The First Things I’m Teaching My New Puppy! (NEW SERIES: Dog Training Experience Episode 3)

The First Things I’m Teaching My New Puppy! (NEW SERIES: Dog Training Experience Episode 3)

I’ll start training the basics, resource guarding, getting her used to her new life and more! This video is sponsored by BarkBox! Get a free BarkBox when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at

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We have an interesting development going On right now oh it’s starting to rain I’m Zach George I train dogs and this is My new dog inertia I’m taking you along As I train her from day one you can Start from the beginning or pick up Anywhere and start learning Welcome to the dog training experience Today we’re gonna cover flood and puppy Training how to deal with and even Prevent resource guarding as well as Starting to get inertia comfortable with People inertia today is a very special Day because it is your first barkbox I like the bark boxes because you get New toys and with a young puppy like This their interests are changing daily I don’t think she’s ever heard that Sound before It’s new it’s interesting and so it Really gives them a chance to explore New things it’s a dog toy Look it’s stuck to the floor this on Driver nuts look how she’s sticking with It this is one way to teach your dog to Persevere and work through an issue Their toys are made with fantastic Materials – these are not low-quality Toys oh look at this turkey and Cranberry what do you think of those you Like those huh more treats we have Chicken impossible I always check the Ingredients when I get my dog treats and Bark box always has really high-end

Ingredients chicken and sweet potatoes She loves those too now that I’ve got a Puppy in my life for the first time in Forever I’m really she ating having a Whole bunch of different shoes if you Really want to give your dog a unique Experience every single month sign up For a BART box that’s one of the best Things you can do to enrich their life Viewers of this channel we’re gonna get A free BART box when you sign up for a 6 Or 12 month subscription I’ll have a Link below just go to bark box comm Slash dog training as you might know Many dogs have a fear of thunderstorms Oh this is what we have coming our way Right now between the ages of 8 and 11 Weeks puppies like this are going Through a fear period so I want to do my Best to do some conditioning around rain And storms just to make sure that she Has the best possible association with It there’s been – a thunder or lightning Just yet but it’s on its way it’s pretty Early in the day we’re lucky actually Because we’re doing some cool weather so I’m gonna try and get her playing out Here just to get her playing in the Presence of an approaching storm and Keep her in a good mood I’d say she’s in A pretty good mood right now oh you’re Doing so well we’re outside where Everything is more challenging Because it’s more distracting we’ve got

Some good wind energy chased me the good News is when you have a puppy you can Skip your cardio you can see how she’s Consistently getting distracted by Ground sense so I’m gonna try and be a Little more playful see if I can get her Into me a little bit more you can see How she’s really bitey she’s so into me Right now and I love that I love it so I’m trying to transfer that enthusiasm To play with me and fight on my shirt in My ears to this toy there we go yes There we go there’s a good spark all Right and she’s got that tendency to Want to run with the toy that’s why I Have her on lead here so she can’t play Too much keep away and once again There’s two things I’m really trying to Accomplish number one getting any excess Energy out it’s still pretty early in The day and also get her enjoying the Rain by playing because although all These positive brain chemicals are Working okay there’s the rain here it Comes we have a housekeeper using the Vacuum upstairs right now and of course Inertia noticed it a little bit so I’m Breaking into one of those unplanned Secondary training sessions doing some Conditioning with her just to prevent Any fears of motorised devices from Occurring in the first place in this Case the clicking sound communicates I Like how you’re behaving in the presence

Of the unusual motorized sound in the Background here’s a treat And so when you’re conditioning your dog Like this the idea is to just keep their Mood pretty mellow and tolerant mainly I’m just focusing on preventing fear or Minimizing your ear that went pretty Smooth so it’s a good idea with a young Dog like this particularly during that Year period of eight to 11 weeks that You’re really proactive about just Letting them know hey everything’s cool I’m gonna work on some general training We did a little bit of Laura training But not too much so let’s see how that Goes Sits good her sits really good hear the Clicking sound means great job you’ve Earned a treat I don’t even have to Really lure her much into a sit she kind Of just does it by default but let’s Check and see how we’re down is doing Down good job and let’s see if we can Get her into an up it’s gonna hold the Piece of meat right there I should mention too I’m using a variety Of treats I’m using a combination of Freeze-dried meat freeze-dried sweet Potatoes turkey sometimes a little bit Of a hot dog so it really just depends On what she’s in the mood for at any Given moment So we have our sit our down and up needs A little work

