurance feel nice and Remember we’ve worked up to this Overtime by giving inertia lots of

Treats and positive experience along With her baths even though she’s a Little more nervous here I’ve given her enough that’s where I Feel like she’s going to recover in a Moment but if your dog were extremely Nervous you would want to go even slower Than this weight job you’re so dirty This reminds me that I probably need to Use a non-slip surface or inertia in the Future you can see here that inertia may Be feeling a little bit anxious here by The way she’s licking her lips Repetitively though it might also be the Water I got on her face to be mindful of Body language like lip licking and Yawning when you’re training your dog in A potentially stressful situation this Is your cue to go easy She’s pretty tolerant of the bath I Really think that’s because I was really Cautious and careful about introducing Her to the bath and making it a fun Experience good girl I’d say she’s wet enough now I’ve been Using this shampoo I’m almost out of it But I got this in a puff box as well and I love it so we’re gonna get her all set It up we got this bath scrubber in our Puff box so I’m really anxious to use This I love this one this is nice it’s Really easy to grip to but it really Allows you to get all the way through to Their skin rather than just rubbing you

Know and it really allows you to get Super good suds and she’s loving it most Dogs seem to love it in he will happy I Mean she’s doing really well you think She’s seven months old right now and She’s very tolerance for the bath weight Good girl good thing about bath time too It’s a really good time to build trust With your dog and really build Communication with them you can see how Our training is coming together I asked Her to wait even though you know she Doesn’t want to it’s also a really good Time to teach them how to shake off on Cue hmm shake off I’m gonna capture the Behavior hey you did a great job can you Shake off shake off okay she doesn’t Quite know that one ready and shake off Shake off today I hope to train the Inertia how to sit pretty you know That’s where they sit on their button They do this and hopefully hold that Position but the thing about teaching Sit pretty is there’s a lot of muscle Memory involved with it so it’s not the Type of thing you typically train in one Session I’m gonna be using a clicker Today remember the click just means good Dog I like that you win a piece of meat I think it’s extra important to use a Clicker in the beginning stages of Training especially if you’re new to Training a dog because it helps you get Better with timing naturally your dog is

Gonna have to know how to sit before you Can teach you sit pretty so that’s a Prerequisite so let’s see where she is Really what I’m watching here are her Hips over here to make sure she’s nice And balanced not leaning to one side not One leg tucked under the other because You want her to have a good foundation I’m continuing to click and reward here Just to let her know I like that she’s Engaged and paying attention to me while I’m talking to you good so I’m gonna Lure her and I’m watching to see if both Of these feet get up off the ground get It yes did you see that they just barely Got up and I genuinely have never done a Sit pretty training session with inertia Because until now she’s been too young And what’s up yes good and you might Notice over here she keeps trying to Play dead she’s being a little bitey Right now a little frustrated cuz she’s Like wait I thought I learned all of the Tricks so there’s still few more to Learn so I have to really be patient With her okay I like to play dead – That’s alright and it’s okay to go ahead And reward the initiative – that’s the Kind of thing you just have to figure That out with your own dog sometimes It’s okay to reward the initiatives Sometimes you want to withhold just Depending on a variety of factors Minimizing frustration is a pretty good

Thing I’m loving the way that play dead Is looking good job come alive no no Come alive good job you might notice I’m Not saying sit pretty or anything like That because she doesn’t yet understand The whole trick so really I’m just Focused on getting her into position and Just letting her know when she’s doing Something I like by clicking and Rewarding will teach her the actual word Later yes good let me see if I can get Her to hold that position a little bit More oops Luring her up I’m okay that time I did Elect to go ahead and reward her even Though she broke that sit position just To keep her engaged it’s all about the Lure would sit pretty if you go too high They jump up off the ground like that And we don’t want them jumping up I mean When we teach her to walk on her hind Legs if we ever do that would be good But that’s not what we’re focused on Right now so it’s just I mean you want To keep that Lourdes glued to their nose Yes yes good I accidentally clicked Twice there but that was perfect Sometimes I get really excited over These things that was actually my goal For this training session just a little Bit of extra effort to hold that Position so I’m gonna keep that lure Really yes good that was awesome Let me keep the momentum going yes do

You see how clumsy she is when she goes Up there the muscle memory takes time You can’t do that in one training Session even though I’m holding a small Treat in my hand I’m still not letting Inertia access it until I click that’s When I’ll release a little piece of the Treat for her to nibble on yes I don’t Even mind that she’s grabbing onto my Arm there if that helps her that’s fine To help her balance we try a bigger Piece of treat gear and see if I can Encourage her to nibble on it yeah nope I don’t like the way she’s sitting so Home yes good good each time I’m Clicking here I’m releasing a bit of the Tree good girl we’re off to a good start On sit pretty I’ll continue to work with Her on that and hopefully we’ll see that Get better if you want to see how Inertia is doing today follow us on Tick-tock and Instagram go to papac’s Comm slash zak and then our discount Code zak to get fifty percent off of Your first pup box subscribe to my Channel and get my books for all of my Training advice in one place in our next Episode we’ll see how an Ursa is doing On her neighborhood walk and much more [Music]

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