I love working with brand new puppies and training them! Rosie the golden retriever stopped by and we worked on some puppy leash training, puppy biting, and teaching her how to listen!! She’s really awesome!
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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:
Click thumbs up for a new video make Sure you’re subscribed to my channel too And are you following us on Instagram And Facebook I’ll have a link below when I meet any new puppy there’s a checklist Of things I like to go through just to Kind of see how they’re doing under General training so that’s what we’re Gonna do with her today if you’ve got a New puppy you need to know about pet Flow pet flow is a service that will Deliver your dog’s food in any time Interval you prefer right to your front Door so you can get your food shipped Every two to three weeks whatever works For you they have all the brands out There so you’ll be able to find a food That’s good for your individual dog They’ve also made it real easy to try Out their service you just enter code Zach 30 and they’ll give you $10 off Your first three Auto shipment orders Okay let’s get to training Rosie Rosie Is a golden retriever and she’s Beautiful and so I’m just meeting her Right now for the first time let’s touch Her paws and see what happens is she Real sensitive there often times the Dogs feet are really sensitive so that Kind of there’s a little bit of biting There so that might sometimes trigger Some biting saying hey let go of me Let’s try our ears for a second pretty Good she’s reacting really well what a
Great dog you are let me see if we can Get her interested in this toy here I Want to make it really exciting for Rather than just offering it I’m gonna Move it around a little see if she wants To bite it I’m gonna let her win there And just kind of let her have it look at That see if she’s gonna turn just ever So slightly here if she picks it up Let’s find out come on you can do it yes Good I’ll take it a little bit of Effects there so Rosie’s got real Healthy play dry but let’s see if she’s Motivated by treats even though these Are the full-size treats since they’re Soft I break them up and they’re really Tiny pieces I want to be able to use a Lot of treats because you know it might Be tempting when you call your dogs like That to go and pick them up but if you Can get them to voluntarily go through The motions and take each individual Step towards you you’re showing your dog How to think from the inside outward so It really pays when you have a puppy to Go real slow take the time to show them How you want them to behave if you truly Want them to internalize behaviors I’m Testing how responsive she is to lure Training right there was a sit it was Very good let’s see if she’ll go into a Lie down as we lure Just gonna go real slow remember yes Well Oh almost I probably should have
Rewarded that she moves one of those Feet I’m gonna go ahead and reward yes There we go there’s almost a down that’s It down look at that how do your back Legs do that anyway ha good alright so We’ve lured her into a sit into a down Now let’s see if we can get her back up Into a sit yes I can see here that she’s Pretty motivated by these but I’ll bet You if we up the value of our currency We could get even better results right Now I’m gonna try and use some real Turkey and see how she responds to that And you can already see her lighting up A little bit more here because we’re Using a higher value currency let’s spin Around so often times with young puppies They’re not used to wearing a harness or A leash like this so I’m curious to see How she responds to walking around on a Leash what are you saying just walking Back and forth to get her used to Following me right there she’s like I Don’t know if I want to go over there I Want to go over here come on yes good I’m providing that extra incentive to Err to encourage her to come to me by Giving her a treat thank you she’s Scratching a lot that’s because she has A horn Ahsan that she’s not used to Yes good this way good come on let’s go This way give me another one and good Girl So right there I got a burst of
Compliance from her and I’m gonna reward That hey give me an update on how your Training is going with your dog in the Comments below click thumbs up if you Enjoyed today’s training session with Rosie make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel pick up a copy of my book too if You need help with training your dog and Make your life easier by setting up Automatic pet food delivery at pet flow We’ll see you guys next time