Puppy Training with Roux

Puppy Training with Roux

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Click thumbs up if you’re enjoying our Vlogs in a few minutes we’ve got a Pretty fun dog we think coming over so I Actually don’t know a lot about this dog Rachel found him for us Rachel’s our director of photography his Name is Roo and he’s 12 weeks old he is A mutt they say he is essentially the Dog emoji do you know what the dog emoji Looks like he does look like the dog Emoji I know I told you I was pretty Accurate yeah what energy level is this Dog they say 7 out of 10 but most people Say somewhere between 7 and 9 he has a Short attention span and he wants to Chew on everything he is sweet goofy and Courageous with environments he knows And a bit timid in environments that He’s not familiar with so we’ll see how He does today this is Ruth a puppy check Him out A big rabbit go over there there’s a Little tug that’s the first time he’s a Little hesitant to bite it real hard it Seems that’s probably just cuz he’s Being shy right now I’m guessing this is The first time I’ve seen his eyes here So he’s got a great eyes look at those Yeah let’s see if he might inadvertently Pick up the toy you know what I mean can You do it can you do it yeah good job I’ll take that almost did you see thank You mainland efforts is I’m gonna treat That as though he fetched I definitely

Want him in that direction Okay character yes right there Ian’s you See that fetch that was amazing right There get it root fine I’ll take that Too just the fact that he’s like coming Back to me while playing is really Exciting so that’s good have you been Working on roll over okay let’s see how Roll over looks Yah-yah-yah can’t be bacon it’s like oh I don’t even know that I’m doing Anything it’s pagan we’ll take that you Want to come back the other way Excellent good job rue you’re so smart One thing that I like to do with every Dog that I meet when I’m considering Them for video is to see how quickly They respond to leave it have you Already done leave it with him I’ve got A treat in my hand good yes listen to That wonder if the mic was a right there He just left it alone for he left it Alone for just a brief moment they’re Gonna sit good funny how he does that I’m just trying to get him I can see it I think yeah I think he’s getting Frustrated with the scratching I think That’s what it cuz it’s happening right At that moment where it’s like wait That’s the part where I get a treat what Did I do wrong That’s a common thing that you see is Scratching behavior like that and that Oh yeah

Ya know I mean sometimes they just have An itch but I’ve seen it happen in that Exact moment yes you watch come here and You can see right now he’s like I don’t Get what you want I want to go by my mom So I’m gonna chill out a little bit Hey oh hey thank you then yeah can you Sit good boy Nice work so I’m trying to preempt the Frustration there and just keep things Positive one – lets go – look at me good Eye contact leave it up here good job so I was able to get his eyes on me there With treats right in front of them so That’s always one of the first things I Like to try to accomplish with most dogs Got a little bit of a glance there okay Can I give us don’t got his eyes on me When he looked your mom over there so That was extra good good so great let’s Play I’m gonna go back to playing with Him right now this will be a key moment Here will he play right after eating do We have a dual currency puppy on our Hands Maybe so look at that same training Session working for treats and play That’s probably more common with puppies Senators with adult dogs because they’re So eager to use their mouths this age Which is why I like to really prioritize Tug training while there are extra by t Show them what’s okay to bite on look at Him go for it with the food he was kind

Of in and out he was like yeah you know Sometimes I’m into that sometimes I’m Not but he really seems to be interested In the toys that’s it yeah there you go You lie down Oh perfect bacon okay So yeah we got to sit and lie down there Maybe we should do a video with him on The value of rewarding with toys puppies Grow up so fast so we really try to take Action when we get access to a young Puppy to to really get a great video Made with lots of life lessons I know That for so many people it’s those first Few weeks that are just so challenging And they have such a tough time when we Have the opportunity to feature a young Puppy especially an energetic one that’s An opportunity we try to take advantage Of we’re gonna take a few of your Questions here I’m just gonna pick them At random on my YouTube dashboard so Your dashboard is where all of the Questions from all of our videos show up Right are you ever in the Fort Myers Area we’d love to take you to lunch and Meet you if you’re ever over here no I Don’t think I’ve ever been to Fort Myers But thank you but I’ll tell you what if You ever come from New Orleans you can Buy me lunch here you should get a dog And show how you teach them everything And put it in a playlist that will no Doubt to happen at some point in the Future when I do get a brand new dog and

Just teach him or her everything but That’s not yet right now because we Still have three dogs and that’s More than enough that’s why I think my Current playlist how to teach your dog All the basics in order and beyond is The right way to go if we feature all Those different personalities and energy Levels and just the variation is much More effective for the average person at Home because every dog is different so Having one dog and walking you through Everything I can see that being Beneficial but I think the real Advantages in having lots of dogs The variety yep that’s where the fun is However if you do want to see just one Dog and a bunch of videos we also have a Jacob play low oh yeah Jacob the rescue Dog oh there he is that’s Jacob that’s My dad’s dog he’s a shelter dog that my Dad took home maybe almost two years ago Now and we’ve done a number of videos With him and we have them all in a Playlist so if you want to see him Learning everything there is a Jacob Playlist available I love your videos Could you make one with a west highland Terrier I’m sure we’ll make a video with A west highland terrier at some point And I think we have in the past you Beignet was a wet sea right we do have Some nice videos of beignet that’s true I would say to the rest of you don’t get

So hung up on on the kinds of breeds or Mixed breeds that we use in videos it’s Really much more about the individual Dog’s personality and particularly their Energy level can give you a lot of clues As to help how to approach training this Question is from Amos Leah we have a Very hyper dog that we take on runs Daily but winter is coming you’re gonna Say to me the winter is coming so what’s The question okay how do we make sure That she gets her daily exercise with The extreme cold and snowfall coming in The next few months well let her run Away from all the white walkers and then She’ll be okay I know this is easy for Me to say I live down here in New Orleans the South where we don’t even See snow but I have lived in colder Climates like Atlanta which is okay Still the south but we get snow there at Least I’m from Alaska That’s true yet snow there yep that’s True then what did you do with your dog Lucky when you were growing up well she Was a husky so it didn’t she had a very Thick coat and the snow didn’t bother Her at all I’m sure they’re exceptions To this but dogs especially hyper Energetic dogs who like to get out there And play aren’t very sensitive to the Cold weather it’s more than heat we have To really work around so you know it’s It can be pretty uncomfortable for us

But so what we just need to bundle up Get out there and work with them as Often as possible and you know just buy The right clothes and everything to make Sure that you can do that because you Can’t stop exercising just because the Weather is cold of course you know if You’ve got an extreme blizzard coming Through then you might have to set that Out in hot weather conversely you know You want to get out there really early In the day just before sunrise and take Lots of breaks and keep their head nice And wet so they stay nice and cool yep There are some fun winter sports you can Do with your dog like ski drawing is one Where you cross-country ski and your dog Can run alongside you Curling game dogs – curling the push Broom thing everybody likes curling no It’s such a weird sport dogs can play Frisbee in the snow absolutely I hope You guys are enjoying our vlogs lately Flick thumbs up to let us know that You’re enjoying them you know now that We’re at a million subscribers we’re Getting so many more questions and Everything and there’s no way to answer Them all but this is a way to at least Try to Thumbs up for roo-roo is so cute see you In the next video

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