The Ultimate Puppy Training Video! Stop chewing, biting, jumping, leash training, roll over

The Ultimate Puppy Training Video! Stop chewing, biting, jumping, leash training, roll over

Puppy Training: How to train sit, stop jumping, biting and chewing, leash training, come, and more! PupBox sponsored this video! Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a multi-month subscription!

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Today’s video is sponsored by pop box Dogs grew up really fast and over the First year of their life they changed so Much that can be really challenging to Keep up with pop box is a great solution Because they send you a new box every Month filled with all sorts of age Specific items designed to help you Intelligently train and interact with Your dog you get a training guide in Every box too so that helps keep your Training on track roscha has already Discovered the curly bully stick here Obviously pup box understands that four Month old dogs are going through the Chewing phase whoa what’s that it’s a Light a ball it squeaks to it does all Of the things to stay interesting to Your dog oh look at this a fun puzzle Toy that’s really good for mental Stimulation look how that engages his Mind there he’s really trying to get Those cookies out on the milk carton Puppy teething rings essential for young Dogs these are really durable so they Last a while some salmon treats – these Will come in handy in our lesson POPVOX Has a great deal right now you can get 50% off of your first pup box when you Sign up for a 3 6 or 12 month Subscription by going to pop box com Slashes act and using discount code Zac I’ll have a link in the description Below click thumbs up for ro show the

Four month old Samoyed subscribe to my Channel to learn how to teach your dog Everything they need to know follow me On instagram at sack George I’ll have a Link below and get a copy of my brand New book guide to a well-behaved dog Today I’m gonna give you a quick guide On everything you need to know to get Your training started off right now if You’re committed to learning how to Train your dog without using outdated Forceful methods you’re going to need to Understand Lord training and by the way This is covered in pup boxes training Guides – so when you get your four month Old box you’ll have a nice refresher so Let’s take some of our treats here and Let’s get started with Lord training you Really want to keep that treat nice and Close to their nose and their mouth and Look see how his head goes that way or That way this now puts me in a position To really lure him into a specific Physical position here we’re gonna try And go into a sit yes sit that’s very Good notice how I use the word yes to Mark the behavior that I liked now let’s See if we can get him to go into it down Yes Down so I’m telling him yes and I’m also Telling him the word of the action he’s Doing and as you can see I’m moving that Treat very slowly I emphasize that Because most beginner trainers tend to

Lure way too fast which causes a Disconnect and now I’m gonna see if I Can lure him back and do it up real slow Look at that and you might notice that’s Still one treat by the way that I’ve Been using I’ve just been releasing tiny bits of That treat this whole time you know I’m Letting them lick on it right there Really keep them interested so you don’t Need to use big treats in fact you Should be using very small treats of a Really high value reward so in this case I’m using salmon treats from my pup box Once your dog is really following the Lord now if we say sit you see that so I Didn’t have to lure him quite as much There that’s very good and four down Rather than focusing on the Lord yes Down did you see how that was kind of Like a hybrid lure and a hand signal That’s kind of what you have to do in The beginning to phase out that lure so You don’t have to hold the treat at Their mouth every time so we’re Gradually turning that lure into a hand Signal over time now this can take Several days of training but that’s a Rough draft of what it should start to Look like lure training is not only good For things like sit and lie down but you Can teach some fun tricks which are Great for mental stimulation there look At that roll over and they’ll roll over

That was cute good job and these are More than just teaching your dog cute Tricks and behaviors by teaching your Dog things like this you’ll be able to Ask for alternative behaviors when They’re doing something you don’t like Like jumping on you barking or running Away when a dog is going through the Teething stage it’s not just about Giving them alternative things to chew But it’s also about showing them the Proper way to use their mouths since Dogs don’t have hands this is how they Explore the world so getting them to use Their mouths in different ways and chew At different levels of force is very Important so it’s okay to bite hard on This bully stick for example and it’s Okay to bite vigorously when you’re Playing tug-of-war with a toy but when It comes to my arms and my hands you Can’t fight those hard at all so when Your dog starts to nip at you invite you As four-month-old dog’s inevitably will Do it’s important to redirect their Attention off of you and onto something That’s acceptable so they learn oh I Can’t bite you hard but I can bite this Hard hi So we’ve covered some basic training and How to manage his teething but I think We should Back in practices leash training and Come when called those are essential

Skills for all puppies Rocher isn’t the Best on leash right now but look he’s Still very young you can understand that But he’s lunging and pulling and he’s Like I want to see this I want to see That so good leash skills are essential When you’re training a dog like this Leash walking isn’t a very natural skill For dogs I mean dogs like this walk Faster than we do so teaching them to Walk slow like us people is gonna take Some time but I think ro show is Perfectly primed to learn and by the way If your dog is jumping on you or pumping You like ro show continues to do you Just need to very consistently redirect Them into a sit have them old that’s it For just a moment that’s why it’s Important to teach your dog things like Sit and lie down cuz that’s incompatible With jumping it’s tempting here to just Push your dog off of you and get them to Stop but if you can get them to think by Luring them away like that your training Is gonna be much more effective because They had to originate the idea to follow That treat to stop jumping on you this Is what I like to call inside out Training some people might think oh look You’re rewarding him for humping but I’m Not I’m using that treat to get his Attention off of me and over here into a Sit on two leash walking sir the main Thing is you want your dog to just pay

