Let’s talk about dog training! Thank you Nom Nom for sponsoring this video:
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TIMESTAMPS! By popular demand! 🙌
0:00 Hi! AVSAB has updated their position statement!
1:07 Thank you Nom Nom!
1:50 Let’s talk! Tag your favorite dog trainers in the comments!
3:17 What even is AVSAB?
5:42 What does ”AVERSIVE” mean? What are ”AVERSIVE TOOLS”?
6:53 What is new about this position statement on dog training methods (compared to their previous position)??
8:07 Disclosing our bias
8:44 CONCLUSION of AVSAB’s new position statement (read aloud)
9:39 What does this mean for dog trainers?
12:34 HIGHLIGHTS from AVSAB position statement (read aloud with commentary)
17:00 STUDIES cited by AVSAB – What are their flaws?? Do they really support this conclusion??
21:12 Where are the studies supporting the opposite viewpoint (that aversive or ”balanced” methods are more efficient and better for dogs’ overall welfare than reinforcement-based methods that exclude aversive corrections)?
22:11 STUDY DISCUSSION: ”The Welfare Consequences and Efficacy of Training Pet Dogs with Remote Electronic Training Collars in Comparison to Reward Training”
25:00 Does this mean aversive corrections are ABUSE???
25:46 STUDY DISCUSSION: ”Comparison of Stress and Learning Effects of 3 Different Training Methods: Electronic Training Collar, Pinch Collar and Quitting Signal”
32:19 What about our personal experience? Let’s talk about ANECDOTES!!
33:58 What should we do now???
Influential trainers we mentioned (who fall on all sides of this debate):
Cesar Millan:
Victoria Stilwell:
Trevor Smith (Doggie Dojo):
Upstate Canine Academy:
Simpawtico Dog Training:
School of Canine Science:
Beckman’s Dog Training:
Ivan Balabanov:
Brandon McMillan:
McCann Dog Training:
Grisha Stewart:
Dunbar Academy:
Amber Aquart:
Hannah Branigan:
Eileen Anderson:
Who else??? Tag your favorite trainers in the comments 🔥
This is a video that you and i have Wanted to make for months now thank you Guys so much the feedback on the george Series was incredible and this format That we’ve been doing for the last Couple of years has been working really Well doing these deep dives into Training a dog over many weeks to see The kind of results we get i love that You guys are loving it so much in our Next one Well you tell me if you’re still loving It after that because That is the closest i have come to Retiring from dog training i think but Right now i think we really have to talk About this huge news in the dog training World that’s recently happened this is Probably The biggest news in my dog training Career i’ve been training dogs i think 17 years like i don’t know the exact has It been that long i know oh my gosh There’s a new position statement as it Relates to dog training from the American veterinary society of animal Behavior yes absab avsab that’s right That’s so we’re probably going to be Calling them abseb quite a bit Throughout this video for short amongst Dog trainers i think today’s video is Going to be pretty controversial we Really want to thank nom nom for Sponsoring this episode really good
Product there’s a lot of ways to feed Your dog a quality diet nom nom is one Of the freshest options available and it Meets the delicate nutrition standards Of dogs something that is shockingly Hard to get right on your own their Nutrition experts prepare fresh meals With all of the right nutrients for your Dog and they automatically ship them Right to your door so literally all you Have to do is open up a packet and give Your dog an amazing very healthy meal as Someone who really appreciates when Things are quick and easy i absolutely Love this if you think your dog would Love nom nom you can get 50 off a Two-week trial at my special link Trinom.com zack i’ll have that link in The description my true hope when making A video like this is that i’m hoping That we as a dog training community Especially here on youtube because That’s where i live Uh that we can really get together and Try to understand this news better what Does it mean for various dog trainer Influencers out there Yeah this is the dog training world I did not know until i entered it is Such an active community like you guys Really go to town about talking about Stuff however anyone trains dogs i think Anyone in this profession is very Passionate about
Dogs and their well-being and we all Love them that’s why we get into dog Training right it would be even more Amazing if some of the influencers out There in the dog training space people Like caesar milan victoria is still well Uh emily larlin kiko oh kiko pup yeah we Love her and of course our buddy trevor From doggy dojo upstate k9 k91 ian from Simpawtico would like to know what nando Joe and dean from school of canine Science yeah they’re cool beckman Balabanov macmillan mccann you sure know A lot This is like I keep thinking your list is exactly i Know it’s a huge amazing community There’s so many people that uh i think Are gonna want to talk about this a lot Of different perspectives out there for Sure i know i am forgetting a ton of you That i talk to out there so forgive me For that and if there’s any dog trainers That you guys respect out there that you Would like to talk about this let them Know i think the thoughts on this would Be very valuable now many of you might Not have heard of the american Veterinary society of animal behavior It’s because their target audience is Vets veterinarians and professional Behaviorists more than just the general Public most veterinarians don’t Specialize in animal behavior very very