Oh that was great oh look at her coming To life Our Lord training is a little clunky Right now you can see she’s being less Than cooperative we’re in that Communication building phase we have not Yet gotten very much traction on Training which is expected at this age And this is I think why so many people Get frustrated because it’s like yeah I’m trying to give you a real meet I’m Trying to teach you something but They’re like I don’t want to do that I Want to do this instead we’re gonna Continue to work on that over the next Few months oh good job give her a big Reward there I’m making it an early Habit to give her some type of treat or Play virtually every time she comes to Me if you’re the type of person who Likes to have a written guide to the Things I’ve been showing you both of my Books can help you they’re also Available in audio form too I’ll have Links below this is a nurses first Introduction into our studio different Smells in here So we’ll let her explore that anytime You let your dog in a new place it’s Important to let them acclimate get Comfortable don’t push them don’t Immediately start asking them to do Things there’s a toy on the ground can See she’s interested in that hey what

Are you doing you know I think you’re The first dog ever who’s tried to eat One of our prop plants so here’s a good Opportunity to redirect I’m gonna do one Of the secondary training sessions that I didn’t plan and lure her away with a Hot dog ward therefore doing so well Good job I’m gonna go ahead and keep Them coming just to let her know I like That she’s holding that sit and now I’ll Say okay good well done I love that You’re going for that ball now that She’s comfortable with the studio or at Least seems to be I really want to get Her loving this place and there’s no Better way to get into unloving anything Than to get them playing yes good job I’m whistling here because I’m not yet Confident that she’ll respond to inertia Come and I certainly don’t want a Conditioner to ignore that one let’s see What she does with roll over here roll Over good and now back the other way Let’s try play dead real quick let’s set The tone for play dead it would be cool To get her on her back I don’t know if She’s gonna struggle with that like just Hold her on her back like that with her Feet sticking up in the air maybe escape Yes and that’s my clicker training can Be really good cuz you can get those Precise marking moments right there with Her feet sticking straight up I love That right now she’s using my hands to

Kind of brace on to like stay in that Position the stillness is when I’ve got A mark and that is your weak point you Don’t know how to be still at all in Earth yes I’m waiting for you just kind Of pause and look up rather than moving Yes did you see that ever so subtle it Was less than a quarter second of a Pause very good All right so we’re on our way I love That we’ll continue to work on that Oh hello and we’ll see how she continues To do in that overtime that’s one of Those things that takes a lot of Refining over weeks right now I’m not Really focusing on formally trying to Train her a trick as much as I am to Just get her going into various Positions with lure her spin has been Amazing that’s one of her standout Tricks the closest thing to a proper Trick that I’ve taught her so far Because this is like what day four I’ve Really been focusing on letting or Adjust and bonding with her and playing A lot with her I’m always talking about This you have to get traction on your Communication cuz they’re in and out That takes a bit of time to do but That’s probably the funnest part you can See her eye color is changing it’s got Kind of a green issue they started off a Bit blue now they’re a bit green maybe They’ll end up brown or something else

We’ll see so she’s found a shoelace to Chew on let’s practice our redirecting This time I’m gonna see rather than Luring her away I’m gonna see if I can Get her to come to me because that’s Gonna be really handy and I’m just gonna Make a high-pitched sound the animated Yes good job getting playful really Worked with her in that instance I could Have gotten up and lured her away and That’s one way to get her to voluntarily Get off something whether it would be a Shoe or bed a couch whatever it is that You’re trying to keep them from chewing On but if I could get her till I come to Me with distance and abandon the thing That she’s so interested in chewing on That’s preferable to me now I suppose I Could also pull her away but remember That’s not gonna teach her anything she Must voluntarily go through the motions Of leaving the shoelace alone in order To even begin to Understand this concept here we go get On the carpet you see how constant it is Yes good job that’s it Good job leash biting is inevitable with Most puppies they’re gonna do it to some Degree but I want to discourage this From as early as possible I mean she’s teething so we need to be Aware of that that’s how she’s engaging The world with her mouth but I have to Show her there are better ways to do

That but let’s see if we can discourage That come on yes good job you got it That’s right just to be clear this Strategy is interrupt your dog in a Positive way get them to respond to you And reinforced with either food or play Or something that they really like That’s the key with preventing habits Like chewing and biting and all of these Unwanted puppy behaviors I’m gonna let Understood just chill out for a little Bit now and that’s kind of the pattern We’ve been falling into it’s like five Ten twelve minutes of play and then she Sleeps for like an hour really common With puppies we’re spending a lot of Time in the studio today doing some work And everything and inertia is passed out So this is something I really want to Continue to emphasize throughout her Puppyhood is the importance of handling Them when they’re in a very relaxed State of mind It’s common for puppies to engage in Frequent deep sleeping so this is a Really good time to touch her nails in Between the webbing of her feet here Because I really want her to be well Adjusted now let’s see we can do her Teeth you know wouldn’t it be great to Get her to a point where you can just Brush her teeth in her sleep she’s Taking it I’m trying to imprint pretty Hard here if she’s not waking up to that

