Do You Believe These 2 Common Dog Training Superstitions? FAQ

Do You Believe These 2 Common Dog Training Superstitions? FAQ

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How to teach your dog to look at you:

Today’s video is crowdfunded by you and Sponsored by Tesla calm today I’m gonna Take some questions from our supporters On Slash’s act Gorge for Those of you that don’t know patreon is Our crowdfunding campaign we have Something like two hundred and seventy Contributors over there who contribute To five ten twenty dollars a month to Help us do this production you can see The link in the description if you want To be a part of that if you want to help Out and I also am more likely to answer Your question over there in fact when You contribute ten dollars or more per Month you’ll get guaranteed replies from Me to your questions the dog training Revolution is all about bringing this Content directly to the general public Bypassing those traditional means and Going straight to anyone with an Internet connection that wants to learn Ethical science-based positive dog Training that’s what we’re about as you Guys know the dog training revolution Has really benefited from pet flow as a Sponsor these guys are amazing they Don’t sell shock collars they don’t sell ECollege and they don’t sell frog Collars but what do they sell they Literally have hundreds of brands of dog Food including the hard-to-find organic Brands but what I wanted to talk to you Very briefly about right now was their

Option to have dog food auto-ship to you You can have it shipped directly to your House and any time increment you want Every two weeks every three weeks all The way on up to every sixteen weeks you Can also edit this time period to your Liking I don’t know about you but I Definitely have better things to do than Drop what I’m doing go to a specialty Pet supply store to get the dog food That I want to get for my dogs I’d Rather have a chip directly to my door I Don’t want to have to haul forty pound Bags of dog food out of my car up the Stairs and into my house so it’s a great Option the prices are fantastic it makes Your life easier and with every purchase You make through pet flow calm slash’s Act George you’re contributing towards The dog training revolution success it Helps us reach more people and the more People we can reach the more change we Can bring about that’s our goal If you do the auto-ship option and Rakow Exact twenty that way you’ll get 20% off Of your first purchase but if you don’t Feel like doing the auto-ship option Just And or Zach George 15 when you check out As the code you’ll get 15% off but I’ll Have all that in the description below Takes less than five minutes by changing The way you buy dog food you’re changing The way people teach dogs the first

Question today comes from Cynthia hi Zac I’ve received conflicting messages from Different trainers regarding eye contact Between people and their dogs one Trainer said I should stop looking at my Fearful rescue dog Annie another said Eye contact is important to a dog in a Positive way and it will help build her Confidence if she knows I’m paying Attention to her what’s your opinion Well there’s a lot here I need to talk About because eye contact is the very Foundation of the way that I teach dogs So you know I obviously I think eye Contact is very important but you said a Couple of things here that I want to you Know kind of address because they raised A bit of a red flag you said you had a Fearful rescue dog I’m guessing that you And your dog are pretty comfortable with One another so I think encouraging eye Contact from a dog that you know very Well as long as you’re not seeing any Obvious signs of distress Or major discomfort I think that’s a Good thing you wouldn’t want to go up to A dog that you didn’t know for the rest Of you and encourage strong eye contact Without getting better acquainted you Said it will build her confidence if she Knows you’re paying attention to her That may be the case but that’s not the Primary reason we teach a dog to look at Us we teach a dog to look at us so that

We can guide them remember dogs are one Of the only animals on planet earth that Look to a human being for guidance and Direction I think both dogs and people Get a lot more out of eye contact than Either of us really realize there’s a Lot going on there that’s how I Anticipate a dog’s next move almost Exclusively eye contact Coupled with overall body language of Course – bottom line it’s important to Go at your own pace make sure your dog Is comfortable keeping a positive Experience and don’t ask for too much Too soon in my opinion one of my most Under viewed and most important videos Is how to teach your dog to look at you It’s a fantastic video it will show you The virtues of eye contact and it’s one Of my favorite so I think it has like I Mean a 99 point something percent like The dislike ratio so those who watched It really seem to enjoy it I’ll put that in the description Allison Wanted me to quickly address a couple of Misconception In dog training for example should you Really make sure that you go through a Doorway before your dog does and let me Give you a bit of background for those Of you that don’t know see there’s a Common myth in dog training that Suggests that if you routinely allow Your dog to go through the doorway ahead