Good point there is a subset of vets That definitely specialize in the Science of animal behavior More specifically dog behavior in our Case so basically vets who don’t Specialize in behavior and are a member Of this organization look to them to get Guidance on training dogs then they can Check with a trusted organization like This to see what the latest cutting edge Science has to say so they just want to Make sure that they have all of that Information available so that Veterinarians around the country and World can advise their clients with an Informed opinion and it’s worth noting Absab members have to meet a very high Bar in terms of education to be a part Of this organization members of absab Are board certified veterinary Behaviorists research scientists Veterinarians with a special interest in Behavior certified applied animal Behaviorists Doctors of veterinary medicine with Behavior specialties phd in animal Behavior or related discipline it’s i Mean impressive yeah i mean there’s These are people who understand Science so this isn’t an association of Professional dog trainers Or anything like that these are among The most educated dedicated Professionals who are focused on
How animals learn i’ve taken a few Animal behavior classes and i can tell You that i was surprised how intricate It is it’s a very intricate science And Challenging to study i know there’s a Lot of setup here we’re about to get Into it right now but i do want to Preemptively say that i know a lot of People in our industry the the dog Training world that is um Really are skeptical of academia because It is not the real world and things and We’re going to actually talk about that Later it’s a legit criticism absolutely Sure i particularly love stuff like this Because brie and i are Significant science enthusiasts but also I get a lot of experience on the ground So to speak with dogs working with them Every day trying to implement a lot of The methods that we learn from People like this to be clear not a Scientist just an enthusiast i’m going To do my best to be accurate here but I’m hoping some of our science-minded People will be involved we’re going to Be using the term aversive a lot today How do we mean aversive for purposes of This conversation dog training people Usually uh use aversive to refer to Unpleasant physical corrections or Training consequences that a dog would Want to avoid or escape i’m sure the
Term aversive tools will come up a time Or two as well and by that we’re Referring to things like choke chains Prong collars electric collars also slip Leads count basically anything used in a Way that causes a dog to feel either Physically unpleasant or emotionally Unpleasant but it’s always tricky in Animal behavior isn’t it because you can Never Know what a dog is feeling we can think About the traditional example if a dog Pulls one training strategy is to pop The leash really quickly to discourage Them from pulling that would be an Aversive method another example using Squirt bottles when dogs are barking i I shouldn’t laugh about that it’s not Nice of dogs but i must confess uh Really early in my career i used to do That so I did i did i know it’s a bombshell when Maybe you’re four Like in training classes yeah like in Training and training classes i wouldn’t Do it today but you know that’s Learning for you so i feel like Very briefly you should explain what the Position statement has been You know broadly up until now because It’s made some changes minor changes Over the years but this is dramatic so What was it before my understanding of Their original position was basically
That you should try positive Reinforcement first with training uh Make sure that you’re addressing any Underlying emotional issues to the best Of your ability making sure that you’re Controlling your dog’s environment be Sure that you’re limiting their access To things that might cause them to Behave undesirably and try counter Conditioning methods to change their Association if you tried all those in Good faith and you felt like they Weren’t working well enough that is when It may have become appropriate for a Trainer to use averses potentially so That has been their position as long as I can remember my dog training career When it came to their advice on animal Welfare the first time i read that my Honest first thought was that sounds a Lot like what most people call balanced Training yes and most balanced trainers That i know really do their best to have A heavy emphasis on positive Reinforcement training yeah that’s true It’s like mostly positive reinforcement Right but then aversives uh in some Cases right exactly and just to try and Be as open and transparent of my biases As reasonably possible because that’s Important when making a video like this Um I Subscribe to the idea of using the least
Aversive method that’s likely to work But personally i’ve never crossed into Using choke chains prawn collars or Electric collars many trainers have Found value in using aversive tools and Methods and they would be justified Based on that former criteria of that Sab and that’s why this new statement is Such a bombshell in our industry we’re Going to unpack this in detail in this Video but just listen To these four sentences based on current Scientific evidence avsab recommends That only reward-based training methods Are used for all dog training including The treatment of behavior problems Aversive training methods have a Damaging effect on both animal welfare And the human animal bond there is no Evidence that aversive methods are more Effective than reward-based methods in Any context avsab therefore advises that Aversive methods should not be used in Animal training or for the treatment of Behavior disorders their position right Now is no choke chains no prong collars No electric collars for any reason At all Ever I mean and i i say that like i’m shocked By this Because Scientific thinkers do not use Such terminology loosely think about all