Attention to you while you’re moving That’s all we’re trying to accomplish in These early stages take short steps over Here yes did you see how I just Instantly rewarded right there I don’t Want him to get in the habit of pulling And then me having to say no don’t do That in other words we want to catch him Succeeding over here look at that turn You’re so sophisticated aren’t you don’t Be stingy with rewards with early Training either be very generous because If you’ve got their attention you want To keep it that way as your dog becomes More reliable though the less treats You’ll need to use so eventually you Won’t need to use treats at all so if You’re having trouble getting your dog To pay attention to you on leash there’s No shame in luring them in short Distances just like this good job and Over here and look at that attention Over here see that’s he always looking Up at me I love that the moment we start Venturing off into a new part of the Path that’s technically a new Environment and likely to be very Distracting for him now his attention Faded off of me a little bit now I’ve Lost him completely and now I’ve got him Back so let me go ahead and reward that Attention come on let’s go I’m gonna Turn around now look at that yes Good job I’m telling him yes every time

He does something I like this is what an Introductory leash walking session looks Like but of course it’s important to Practice in a variety of different Environments and practices very often This is what we call a training walk in Other words I have no destination in Mind I’m simply trying to teach the Mechanics of this is how you walk when You’re on a leash in this type of Environment you’ll need to set up Training walks outside of your normal Recreational walks for maximum success Now if your dog tends to be the type Who’s super energetic exercising them Throw away before leash walking session Like this is likely to make things a lot Easier we’ve done quite a bit today so Far but we’re not done come when called Is a vital skill all dogs need to know That when you’re teaching your dog how To come to you when you call them you Want to simulate an off-leash Environment the best way to do that is With a really long 20-30 foot leaves Don’t try to teach your dog and bypass Controlling the environment there’s way Too much room for error see he sees a Bird I’m gonna actually gonna let him Drift off a little bit here and explore There’s no harm in a dog exploring in Fact it’s really important for puppies To be able to explore when you’re Teaching your dog to come to you and you

Call them you want to be worth coming to Sometimes that means being energetic With your dog other times that means Giving them a great incentive to come to You like using a really good tree or you Might even want to encourage them to Play you want your dog to look forward To coming to you not dreading it so Avoid scolding them at all costs so Let’s give it a shot we have some good Distance love it don’t underestimate a High-pitched voice though I’m gonna give Him an extra big reward there because Coming to you I mean you don’t want to Take any chances on it this is a Potentially life-saving skill by the way I want to point out he’s doing all this In an outdoor environment that’s always Nice when they do that this young and Part of the reason we’re able to get Success in this distracting outside Environment is because we’ve given them Many minutes to adjust out here right Now look he’s starting to drift away Again let’s try a different method this Time let me see if I can get him to Chase me this can be really effective Rochelle hey come on let’s go come on Yes good job dogs really like chasing And if you’ve ever tried to chase down a Puppy or a dog you know they like to run From you but the secret is dogs don’t Really care who’s doing the chasing as Long as they’re playing in the game they

Don’t mind if they’re on offense or Defense he’s distracted by a butterflies He always Trying to chase that butterfly down Those coordination isn’t very good Fortunately for the butterfly so let me See if I can get him to come to me while He’s distracted Russia Russia he’s way too distracted Welcome back there there we go so stick With them if your dog seems distracted Or confused like that just stick with Them keep trying Sometimes shortening the distance Getting closer to them will help that Was a really good real-life example of Getting your dog to come to you when They’re finally distracted let’s say you The type who’s not super energetic and You don’t want to run around or you’re Unable to there are some options for you I’ve got to try to slide up squeaky ball From pop box this is the coolest thing Ever Yeah good job very very good You might have noticed I intuitively There got closer to the ground to Achieve eye contact dogs are more likely To come to you when you’re lower and on Their level so that can help you as well And teaching come when called if you’re New to my channel I have videos on how To train your dog everything make sure You’re subscribed it’s free you’ll be

Glad you did Check out pop box to make your training Even easier and get 50% off of your very First pup box by going to pup box comm Slash Zac and entering discount code Zac That link will be in the description Below click thumbs up for osho for daily Dog training videos and tips download Instagram and follow at Zak George I do Live shows and take your questions and Show you great ways to improve the Communication between you and your dog And thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon for making videos like this Possible see you guys in the next video Ro show good job go get that ball [Music] You

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