That’s a good thing I’m being pretty Thorough iord because if she’s asleep It can’t be too irritating to her use Discretion if you happen to have a real Bitey puppy in the situation don’t Insist on this but I’m getting to know Her and I feel pretty safe let’s try our Tail for a minute I’m squeezing it Pinching that skin that tail and they’re A little bit really massaging her and if Your puppy is really irritable when you Do this then be a bit more gentle when You interact with them I’ve got a wet Tissue here so it’s a nice time to start Prepping her for ear cleaning they got Poked her brain and trigger dream I Wonder what she’s dreaming about that’s Got to be an awkward dream he’s good job You’re so good at this get to the other One is music oh there I obviously pushed It a little too far and woke her up so You know I find the line this is how you Learn I’ll take that as a hit to back Off for now and maybe our next nap I’ll Do some more We’ll see if we can make progress there The real-time training of this is Probably about five six minutes or so And I’ll show you our one good puppy so Far inertia has just woken up from a nap So we’re gonna take her on a potty break Seriously her potty training is going so Well it’s coming there it is you see That yes very good that air

Conditionings just kicked on and she Reacted really well so it can’t hurt to Follow up an event like that with a Couple of really tiny treats again just Solidifying that association with loud Sounds I get something cool everything’s Awesome Especially during this time eight to Nine weeks is a really important time to Be very sensitive to your puppy if they Get nervous or thrown off by things Because they’re likely to experience an Increased rate of anxiety or fear during New things that they experience or even Things that they’ve already experienced This is not the time to really push Heavy heavy exposure to things in their Face but if you have a good sense that Your dog is likely to react well to new Things that’s a good thing to do too Yes good job this is a good time to work On our loard training outside since We’re here and she offered me that SID She doesn’t go into the down is readily Out here because she’s not as used to This texture here I mean look at it this Is that New Orleans thick firm grass yes We got a leaf over here in her mouth I Wanted to let go of that leave I just Pull it out she’s not gonna learn hey What’s this wouldn’t you rather have a Hot dog than delete when you can that’s Good there you are that’s much better Than leave now she’s probably gonna go

Right back to the leaf so let me see if I can just escort her her away before She does that yes classic redirect there Now I’m working up to not having to lure Her away that was just an in-the-moment Decision but I’d much rather her come to Me when I’m like inertia come here but She’s still learning her name so I’m Making high-pitched sounds and being Animated to encourage her to come to me I’m using a combination of luring her Away and being really animated and Upbeat to call her away from things but Since that was already in her mouth I Didn’t have much choice I haven’t done Much formal look at me training yet I’ve Just kind of been doing it here and There because there’s so much on her Plate right now I mean adjusting to a new life and also I’m not really pushing it too hard Inertia look at me good right there I Was excited about that that was a real Natural look at me when I asked for it The way to teach them language I think Anyway is to be very purposeful about it Saying look at me or inertia or inertia Look at me I mean I want her responsive To a variety of things contextually She’ll learn the difference between Those nuances over time so that’s a real Good example we came out here for a Potty break I saw a moment to engage her with

Training and teach her how to listen in This outdoor environment and it went Great Remember that dogs are always learning At every single moment inertia is eating Three times a day currently so this is Her lunch and right from the beginning I Want to get her really comfortable with Me going in her food bowl taking it away Giving it back to prevent resource Guarding issues in the future kind of Push her around there she’s eating be a Little annoying but it’s all in the Interest of creating tolerance in the Future literally out of my hands these Are just good exercises to do to prevent Resource guarding from emerging I’m very Excited because we’ve got a few people Who are gonna be coming over some of Briana’s family to socialize with Inertia with the family I’m going to Encourage them to hold her and give her Treats in order to have her equate new People with treats and lots of fun at First an Ursa is standoffish as she Wants her space so I’m going to Encourage that I want her embracing new Situations at her pace after about 10 Minutes she starts to feel more Comfortable to check out the family I Especially want her to get comfortable With men so I’ll encourage uncle garland To hold her and give her some love oh Look at that now she’s not just okay

We’re taking treats from new people She’s actually playing with them that Indicates she’s really comfortable During the eight to nine week range Human socialization is optimal as any Negative experiences with other animals Might be amplified or extra impactful so Better to wait a little bit to resume Socialization with other dogs and Animals I’m also planning on waiting a Couple of weeks before formally Introducing our older dog indeed to Inertia you’ll see that in a future Episode to see even more detail of her Progress follow me on instagram at sac Gorge subscribe to my channel and hit The bell notifications so that you’ll be Notified the moment I upload a new Episode Get your free bark box too when you sign Up for a 6 or 12 month subscription just Go to bark box comm slash Dog training all of the links for what I Just talked about will be in the Description below in the next episode You’re gonna see how I handle puppy Biting polite greeting crate training Come when called and more we’ll see you Guys in the next episode of the dog Training experience [Music] You

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