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If you’ve ever wondered if there’s a Limit to what or when you can teach your Dog Keep watching to see this old dog learn Some new tricks you’re being so good I’m Gonna give you a treat right after this Line ok click thumbs up for sunny the Awesome 13 year old golden retriever Subscribe to stay current on all of my Videos and pick up a copy of my book Because hey it’s got a 4.6 star rating On Amazon that’s pretty good right oh Well I did say I would give you a treat Didn’t I here you go if you like these Videos join our incredible crowdfunding Community on patreon so that we can make More of them in the future Sonny knows lots of tricks but one trick That can be tough for even the smartest Dogs is getting them to swallow a pill And they don’t want to there’s tons of Methods and gimmicks out there designed To try to convince your dog to take a Pill but the most effective way is Actually the most simple put the pill Inside one of these people try all kinds Of different foods for hiding pills Maybe it’s cheese or peanut butter or Even real meat and they never really Work as well as you think they will These green these pill pockets are by Far the easiest and most convincing for Dogs that really don’t like taking their Pills they come molded with this little
Pouch that makes it easy to stick a pill Capsule or even liquid medicine and They’re extra moldable so they don’t Crumble when you’re trying to fully Disguise the medicine that are pretty Strong smell to them that helps disguise The smell of the medicine for those Extra skeptical dogs they come in Different sizes so you can fit Practically any size pill inside these You can even get an allergy friendly Formula to get your very own greenies Pill pockets from pet flow I’ll have a Link in the description my friend Angie Is Sonny’s mom and she’s gonna join me Today now Angie I know you taught Sonny Lots of cool stuff and I just love how Cute she looks when she speaks she loves To speak oh can I try and get her Alright Sonny okay I got this sunny room Speak can come in handy for a lot of Different things in fact we had Sonny Speak in my recent video where we were Teaching biscuit the bernese mountain Dog to walk on leash around distractions It’s like a barking golden retriever Do you want to see Sonny crawl – she Looks pretty cute And resist that it looks like you’re Signaling to her with your feet oh That’s cool yeah I love that now that’s Original and she goes so purposeful They’re just an inch at a time So she waits for each individual crawl
Why don’t you give us a quick overview As to how you taught that to sunny we Started with a treat floor I just kind Of just dragged it on the ground a Little bit okay so as long as she moved You know one paw or eventually two paws Three paws and then she would get her Treat and then just over the years you Know as she did it more and more I kind Of transitioned it to more of a foot Cube do you want to see Sonny spin today – I can’t think of anything I’d rather See than Sonny spinning right now nice Look at that and that’s how you know Your communication is super solid when You can be that nonchalant and that Subtle with her – you how did you evolve Your signal to be so subtle over time This was actually a pretty recent trick But as you can tell she loves falling Food lures first I just had her make a Wide circle and just follow the treat And then as we practice more and more I Would kind of tighten the circle a Little bit more or I would not have a Treat in my hand all the time and then Just kind of get that motion smaller and Smaller let’s just go see a show I mean Not every trick is it’s just going to Happen and one fell swoop like that I Could probably do this next trick with a Even more subtle cue let’s see if you Can spot it Zach okay I’ll do my best Oh nice that’s good why do you tell her
To lie down you can see how that’s Different but still very similar it’s Just a testament to how smart dogs are That they can differentiate between Those subtle differences and the way we Communicate with them even though Sunny’s 13 years old I love how you’re Always teaching her something new do you Think we could see a few more tricks That you’re working on or in the process Of teaching yeah maybe you could help me So we’re working on bow Oh which she Could kind of do but sometimes her butt Goes down fast but she doesn’t sustain The Bell oh I see what you’re saying and Then her butt goes down so she’s holding It for a second so it looks like we just Need to communicate to her yes that’s Bow when she’s still holding it this Time I’ll give her some support under Her belly right here just to kind of Discourage her from going into it down And you focus on luring her There you go and then give her a yes sir Good girl nice and then release her Progress okay good job nice work And I actually didn’t have to hold on to Her there she was really holding it Maybe if we could work on phasing my arm Out this time and see if she can hold it For two seconds that would be awesome So let’s give it another shot take him Out look at that that’s good she’s Holding it right now I’m gonna try and
Get my arm out oh that’s what’s Happening take it out I’m not touching Her yes good exactly she eventually went Down but as long as we’re saying hey That’s a bow while your butt’s still up I think most dogs are gonna get it we’ve Also been working on a leg weave look at That nice look how long have you been Doing this one Angie a month Oh so really miss and it can throw some Dogs off there when you have to switch Up your lorry and so she’s doing great I Think she’s gonna have this down in no Time and this next one Sonny actually Just learned last week baby that’s great I love the bangbang that’s nice very Convincing that’s pretty good for just Last week girl click thumbs up for Sonny The super talented Golden Retriever Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel Pick up a copy of my book and join us on Patreon to help make these videos Possible get your very own greenies pill Pockets from Peplow today I’ll have a Link in the description hey follow Sonny On Instagram too I’ll have her link in The description as well hey Sonny you Did a great job too