Teach Your Dog 5 Things in 5 Minutes!

Teach Your Dog 5 Things in 5 Minutes!

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This video is a quick highlight from a recent couple of classes I conducted. There are tons of examples of real dogs learning new things here.

There are pros and cons to having a big Class on one hand you have to manage Them but on the other hand for the People to be working with their dogs in A very distracting situation it’s kind Of a blessing in disguise because our Training doesn’t really mean much unless They’ll do it when they’re distracted so That is the benefit to having a big Class Don’t touch it Uh what did i say No please leave that alone That’s not right no that’s not right That’s right yes very good do you see This This is a chihuahua yorkie right here I mean it’s a dog Click and reward that in the initial Stages and then ask for more and more as He Really As he succeeds Why did i click zam did not sit Down he almost did exactly he’s on the Right track and it’s important to let Our dogs know when they’re on the right Track Yes almost Very good and i didn’t i’m not saying Sit sit sit Yes very good sit it was brief but it Was there Yep that’s it

And you can kind of lure her closer Yeah Almost almost yeah but that’s it you got The right idea your tone the way you Talk to her is perfect it’s important to Actually kind of let them nibble on the Treat as you’re lowering them into a Down so it’s like this yes it’s good Very good Yes lie down very good do you see that That’s all we’re encouraging them to do He’ll sit but he won’t lie down right Watch with a hyper dog like this it’s All about timing all right you got to be Quick so Ah do you see that instantly are you Doing that are you really quick like That nope sit Ah sit Nope sit Huh eventually i’m gonna go a little Slower i’m just letting them lick my Hand do you see that ah and i’m holding The treat Yes good i’m gonna reward that because It was better than the last time I’m going to get a little lower i’m Going to put the training bubble in the Back because what i’m doing isn’t Working as fast as i think it should so I’m going to get back down here nope Sit Up nope Yes that was my do you see how he almost

Did it yep that was close Nope There we go doing well doing well Yes Yes good good good much better do you See the progress here You told me he hadn’t sat in six years And now he’s sitting on command every Once in a while he’ll do up and down for Me too how are we doing on leave it he What Sit wait leave it alone Nope I got all that Yes Yes very good Watch that’s it Don’t touch this What are you talking about you say he Never does it at home that was beautiful It’s all about communication what that Means what that tells me is you need to Get your communication tighter which is Why you’re here Very good don’t make him wait for an Eternity before you give it to him in The initial stages don’t touch it That is real meat look at that boom you Are awesome i told you he’s awesome look At these hops That’s what i want to breathe that’s What i’m doing well he all right is he Getting his exercise Yeah okay

But he does this all the time Okay well we’re gonna cover jumping next Week okay if that’s what you’re i think That’s one of the things Stay with distractions and come when Called we’re gonna cover come one called Now and stay with distractions next week And this week all of you can see this I’m not gonna move him stay Stay That was one Stay one two three Stay one two three four five i almost Pushed into failure there it’s very Important that your dog does not fail More than one time in a row The reason for that is if we get in this Habit of this constantly correcting them Training isn’t as fun for them and they Learn at a much slower rate can you see A sit stay You can do this Hand signal one two click reward Bam Six years old am i right yes six years Old learning sit and stay with the first Time and doing it well doing it well With him you’ve got to kind of call him And do it up i remember come on let’s go Come here come on come on yes up you got To be more animated with them i think i Remember that last week the way we Repair a relapse is by reinstituting the Training bubble getting back down and

Pretending we haven’t taught it to them And starting over it’ll take just a Minute but make that extra effort to get Back down there to communicate with them Any time that you see them saying nah i Don’t want to do it even though i’ve Demonstrated that i know what you’re Asking in the past does that make sense That one thing will save you so much and It’s something you don’t hear a lot About though just get back close to them And refine it a little bit and that’s What i consider my job to be to teach People how to communicate with their Dogs it’s not about teaching sit or stay Or come when calls or any of that it’s About how to understand our dogs on a Case-by-case an individual basis anyway If you’re liking these videos make sure You’re subscribed also leave a comment Below let me know that you like it That’s how i always know and click Thumbs up like me on facebook too Facebook.com slash the zac george and We’ll see you in the next video bye guys

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