The 2 Most Important Things Every Dog Should Know

The 2 Most Important Things Every Dog Should Know

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More detailed lessons on the things covered in this video:

An introduction to clicker training:
Stay for a period of time only:
Stay with distance in more detail:
Tips on teaching your dog to come when you ask:

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This video features some wonderful dogs including Sassy, the Bichon, and Rosco, the Yorkie. Plus you won’t believe what kind of mix Molly is! Watch the video to find out:)

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Today’s sponsor is a leading Provider of spoken audio information and Entertainment listen to audiobooks Whenever and wherever you want audible Is giving viewers of the dog training Revolution a free audio book if you want To listen to it audible has it with over 150,000 titles and virtually every genre You’ll find what you’re looking for get A free audiobook and 30-day trial today By signing up at slash Zak George the link will be in the Description today I’m going to give you Tips on the two most important skills That our dogs need to know stay and come When we call them make sure you’re Subscribed and tell me in the comments Below how energetic is your dog on a Scale of 1 to 10 because of my next Video I’m going to be featuring an Unusually hyper high-energy dog training Class and I want to make sure that I Address many of your points so tell me Below also make sure you give me a Thumbs up and tell your friends about me On Facebook too I’ve got a capacity Class coming in right now I get really excited when I get to work With new dogs because every dog is so Unique like Molly this is Molly Molly is One of the most unusual mixes ever now If you know dog breeds you’ll be able to Tell what she is she’s actually a Pitbull boston terrier mix I don’t know

How they would make those I mean I do Know how but some really awkward image In my mind if I get within a couple of Miles of sassy over here she tends to be Kind of excited and you tell some dogs Get super excited in class hey what can I say my classes are fun if your dog is This energetic and this happy the best Thing to do is let them adjust to their Surroundings you should also be taking Them to lots of new places as often as You can so that when they do go to a new Place it’s not such a special occasion I Always encourage beginners to use Clicker training with their dogs so Bottom line wood clicker training is That you click when your dog does Something you like and follow it up with A reward but what do you do if your dog Is nervous or scared of the clicker this Is ideal she doesn’t like the clicker or He doesn’t like if you notice that the Clicking sound makes your dog feel Uneasy you could try using a quieter Clicker or you could use a word like yes Clicker training isn’t really about a Word Or a tool but it’s more about giving Your dog that immediate and prompt Feedback to let them know that they did Something that you like always have good Positive feeling and emotion behind your Rewards as well right now we’re working On stay for duration only just trying to

Get a 1 to 3 second stay in the initial Stages now I know this might sound crazy But sassy the Bichon Frise was having a Bit of an issue learning how to stay Well stay is not something they Generalize well from environment to Environment do you know what I mean Practice in various environments often And find small reasons to reward your Dog when they are this distracted this Class was doing above average so I saw No need to put the brakes on we’re doing Both stay with duration and with Distance walking away from them very Early on in the game but this class was Doing so well I thought I would Challenge them and they’ve not Anticipated me what can I say it a Really really good class for sure why is Teaching your dog to stay when you walk Away more challenging to them than Simply having them stay while you’re up Close dogs want to be near you so that’s Why this is tough if you’re walking too Far away and they continue to get up That means you’re asking for too much so Adjust your distance up to a smaller Distance if that’s happening keep new Concepts easy for your dog this is how Stay with distance should look for the Beginner dog yep and then back here and Reward yep Having a well-thought dog is about Dedication

Nancy’s resolve and dedication to five Month old Roscoe is awesome yep look Really good you’re very dedicated I like That about you guys This is Nancy’s first dog and she’s Learning what teaching a dog is all About what I like about her is that she Follows through she doesn’t give up we Were teaching Roscoe to come when he’s Called and he was doing so well that I Wanted to take this to the next level so I thought I would let him know that I Had some deli meat even let him think That I was going to give it to him and See if Nancy could still get him to come To her when she called him this is a Five month old dog happier also you There you go good that was real turkey In my hand that was pretty good four Five months old training like this is Only possible when we spend time with Our dog and when we prioritize our Relationship with them you can reward Your dog with food you can reward your Dog with place a tug-of-war or fetch but Sometimes there’s a third way to reward Your dog now say you’re at the dog park You’re calling your dog right go ahead Let’s pretend that Rogers at the dog Park right now it’s not too far off We’re gonna click right there because we Like the behavior now when you treat him This is one of the few areas where you Can use your environment as a reward if

You’re at the dog park and your dog Comes to you let them go back to doing What they’re doing or if you’re at home And you can let them do it then let them Do it we don’t want them to think every Time we call them they’re immediately Gonna be taken away from what they love The ROI was not coming to his dad when He was being called but since we’re in a Controlled setting as we should be when Introducing a new concept to our dog it Was easy to get to him maybe get a Little energetic now you can use turkey Or you can use a toy come on let’s go And run from that do you know what Dogs like to chase and it’s okay to get Them to chase huh if the first your dog Doesn’t listen stick with them call them In an upbeat voice yeah that’s it good Job I’m always asked how do I get my dog To come to me if they’ve gotten away she Asks a good question she says she’s fast If she doesn’t want me to get her I’m Not getting her which makes sense dogs Are much faster the answer is for no Time in the near future are they in a Position to get away from us they are on Leash or in a contained environment for The next many weeks two months of Training you want to proof the heck out Of come one called which means get it Really reliable in a variety of Controlled distracting situations if you Have to be in a position to get to them

She says that’s not reality it needs to Be reality though it’s on us to control Our dog’s environment just as we would Never allow a three-year-old child to Get away from us should we allow our Dogs to be in that position either a Good trainer is a master at controlling Their dog’s environment there is no Shortcut around that there’s no magic Answer to make them come to you 100% of The time without practice it’s a good Question though it’s a very valid Question one of my favorite audiobooks From audible is start with why have you Guys heard of this book I like it Because it challenges you to ask Yourself why you do what you do rather Than simply doing what you think you’re Supposed to do as you know a big reason For me doing what I do is to increase The status of the dog to where it Belongs to bring dog training into the 21st century to encourage people to Teach their dogs in loving positive Humane ways that do not undermine their Intelligence my next video is gonna be Awesome so make sure you’re subscribed So you don’t miss it Make sure you tell me in the comments Below what issues you’re having Especially if they relate to Hyperactivity I’m gonna try and Incorporate as many of those points as I Can into that video liking on facebook

To slash these act George Where I post lots of unique Tenth and besides I just love Interacting with you guys don’t forget To get your free audiobook and 30-day Trial by signing up at slash Zack Gorge today the link will be in the Description go do it let me know what You think and we’ll see you guys in the Next video

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