3 mistakes you might be making when exercising your dog. This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at
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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:
How to train your dog a perfect fetch:
It’s no secret that hyper dogs need Regular exercise in fact exercise can Eliminate 90% of unwanted behaviors but If you find that exercise doesn’t seem To reduce your dog’s hyperactivity or Anxiety now I’m going to cover three Things today that you might be doing Wrong joining me today is Jacob the Rescue dog and he’s got a ton of energy Click thumbs up because Jacob is back Subscribe to my channel pick up a copy Of my book dog training revolution and To help keep these videos coming join Our crowdfunding community on patreon I’ll have a link in the description you Want your dog to be mentally and Physically prepared for adequate Exercise so it’s really important to Feed them a high quality food and I’m Sure you could do with fewer errands in Your life so conquer both of these tasks By getting your food from pet flow Choose your dog’s favorite food decide How often you want to deliver to your Front door and enter codes act 30 when You check out and you’ll get $10 off Your first three orders I’ll have a link In the description first how you Exercise your dog is critical now it’s Sure that when many of us think about Exercising our dogs we think about Walking them and for many dogs that’s Good enough but for those extremely High-energy dogs you know the ones that
Are likely to be experiencing a lot of Behavior problems walks likely won’t cut It for those high-energy dogs mentally Challenging them during physical Exercise is by far the path of least Resistance you could do things like dog Sports or marathon training sessions With your dog which is great if you’re Loving it wasn’t ready for that one You might notice I’ve got this a long Lead on them that’s to keep them from Getting too far away from me even though I’m in a fenced area I still want to be Able to encourage them to come straight Back to me this is called multiples Where you work with multiple frisbees at One time now he’s never done this before So we’re just going to see how he does And the idea is to just be able to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 he’s not there yet It’s a really creative way to keep your Dog thinking and keep them exercise to Catch it Good hey Jacob over here catch it good That’s it Jacob here catch it and you can see he’s Just a little confused right now but That’s totally normal Catch it looks good let go catch it Good hey up here catch it so for those Of you who lack the time or the desire To get this involved then a reliable Game of fetch is the most practical way To achieve this see that engages both
The mind and the body of your dog It and once you get good at using play As the currency that can be really Beneficial to as you can see Jacob is Sitting and staying right now in the Hope and he’s gonna get a frisbee ready Catch it yes perfect very geared I’m Going to give him a good tug but he’s Really good at let go so look at that he Let go and I said let go love it come Around and go get that frisbee It’s true that when dogs are working With a person that they’re more Satisfied mentally and physically I mean Dogs weren’t created to work with people So it would makes sense that they’d find Physical and mental satisfaction when Working with us which is why playing With other dogs or spending time in a Large yard alone doesn’t really get the Results that activity with people done Next when should you exercise your dog Well a good four to five times a week is Pretty ideal but if you wait until after Work to exercise your dog for the first Time that day then you’re likely waiting Until too late in the day exercise first Thing in the morning is the most Beneficial because you’re getting all of That overflowing energy out of them so They’re much more likely to be calm or Throughout the day and less likely to Chew up your belongings dig holes in the Backyard or bark endlessly now it’s
Totally fine to give your dog exercise Later in the day as well In fact many dogs will thrive if you Break up their exercise sessions Throughout the day next wrongly assuming That your dog is done exercising you Might notice for example that when You’re doing an activity like fetch with Your dog that they seemingly get tired After just a few minutes chances are Though they’re just getting warmed up And they just need to take a break for a Few minutes now it would be natural to Assume hey he’s tired because he’s not Going for it quite as vigorously as he Was a moment ago I know that Jacob is Not tired right now but he needs a break That’s totally fun fetch is a high Intensity form of exercise plan on Spending a cumulative hour with your Dogs that hour includes breaks between Rounds of fetch for example you might Play five minutes of fetch followed by a Five minute break It’s normal for your breaks to become More frequent towards the end of that Hour now if your dog is not yet mastered A good game of fetch then that one hour In the morning needs to be dedicated to Training your dog out of fact it’s true That vet training does take some work And a serious commitment from you I’m Going to have a video in the description That will show you how to teach your dog
A perfect fluid polish game of fetch so Make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel too for all my future that’s And dog training videos you want to see More awesome videos join our Crowdfunding community on patreon click Thumbs up if you now feel prepared to Give your dog a better workout subscribe To my channel and pick up a copy of my Book thanks for watching today’s video We’ll see you in the next one good job Jacob