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Perfect hate to tell you this but I’m Supposed to be hosting this video Today’s video is sponsored by pet flow Click thumbs up for bourbon the Australian Cattle Dog she’s joining me Today make sure you subscribe to my Channel bourbon you’re supposed to herd Cattle I’m not a cattle pick up a copy Of America’s number-one best-selling dog Training book dog training revolution And follow us on Instagram to keep up With us between videos today bourbon and I are gonna take a few of your questions And I want to thank our awesome sponsor Pep flow yeah I know they are awesome Aren’t they by changing the way you buy Your dog food you’re helping to change The way people think about training dogs You can save a ton of time by setting up Automatic pet food delivery from pet Flow choose your dog’s favorite brand of Food yes Tell pet flow how often you want it to Be delivered and enter codes a got 30 Sack 30 when you check out for $10 off Your first three orders I’ll have peplos link and details in the Description the questions I’ve selected Today come from YouTube patreon Facebook And all over the place so wherever you Guys follow us we pay attention the First question comes from Malacca Shum And they are asking about indoor potty Training tips so when you’re training
Your dog to do their business inside Instead of outside there’s really not a Whole lot of difference I mean instead Of taking them outside to the grass you Would obviously take them to the area Where they’re supposed to do their Business inside so it could be something Like a puppy pad or any other designated Area that you determined to be an Acceptable place for them to pee and Poop a lot of people have a need for Their dog to go inside the house maybe Because they live in a giant apartment And it’s very inconvenient to take them Out but other people do it as a means of Convenience so they don’t have to let Their dog out as much but if you are Going to do this you still have to Really follow through on your training And keep your dog on leash and strictly Control their environment at all times So in other words just because you’re Allowing them to go to a designated Place inside the house doesn’t mean that You should just assume that they’re Supposed to figure that out you need to Definitely be proactive about taking Them there and showing them the proper Place to go for the first year of Training with all potty training you Cannot slack on controlling the Environment or let your guard down at All This next question comes from Michael
Shane Michael says I have Puppy who doesn’t like to walk outside And she’ll lie down on the grass and I Have to pour until she starts to walk Okay well in general it’s a good idea Not to pull your dog to force them That’s only likely to kind of increase Their anxiety but I know exactly what You’re talking about Michael it is Really common especially with puppies For them to freeze up especially if They’re new to a leash and a harness is That’s a weird feeling and they don’t Really understand this whole idea of Being tethered to a person just yet so It’s important to be really patient and Understanding with them so many Different things can throw a dog off When they’re new to the world it can be As something as simple as a different Size maybe they’re not used to grass or Concrete or wood or carpet or any other Number of things could be as simple as Some new smell that they’ve never sensed Before at a park that really catches Their attention and they may not be so Eager to go on a walk they’d rather kind Of stay right here and check out this New setting for example new surfaces Sounds and sights really can throw dogs Off especially when they’re young so Some things that you can do to encourage Your dog to walk with you on leash art Of course to lure them with really high
Value treats consider real meat over a Regular dog treats that’s gonna give you A more of an edge when you’re competing With lots of distractions getting Peppier and getting more enthusiastic And excited with your dog is also likely To encourage them to be more playful but You can’t really rush this it’s Important to take your dog to these new Places and new areas wherever you’re Struggling with them on leash walking And just be patient let them walk around Let them take in the new place and the Environment our next question comes from Paul Deepak I have a five week old Golden retriever when should I start Training five weeks is pretty young to Start training see it’s ideal for a dog To be with their mother for the first Ten weeks or so of their life because They learn social skills from their Litter base and from their mom that can Really help them throughout their life Nonetheless some dogs do get separated From their mom or get lost or abandon or Any number of reasons if you find Yourself in this position with a super Young dog it’s important to make sure That they get plenty of time with people And other vaccinated dogs so that they Can really acquire some of those social Skills that are necessary but you can Start to focus on some basic easy Training like lure training sit lie down
Maybe an easy stay maybe even some fun Tricks at around eight to ten weeks or So this next question is from Patti McArthur my dog plays Keep-away with fetch running away help Us about what else can I do Patty I love that you’re teaching your Dog fetch and playing chase running away From them like you described is a Wonderful way to teach a dog to bring a Toy back to you but it’s not foolproof See keep-away is a really natural game For dogs in fact it’s one of the most Natural games they know how to play that And tug of war from any dog so we can’t Fault them for doing something that’s Natural to them so many people really Try to bypass using a long lead say 20 Feet or so when teaching fetch they Think I can probably get by with it cuz My dogs somewhat compliant but even as I Have bourbon on a leash right here right Now you know right there she tried to Pull away this is my failsafe so I can Gain control the first thing to keep in Mind when you’re trying to bring any bad Habit to an end is to make it impossible To occur your dog can’t run away if you Have them on a lead and see look as I Throw it I’m grabbing the lead here on The ground just in case she decides to Go in the other direction they’re trying To initiate a game of keep-away let go Get it see picking up the lead the
Second I throw it I’m just keeping her from running away The leash is best used as a safety net Once your dog comes to really appreciate And enjoy the thrilling game of fetch They’re a lot more likely to avoid Running around because hey chasing it Bringing it back in a straight line Turns out to be much more fulfilling Than running around aimlessly plus That’s the only way that the game will Continue to go on is when they play it Correctly as your dog tends to become a Bit more reliable you can start to phase Out the long lead but even for insurance It’s a good idea to keep that long lead On them even longer than you might Expect – just to make sure that if there Are any relapses you’re there to keep The bad habit from getting established Make sure you follow us on Instagram to Keep up with us between episodes of the Dog training revolution pick up a copy Of my book – if you’ve got a new dog or You just want a handy guide to Everything you need to know about Raising your new dog subscribe to my Channel and set up automatic pet food Delivery at pet flow you’ll be all set Bourbon you did a good job today I don’t Think I could’ve answer those questions Without you see you guys in the next Video