It’s the MOST DANGEROUS PLACE to Train, But I Have to Do It!

It’s the MOST DANGEROUS PLACE to Train, But I Have to Do It!

Training in dangerous settings can be stressful, but it’s important to prioritize training in places like this before you actually HAVE to do it. This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at

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Oh boy it’s a complete disaster now Let’s go yes ha ha And stay I’m Zack George I trained dogs This is my new dog and I’m gonna show You how I train her from day one things Definitely won’t always go smoothly you Can start from the beginning or you can Pick up anywhere subscribe and hit the Bell notifications so you never miss an Episode when you put into motion an Approach based on love and respect your Results will forever remain in motion This is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience In today’s episode we’re gonna take a Walk in a moderately busy city setting And see how inertia does when you have a Dog you have to regularly care for them By training them and exercising them and Feeding them well there are lots of Great dog foods on the market to choose From and you can be sure that pet Flo Will have the one you want the thing That makes a pet Flo different is that They can easily make sure that your Dog’s food is there when you need it by Ordering it just one time choose the Food that you want and you just tell Peplow how often you want it delivered Once or twice a month for example Andrew Codes at 30 at checkout and you’ll get $10 off your first three automatic Shipments I’ll have the link in details In the description below so you guys

Might remember we have a new place here In Atlanta and I’m trying to get inertia Acclimated with all of the new variables That we have to train around down here I Got this place on one hand because we Have a park in the back which is great For dog training but the downside is we Have a busy road out here so today’s Training environment is going to require Me to train around loud fast moving cars And unexpected distractions which you Invariably get everytime you go in Public let’s make sure inertia knows how To state the doorway when I open it stay This is something we’ve been working a Lot on very good awesome and I want to Point out to you that’s for today’s Training lesson I have an extra safety Attachment right here just a d-ring you Can get these online just about anywhere Just in the unlikely event I find myself In a position where I let go of the Leash I’m gonna actually hold this for a Sec I really want to ingrain in her Psyche that she is never to walk out of This door without permission we’re Trying to come up with random exciting Distractions in an effort to ensure that Inertia will stay under the most Exciting circumstances we can simulate Ok Bree would you mind distracting her Yes good work stay so this is what it Looks like from our perspective guys Stay good normally inertia goes running

They’re very good ok let’s go I would Classify this as a really advanced Training environment immediately she’s Distracted by the ground sense the Ground is more distracting when it’s wet Than it is when it’s dry let me see Ok inertia come here there ya go back up Sit so I’m gonna get a little peppy I’m Gonna let her know look I got something Better than the ground that you’re gonna Enjoy more all you have to do is pay Attention to me this is literally the First time I’ve done this exercise out Here and my goal is just to make sure That I can get our attention at will as Cars drive by our ultimate destination Today is an outdoor shopping mall that’s Pretty close by I’d love to make it that Far but if inertia is sending me signals Saying you know I’m not feeling this Training session I’m fully prepared to Abandon it so this is kind of different Than my typical leash training session In that we actually do have a Destination ok let’s go I’m not going to insist on a heel Straightaway I just want to make sure That she stays kind of close you might Notice too I’ve shortened the leash Considerably I’m holding it over here Because we’re on a sidewalk we don’t Have unlimited space let me make sure I Can get her eyes on me inertia look at Me

This is great very urban environment Here I’m able to get her attention ok Let’s go You see wait so you got a little ahead Of me there let me see if I can get her To voluntarily come back in our sheykh Come here please thank you can you come Here because I work with inertia so much I can tell she’s a little distracted so I’m falling back on a food lure here to Help keep her attention on me over the Next several weeks I’ll begin phasing Out the lures as she becomes more adapt Into places like this inertia come here Let’s go back here good this way come on Sometimes getting into a rhythm Getting a little peppier liven things up Come on that’s it good girl come on this Way that’s almost good up here ready Good girl periodically I’ll ask her to Wait when she starts to pull ahead like That inertia wait she’s really good About listening to weight most of the Time so have a loose leash here Let her explore a little bit but I also Don’t want her just pulling ahead I’m Trying to kind of keep it casual mixed With a little bit more formal so I don’t Overwhelm her because I’m also trying to Desensitize her to all of this traffic At the same time I am throwing a lot at Her so I want to be really conscious of That now I’m not saying that every walk Should look like this this is a training