Of you well this means they’re trying to Be dominant and trying to establish a Leadership role in your life now there’s Absolutely zero scientific evidence that This is the case and I certainly in my Experience in working with thousands of Dogs have never seen anything that would Lead me to believe that however I do Think it’s a good idea to have your dog Automatically sit when that door opens There’s another common myth out there Again this is also related to the Dominance myth that if you eat first You’re showing your dog hey I’m in Charge I’m the dominant one but there’s No evidence to suggest that your dog Will respect you less if they eat before You I tend to feed my dogs before I eat Because I just want them to be happy I Don’t want to be thinking gosh I wonder If they’re hungry while I sit there and Eat my meal but that’s personal Preference feed them whenever you want Just make sure you feed them and get Your food at Peplow Calm I like this Question how did you discover positive Training I’m really lucky in this Department because I know that when a Lot of dog trainers get involved with Dog training they have all of these Ideas thrown at them all these different Philosophies and and they just don’t Know who to trust who to listen to who’s Right who’s wrong especially when you

Have so many conflicting ideas out there Now I’ve been a positive trainer from Day one since I began dog training and Here’s why the very beginning of my dog Training career I was really into Competing and the sport of dog frisbee Right I don’t know any of you may or may Not have seen this if you haven’t I’m Sure I’ve got videos on my channel Somewhere showing off some of our fancy Tricks and frisbee stuff but what I Learned early on that if you want to be Successful and win those competitions You have to really teach your dog to do Some pretty cool stuff you can’t make a Dog leap off your back into the air to Catch a frisbee you can’t do that with a Choke chain you can’t do that with an E-collar You can’t throw three frisbees at one Time and expect your dog to catch All of them without seriously motivating Them to want to do that so very early on In my career I was able to get that Point that I really have to make it Worth my dog’s while in order to get Them to do what I want them to do for The big difference between positive Training versus traditional training is That with positive training you’re Motivating your dog to want to do Something the emphasis is on the word Yes you’re looking for things to reward Right now my dog Alpha Centauri is over

Here lying down if he was a beginner in Training I would make that effort to go Over there and say I like that and I Would pet him very nicely in calm way to Encourage calmness traditional training Say in the case of you know the metal Choke chain or prawn collars the Emphasis there is on communicating to Your dog when they’re doing the wrong Thing so in the case of your dog pulling On the leash protocol is to give them a Pop with the prong or the choke chain or Even an e collar if that’s what you’re Using as you know I despise those things They are the worst thing in dog training And anyone any professional out there Promoting those is not a professional in My very strong opinion because if you Need to reduce your training approach to Motivating a dog to learn by avoiding Discomfort in pain you are messed up That is no way to communicate with a dog So that’s my very strong opinion is it Scientifically sound sure sure it is I Mean of course if a dog is terrified of Getting shocked they’re gonna learn to Behave but there are much more ethical And better ways to approach that so That’s a big difference between positive Training and traditional training and Remember the aim of the dog training Revolution this is show as many people As possible the most humane ethical and Enjoyable ways to teach their dog you’re

An individual a non-professional and You’re using these methods I’m not mad At you I’m here to help you and I’m here To show you a better way I am very hard On the professionals because they ought To know better people taking money from The public I would be so upset if I’m Paying someone and they say hey put this On your dog and make sure you put them In pain every time they do something you Don’t like kind of advice is that next Question comes from Jessica can a rescue Dog you know Over his or her fear and is it cruel to Make them face them My puppy seems to be really afraid of Stairs but I live in a city and there’s Lots of stairs at my friend’s apartment And there are many times when I have to Take her in a car and she doesn’t like The car either can she get over these Fears and does it mean to try and force Her it is not mean to teach your dog to Not be afraid of something now whenever We’re dealing with issues of anxiety or Fear we have to be prepared to be Extremely patient because this isn’t Just sit and lie down with a basic lure And a reward when you’re really trying To address those types of feelings Within your dog you’ve got to be patient With them so you know you said you had a Puppy now I got to tell you I’ve met Very few puppies that likes tears most

