Dog Training 101: How to teach your dog to Stay (duration)

Dog Training 101: How to teach your dog to Stay (duration)

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Stay is the most important command for our dogs to know. It is a potentially life saving skill. In this video I’ll show you how to teach the first step of Stay.

There are three aspects to stay There stay with duration a period of Time their stay with distance walking Away from our dog and their stay with Distractions but right now we are going To start super super small Stay for duration here this is um Bentley Sheepdog i want you to watch what i do Here sit no that’s incorrect sit Stay Very good hold on Stay one that was a one second stay okay I’m being very clear with my body Language here here we go sit Stay Boom Don’t push your dog to failure here that Was another one second stay watch this Stay one no I said no What was the consequence No reward That’s right no treat very good so now i Tried to get a two second stay there but I failed not Not bentley he didn’t fail so we don’t Want to push our dogs to failure we want To set them up for success with this sit Stay one i’m going back to the one Second stay now i’m gonna try two Seconds stay again i don’t like dogs Failing more than one time in a row when Doing stay with duration if that makes

Sense here we go sit Stay one two very good Nice remember the training bubble we Talked about last week also nice close Proximity nice and low sit how old is he Again Stay very good nice work Good almost four months old We’re gonna practice that in a moment But i want to make one more point Before we practice this i mean Four-month-old dog staying is very nice To any degree up to this point i told You that every time you click you should Reward right We’re going to start changing that today We’re going to apply a principle of Training called random reinforcement Which is exactly what it sounds like so Now we’re going to continue to click the Same amount of times that we’ve been Doing continue clicking like you’re Doing but don’t reward every time i want You to reward completely at random let Me put it in human terms for you A slot machine anyone ever played slot Machines They’re addictive right they’re very Addictive because you never know when You’re gonna win that’s why gambling is So addictive to a lot of people stay I’m gonna say stay again only because I’m gonna really burn the command into His brain but generally we don’t repeat

It unless we’re gonna click so watch This sit stay Stay you’re doing very well very good Let’s go ahead and work on a one to Three second stay for the next minute or Two and then we’ll up the ante in just a Minute do not walk away from them just Yet Because remember you’re in a new Environment so stay with distance is Another animal so to speak can you put Clicker and treats like a couple of Treats in one hand and just give a real Solid clear Signal there i just want that hand Signal to be crystal clear leonardo okay One two click you’re awesome that’s Really good this is how i like to Introduce stay with distance the first Step anyway stay Uh-uh Did you see how he responded there to The verbal correction there i said and He was like okay Very good good communication you can Keep that training bubble nice and tight I’m looking for that line between your Eyes between you and your dog right here Stay That was stay you are so good by the way It looked like he might have gone into a Lie down there that would have been just Fine we pick our battles if your dog is Sitting and they’re staying and they go

Into a lie down at this point in the Game the fact that they’re staying Outweighs the fact that they broke sit To go into a lie down so ignore that i Would say that’s my advice molly is Working on sit and stay and she’s she Gets a little thrown off in an Environment like this but you can’t hear It right now but her mom over here is Doing a great job of keeping it nice and Calm nice and quiet Keeping the mood very good with molly Let’s see watch if i come up towards a Stranger she might get a little nervous Let me see we’re trying to improve that Hey molly can i can i say hi hey girl Will you take it for me It’s okay That’s okay but that’s what we’re Working on with her but she now she’s Actually responding to you so that’s Good because she wasn’t doing that last Week am i right Not here exactly i want you to continue To work on stay throughout the week With duration and walking back and forth Next week we’ll begin to introduce a Little bit of distance and also Distractions

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