Walk where I’m really focused on Instilling rules but sometimes you just Have to let your dog walk smell and just Be a dog Big truck It hits the trees as it goes by this is Our first little intersection right here That we’ve had to practice at I wanted To make sure that inertia really Improves on split-second decisions when It comes to listening to me I know I Have a significant crosswalk coming up At a very very busy intersection so I Think I want to practice here a little Bit to make sure I can get her paying Attention to me stay so right there I Mean there you go she started to walk Ahead I had her on leash I had to brace To make sure that she didn’t advance That’s why we train here’s another one Stay okay let’s go inertia look at me I’m gonna turn around as though I have To inertia look over here come on let’s Go let’s go yes good come on this way That’s right come here Stay back up good back up back up good Okay come on let’s go You’re doing great you’re doing great I’m doing a lot of turns half way Because I want that option in the real World in case the car is coming and I Have to hurry up and get out of the way For example and as challenging as this Driveway was our next intersection is

Much busier easy focus I have tension Immediately going into this she’s like Pulling towards me so I got to get that Under control stay I mean ideally in the Future you approach an intersection like This you have a nice loose leash at all Times oh we got to go hey inertia oh Gosh this is hi how are you this is a Train wreck right here Look at me okay come on I got her Attention for a split second there at The end but she was like smelling and Dragging and pulling me I think I need To practice up a little bit more it Makes perfect sense too if you think About it because it’s a crazy Environment you walk in there’s giant Vehicles moving past you they’re so loud Why would she want to look at me when There’s all of that going around so Here’s a bus they tend to be kind of Loud So let’s see how she does when this bus Starts accelerating but on another note Her sit stay here at this intersection Is great spending a few minutes here can Be very valuable for your training I Mean surrounded by cars on all sides Inertia good perfect inertia come on Let’s go let’s go yes and stay I’ll take It I think for her first time for this Kind of training session she did really Well I’m not gonna push her much further Now let’s see if we can make it to the

Outdoor mall and see how she does in the Crowded parking lot I don’t want her Pulling me but I’m going to be a little Relaxed here on what I ask of her right Off the bat here people are making a Left in here I’ve got my dog pulling you Can’t do that stay yes thank you all Right coast is clear Yes let’s let’s jog there’s a nice Little jog I love it I want to make sure That she can generally pay attention to Me here in the parking lot this is the Least congested part of it easy there’s Debris all over the grounds this way Come on Yes inertia you are killing it right now I’m not even asking for a heel and she’s Like I’ll do that I can readily get her Attention right here in this part of the Parking lot I’m ready to move on there’s A store in the mall here they’re pretty Dog friendly in this part of town I’d Like to see how she does in a store if She continues to be this cooperative but Cohen downhill is gonna be extra tough Yes I’m gonna really acknowledge that I Like that she’s showing restraint Downhill because it’s so easy for a dog To pull when you’re walking downhill She’s a little riled up right now easy See that really insistent pulling is Where I’m gonna stop easy And here we are okay let’s go in here so We’re here at Ansley wine-merchants

Right now and they’re super dog friendly So it’s a great way to train in a new Indoor environment you could see she’s Like really interested in everything Right now little anxious here the Whining right now I just want her to Explore and hopefully not knock over Bottles of wine now that she’s adjusted A bit let me see if I can get her Attention on me yeah Stan okay yes stay Back up good After like thirty seconds of being in The air I was able to get her to readily Pay attention to me in a place that She’s not very familiar with remember a Way to measure your dog’s compliance is Will they do a variety of the tricks or Skills that they know when you ask them To in different environments hug oh look At that first attempt nice job we’re Gonna get us a bottle of champagne here You can’t drink you’re not 21 yet let’s Go this way Over here come on here we go Hey remember inertia still gets excited When meeting new people and this can Catch even me off-guard sometimes boy Okay it’s all it’s a complete disaster Now leave it alone oh goodness gracious She was doing so well obviously we have Work to do can you be more exciting Again like you just did and I want to See if I can have her stay I want Inertia to stay when she’s asked to even

When she’s invited to jump by strangers And this person is willing to help me Out so I’ll take it Very good much better very good so yeah It took a little bit of work and that’s The thing ultimately you know you want Your dog listening to you not not Whatever’s going on in the world we First came up here she was pretty amped Up but after she got satisfied here and Adapted she tended to settle down Naturally I think we’re headed in the Right direction That was inertias most serious city Training session yet I think she really Did an awesome job give her a thumbs up If you thought so in the next episode We’re gonna continue to work with Inertia and busy distracting settings And take her to an even busier city Setting here in New Orleans for her Biggest test yet get $10 off your first Three automatic shipments from pet flow By entering discount codes at 30 and if You want to see how far inertia has come Since we filmed even this but Yo follow us on Instagram and tik-tok Where everything is updated in real-time Subscribe to this channel and click the Bell to get notified whenever we post a New video and get a copy of both my Books for all of my most detailed dog Training advice in one place I’ll have All of the relevant links in the

Description below and we’ll see you guys Next time [Music]

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