Puppies don’t like stairs so this sounds Very normal to me I wouldn’t in and of Itself the fear of car rides or fear of Stairs I would not necessarily consider That a fearful dog because those are Both kind of unnatural things to a dog Who’s brand-new to our world now the big Mistake that people make with this is They wait until they’re in the situation When it’s time to get in the car and go Somewhere and they take their dog with Them and you just throw them in the deep End and expect them to be ok with it and And understand everything that’s going On or in the case of stairs you know It’s time to go down and it’s time to go Up and we got to do it hurry up we’re on A we’re on a time limit here you’ve got To set up training sessions Individualize to these things ahead of Time and you need to do them a few times You got to go out of your way to do These things in order to really set your Dog up for success just be very patient Go very slow look for small bits of Progress and reward those heavily to Communicate your dog I love that you’re Trying this is from Mike here’s one how Can I get my dog to distinguish between Requests for instance between play dead And rollover often when I say play dead He rolls all the way over and also you Have the same problem with sit and lie Down there is no way to teach a dog

Without going through this because you Know sometimes in the beginning our dogs Are just like well when I listen I get a Reward or if I do something I get a Reward but Don’t necessarily understand that they Need to do the specific thing that You’re asking for many of you have dogs And you’ve taught them to sit lie down And roll over you’ll notice that they Just go through the whole routine Because they’re like that this is what We’re gonna do and this is really worthy Of an entire video with an actual dog in It I’m sure we’ll do that in the future And I’m sure I have in the past you know There’s tons of videos let’s say you Know your past that real beginner phase You feel like you have dog kind of Understands play dead kind of Understands roll over say they roll over When you say play dead it’s important to Withhold that reward and not reward on Roll over except in moments where they May be frustrated where they may be Trying to brainstorm what it is you’re Asking from them so there’s that fine Line that you as the person have to feel Out so is it that they’re just blowing You off and saying no I don’t feel like Listening to you I’m gonna do this and You should reward me for that or are They saying I think I know this one Is this right and you know in that case

You can give them a small reward just to Keep them motivated to keep them Interested here’s another one Zach and Your opinion how young can a person Start training their puppy for leash Work as soon as you get them you know Eight to ten weeks that that would be The youngest I would say there are very Few things that you need to wait on with Your dog unless they’re like really Physically demanding on your dog or Unsafe you wouldn’t want to teach a ten Week old puppy how to jump off your back To catch a frisbee for example you want To be very conservative with those types Of things but you want to start you know Introducing as many concepts as you can Early on as long as you’re prepared to Be patient to keep your expectations Realistic but I say immediately chances Are when you have a puppy and you put a Leash on and they’re gonna start bucking Up and biting at the leash I mean like What is this thing holy cow you’re Pulling me what’s what’s going on so Your job there is to be very Understanding and encourage them to just Walk around the room with a leash on it Just be comfortable with it and really Give them a lot of support and Encouragement keep it low-key keep it Interesting if you guys enjoyed the Video click thumbs up tell me what you Want help with in the comments below or

What questions you might have I might Answer them for a guaranteed answer to Your question Go contribute to my patreon Crowdfunding campaign at Slash’s act George you can contribute What you think our show is worth I’ve Got some great videos lined up coming up But I wanted to make sure that I got This out there to at least touch base With my patreon supporters because they Have a lot of the same questions I know A lot of you have as well so anyway I Will see you guys in the next video Don’t forget to support pet flow comm Slash is Zack George by taking five Minutes to change the way you buy dog Food you’re helping to change the way People teach dogs and raise the Standards in dog training pet float comm / Zack George enter codes act 20 when You sign up for auto shipping you’ll get 20% off of your first purchase if you Don’t want to sign up for auto shipping And you just want to get a bag of dog Food or some toys supplies whatever Enter codes Act George 15 and you’ll get 15% off of your first purchase okay guys I really enjoyed making the video and I Can’t wait to see you in the next one we Have lots of fun videos planned

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