Your Dog Doesn’t Listen? Train Like This!

Your Dog Doesn't Listen? Train Like This!

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What do you do if your dog ”loses it” when another dog approaches?
how can you increase your dog’s focus? how can you get your dog comfortable in new places?

Here ya go:) I’ll cover all of that in 3m35s!
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Does your dog listen to you in Unfamiliar environments let me know in The comments below Dogs are really sensitive to environment The best way to get your dog comfortable In a new environment is to get there Early and let them adjust before asking Them to do stuff I know that I like to Get to work very early being early for Me has always helped me prepare and I Think it’s important to like get used to An environment even for people not just Dogs in new environments focus on Progress not perfection Jax is a fairly Low-key Doberman and we’re working on Building his attention span and his Focus by teaching him stay while we walk Away sting I’m coming right back if you Ever find that you’re struggling with This it’s probably because you’re asking For too much too early don’t feel like You need to get a ten-yard stay for five Minutes at a time so it’s stay very good And I’m coming right back over here to Treat it takes weeks two months to get a Really good stay with distance it’s Important to be consistent but above all Be patient it’s not just about having Them perform abhorrent stay engage them Make sure they’re happy they’re enjoying Everything you’re doing stay with this Since we’re walking away very good and Then we’re gonna come back up so she’s Saying stay see that fast pace when you

Can get into that rhythm with your dogs You’ve got momentum on your side that’s How you build distance in a hurry so Don’t be too mechanical about this Whenever you can infuse your training With feeling you’ll find that your dog Is probably more receptive to training a Stake you see this this energy with this Rhythm right here of stay and do your Own version of it this energy really Counts they pick up on that Pitbulls with wonderful dogs sub jacks Being a dog likes to sniff the ground Explore his environment and their time So we should encourage this but there Are also times when our dog needs to be Focused on us up here this way ah Original please Sit yes I saw the six coming so I Clicked a little premature and so far There’s been no tension and if there was Tension we were going into a sit up here Flipped and see look at that line that Was awesome great dog a lot of you have Definitely dealt with this your dog is Pretty good on a leash until they Encounter another dog coming towards Them yeah but you see the dogs coming Before they get there most of the time Right Anticipate always be one step ahead of Your dog since you know that that Pulling is likely to come you’ve got to Get in his head before you get to those

Dollars ideally we want to immediately Remove our dog from the stressful or Exciting situation that’s making them go Crazy We want to search for the last place Where they were behaving except ibly and Try and gain traction there if he does Start pulling you’re turning around Going the other way I will remove you From what you want to go after right now But it’s a normal behavior for a young Dog there is no path to having a Well-trained dog that doesn’t require us To take a step back from time to time it Takes being overwhelmingly consistent Over time for him to get it remember Today’s question is does your dog listen To you in unfamiliar environments let me Know in the comments below also like me On Facebook and please continue to share My videos on Facebook I love it when you Guys do that click thumbs up and we’ll See you in the next video bye You

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