What if your dog won’t listen without an electric collar, doesn’t like treats or lunges at things?

What if your dog won't listen without an electric collar, doesn't like treats or lunges at things?

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Time interval you prefer just enter code Zach 30 when you checkout and you’ll get $10 off your first three orders click Thumbs up for indy make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel get a copy of My book if you enjoy our content you’re Gonna love us on instagram i’m gonna Have my instagram below at sack george In fact today i’m gonna take a few of Your questions exclusively from Instagram please do a video on obedience After electric collar training what if My dog is very well trained but blows Off commands when i remove the electric Collar what I like about this question Is that it underscores a very important Point and something that’s fundamentally Flawed about using things like electric Collars prong collars and choke chains a Little background this is an electric Collar right here and they usually come With a remote control like this these Collars are basically designed and Specifically engineered to be very Unpleasant to your dog you can see it Has these like prongs right here that go Into the dog’s neck so that they can be Very unpleasant for the dog when they’re Not behaving ideally I’m very Established on record as being very Against these types of tools and I don’t Think that they should be used in dog Training however I still want to be Clear that if you’re one of those people

Out there using them I understand you’re Using these because some professional They’re told you to part of the mission Of the dog training revolution is to Kind of clean up that mess and show you Better ways to communicate with your dog This is a prawn collar this is another Common training tool that people Struggle with the same issue with when They take the collar off the dog doesn’t Listen as well anymore and this is a Choke chain right here that you know I Understand a lot of you use these and to Your credit for those of you out there Who are using them I also get that You’re not using them in the way that They’re intended to which in my view is A good thing because the proper way to Use the choke chain is to give it a bra Every time your dog doesn’t do something You like but of course I think you’ll Agree at least most of you will that’s a Very primitive way to communicate with a Very intelligent animal like a dog and In and of themselves these aren’t Exactly harmful just hanging around your Dog’s neck it’s when you use them Correctly as they say that they become Very unpleasant and potentially harmful And even if not physically certainly Harmful to the relationship between you And your dog and that really is my Biggest issues with tools like this is They do nothing to promote a bond

Between you and your dog and that is Such an important factor when you’re Teaching that now as highlighted in this Question the moment you take these off Dogs are gonna get oh that collar isn’t On me anymore so I can act as I want That’s one of the shortcomings of Training like this and really why you Should focus on training your dog from The inside out by motivating them to Want to listen to you rather than Forcing them to listen to you as in the Case of using these collars now I’ve Gone over how to teach your dog to leave A treat alone a million times leave it Alone right and the way I always show You to teach this is by covering up the Treat if they go for it to really make Your dog think rather than just simply Pulling them away the common thing that I know a lot of you also deal with out There is when you open the door your dog Will run out of the front door even Though you might be pushing so you’ve Gotten in this habit of kind of holding Them back and you know keeping them back With your foot to keep them from running Out of the front door and it doesn’t Exactly work well does it that’s why When you teach your dog how to think You’re going to get much better results Leave it alone good okay good job bottom Line is that if you’re using training Tools like this and very harsh ways that

I’ve mentioned it’s a very shallow way To communicate with a dog and shallow Ways of communication Don’t really have long-lasting results So what I would recommend to this Particular Instagrammer is to check out My videos and basically start over train Your dog trained your dog how to think From the inside out so that you can get Actual long-lasting results not Contingent on using some special collar This next question is from Anna Gillespie 4450 on Instagram who says I Would love a video on raising a border Collie pop with tips on how to deal with Hurting behavior directed towards cars And other dogs and look while it is true That many border collie puppies Certainly have that herding desire what You’re talking about is basically just Normal puppy behavior I can assure you That puppies of virtually every breed Out there like to chase cars bicycles People dogs and everything else and so What I really want to clear up about a Question like this is I just don’t want You to get in the mindset of kind of Blaming your dogs breed for issues that You’re having rather than really just Understanding that you need to take the Time to teach them how to behave in These types of situations that said I Understand it can be pretty overwhelming To teach a dog who’s majorly distracted

Especially if there are a really high Energy dog as many Border Collies often Are so in your case Ana it’s less likely That your dog is actually hurting other Dogs and people and more likely that They’re just being a dog I’d really Prioritize fetch training so that your Dog has an outlet for all of that energy Next I focus on really doing a lot of Impulse control training in the presence Of cars and dogs and other things that Your dog is likely to react to and by That I mean teaching your dog how to Look at you and sit and stay and take Other types of direction now where most People go wrong with this is number one They wait for their dog to start Reacting to a situation like this to Then communicate with them when their Dog is just completely overwhelmed That’s not necessarily a good idea set Up training instances that are near or Around these types of situations but not Right up on them so in the case of dogs You might practice working with your dog On sit and stay outside the perimeter of A dog park where you have a fence Between your dog and other dogs that way You’re in a position to easily Manipulate the distance between your dog And the dogs on the other side of the Fence in general the farther you are Away from a distraction the more likely It is that your dog will pay attention

To you and you can focus on really Giving them that Foundation and training That they need to truly understand how To behave when they’re put in this type Of situation but exercise don’t gloss Over that point it’s a serious pool And one that will make training usually In your situation much easier especially When you use exercise just before your Training sessions and cherry blossom 88 From Instagram says what if your puppy Doesn’t really like treats it’s Obviously important to have a really Good currency when you’re teaching your Dog like good treats and it is true that Some dogs just aren’t as into treats as Others there’s usually two major Solutions to this problem very often When someone says their dog doesn’t like Treats it’s because they’re using a Treat that’s too low value very often They’ll be using like hard Milk Bone Type treats or they’ll use even their Dog’s kibble or just some treat that Their dog isn’t nuts about now I usually Recommend that you’re using something Really good like real chicken or some Type of real meat but really small Pieces of course but even then there are Still some dogs who are like you know What I don’t even like the real meat the Best stuff you have to offer and usually That’s a sign that you’re asking your Dog to listen to you in either a

Situation that’s that they’re very Excited in or a situation that makes Them very nervous where the last thing They’re thinking about is food so it Doesn’t really mean that your dog your Puppy doesn’t like treats it just means That they’re not interested in treats at That particular moment I mean all dogs Have to eat remember that so food is Definitely going to be a motivator at Some point for dogs if you’re in the Position where your dog is like barking At another dog and you can’t get their Attention with a really high-quality Treat or they’re very nervous perhaps Because I don’t know maybe they’re Nervous of men for example protocol in That situation is to take a step back on Your training and ease them into that Type of situation rather than kind of Moving so quickly to where your dog is Completely overwhelmed and in a state of Mind that makes them not want to eat I Hope that makes sense but for many dogs We have to go much slower than we think We do additionally giving your dog up to Maybe 30 minutes or so to kind of warm Up to a new environment might also get Them in a frame of mind that gets them Receptive to taking treats too so always Be cognizant of the context in which You’re asking your dog to do something And analyze that first because that’s Usually the reason a dog won’t take at

Least high-quality treats it’s also true That a lot of dogs out there would Prefer to play a game of tug-of-war or Have a quick toss of a ball rather than Eating food I know with my own border Collie That I’ve had over the years every Single one of them preferred to play Over eating during training sessions India I’m very proud of you you did a Good job today give her a thumbs up get Your neutral source dog food Automatically shipped to you from peplos At link is gonna be below make sure You’re subscribed to my channel maybe I’ll do another video where I take Questions from Instagram so make sure You like me on instagram at zack gorge That link will be below you guys in the Next video [Music]

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