What to do on Your Dog’s Birthday:)

What to do on Your Dog's Birthday:)

It’s official Venus is a decade old. She only looks 6 though! How old is your dog?

I need a haircut don’t you think it’s a Lot better i think that looks great it Is time to go get venus for celebratory Birthday dinner what if we give her some Patriotic cupcakes since it’s tomorrow’s Fourth of july she’s an american dog so It’s all right right what do you think Of brianna’s bang show me your bangs Right now we’re in the middle of a move What’s going on eddie what are you doing Girl Look at those pretty eyes So our new place is going to have a Dishwasher correct yes we do have a very Interesting life we honestly do it’s uh We’re very fortunate for that i’m very Interested in my life my bangs are not Right yet i don’t think i’ve ever Noticed this and it’s a dog You don’t never notice that i don’t Think i have no it’s a nice that’s a Nice piece of art i know i assumed it’d Be one of the first ones you noticed It’s kids and a dog i like it too and It’s right next to your frisbee I didn’t put that up there pretty hung It up there an invention that is amazing Would be two types of horns for your car A happy horn and a mean angry horn think That through a little bit more that’s The funniest part you think about using It like you have to choose the angry Horn when you’re mad you know or like You’re behind someone and you think they

Don’t see that the light is green and You can take the happy horn and it would Be like cute but oh hey go on it’s time To go green light and when i’m doing Happy horn i go like Like i try to do really quick beeps So an angry horn would be like Venus gets more likes and comments on Facebook for her birthday that i do I told her and she’s very touched i’m Gonna post this right now Are you ready for your birthday dinner Hey nope you want chicken and cupcakes I think that’s a yes are we gonna give Her a chicken Maybe a little tiny bit We’re gonna give indy uh a little bit of Chicken she’s on a restricted diet Comes free she’s coming Happy birthday And celebrate your special day And may everything go your way oh Today was venus’s 10th birthday uh Here’s to another wonderful year how old Is your dog or how many dogs do you have And how old are they all i want to know I want to know everything about your Dogs Birthday

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