Your Chance To Make a Big Difference To Your Dog’s Life – #EmbarkWithUs

Your Chance To Make a Big Difference To Your Dog's Life - #EmbarkWithUs

This video is sponsored by Embark. GET YOUR DOG DNA TEST HERE:

#EmbarkWithUs and let’s make a difference to canine healthcare together! Embark is a leading force in revolutionizing how we care for our pets, but they need your help to continue making discoveries that ultimately benefit the wellness of all dogs around the world.

What do they need? Your participation in canine research surveys! For every person that completes a survey, Embark will donate $1 do animal shelters in need!

Check out Indiana’s Embark DNA test results here:

Click thumbs up for our dog Indy who’s My co-host today and subscribe to my Channel for everything dog you guys know How important it is to me to promote Modern scientifically sound methods in Everything that we do since we have some Of the most passionate dog loving people As part of our community here on YouTube We have such an opportunity to create Change embark is one of our most Forward-thinking partners and they Really are revolutionising canine health Care and the way that we care for our Dogs there is no better DNA test Available when we tested in these DNA Through embark we were blown away at how Sophisticated this test really is you Can check out that video in the Description in these genetic ages in 91 Human years I’d say she’s got pretty Good energy 491 wouldn’t you say right Now embark is in the process of Gathering information and they’ve Reached out to us to see if we can help Accelerate this process see the genetics That underlie a lot of conditions such As hip dysplasia elbow dysplasia and Many types of cancer are unknown and Believe it or not many of you have Information that could lead to making Progress in these areas today what Naughty foods does your dog sometimes Partake in if you take their free Surveys not only will embark donate one

Dollar per person to a number of animal Shelters all right I guess I have to be Honest here she does sometimes it’s Sweet stuff but you’ll also be helping Them gather this much-needed data in key Areas of canine health research by being A citizen scientist it has a nice ring To it but you have been known to eat Some dirt from time to time Stables grab I’ll keep it real surveys Are really quick and easy they don’t Take a lot of time which is the Following this indiana regularly chew on Human flesh ah no organization is more Tomatoes a canine research than embark And they’re partnered with Cornell University so you can be sure that they Have a great platform to achieve major Breakthroughs which will ultimately Benefit dogs everywhere I’ll have a link in the description with Information on how to take the surveys So embark with us and be part of the Movement to change canine healthcare for The better click the link in the Description to start taking the free Surveys and to help always head right Now see you guys next time good job girl

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