Those trainers who sometimes use Aversive tools were justified under The prior position statement but under This new one They are in violation Is telling their clientele Like your veterinarian That they should not recommend the use Of those tools or trainers who advocate For them in any known situation so if Your vet your part of this organization You have a trainer that you’ve been Working with maybe because dog training Isn’t your thing they use choke chains Prone collars e-collars you uh would be At conflict what with absab how does That change things right there this is Something that I know a lot of people are taking really Seriously ourselves included because It’s affecting a lot of people Their livelihood i mean it’s affecting Dogs but it’s affecting trainers too That’s what i’m really hoping to examine Here because A statement like that can like you said Affect people’s careers a huge Percentage of dog training facilities Out there in the world are Really using these tools every day in Their business again to be up front i am Partial to not using aversive Corrections in training and also despite My best intentions i do resort to them
From time to time as you’ve seen in my Videos before speaking from personal Experience using positive reinforcement Has helped me do incredible things with My dogs in the past and you’ve seen like In our hundreds of videos that we have On the channel how positive Reinforcement Sometimes works with most of the dogs But and this is the important thing I can’t know what my results would have Been had i been using different methods Like choke chains prong collars or Electric collars maybe i would have done Even better i mean that’s what we can’t Know from my personal story the way to Critically think though thank you and Really no one should take my anecdotes Or or my stories serious they don’t Matter any more than anyone else’s That’s why we have to have Scientific study i mean that’s the value Of science it’s the best Tool we have to getting at what’s true Yeah science is awesome the absence Statement has a ton of studies reference There are i think 21 we read them all But then every one of them Also references studies it’s yeah it’s Been pretty interesting and not all of Them come to the same conclusion by any Means there’s a ton of information in Those studies but there are a lot of red Flags too and so we felt like rather
Than just sharing the position statement We wanted to make this video we spent a Lot of time giving these studies a Critical eye we really tried to be Objective of course no one can do that Like scientists can we also tried our Best to find What other dog trainers other Professionals are saying about this and We wanted to go over some of those Objections the main ones that we at Least were able to find and i think we Should talk about how this is going to Change the way that i train dogs moving Forward too it’s not you know it’s just A four-page document there’s about four Pages yeah right here you know and so You can look at it yourself we’re going To hit some of the highlights yeah absab Position statement on humane dog Training evidence supports the use of Reward based methods for all k9 training Avsab promotes interactions with animals Based on compassion respect and Scientific evidence Yeah sounds pretty sound to me a pretty Good rule of thumb based on these Factors reward based learning offers the Most advantages and least harm to the Learner’s welfare research supports the Efficacy of reward-based training to Address unwanted and challenging Behaviors there is no evidence that Aversive training is necessary for dog
Training or behavior modification yeah Just to be clear there’s nothing here Claiming that using aversive training Methods are Ineffective i mean they definitely are Saying that they work there’s just no Advantage Known for using aversive training Methods and tools even I guess to be even more carefully Scientific it’s just that there’s not Evidence that aversive training is Necessary okay for dog training or Behavior modification great distinction Well said reward based techniques should Be used for teaching common training Skills as well as to address unwanted Behaviors the application of aversive Methods which by definition rely on Application of force pain or emotional Or physical discomfort Should not be used in canine training or For the treatment of behavioral Disorders acknowledged so for no reason Not aggression Not anything when dogs have serious Aggression issues It’s a it’s a desperate situation and of Course you try whatever you think will Work the best and so that’s a common Place where People have gone down that list of Things that absence said were good to do And said this dog is still i’m still
Having a lot of problems right maybe Aversives but now here this is a Dramatic about face from that as the Role of companion animals has evolved Their welfare and the relationships Between humans and animals have become Increasingly important it is understood That animals are sentient and should be Treated with respect and compassion i Like that i do i think that trainers who Use aversive methods entirely agree with That statement as well it’s hard to Imagine anyone who works with dogs that Wouldn’t truly feel those words learning Manners and skills can help animals to Coexist harmoniously with people in the Home and in society the techniques used To teach those manners and skills can Strongly affect an animal’s future Behavior and emotional well-being Training methods are most effective when They focus on teaching the animal what To do rather than punishing them for Unwanted behaviors common training Issues such as jumping barking and house Training can be managed by arranging the Environment appropriately and Reinforcing desirable responses more Serious behavior concerns such as Aggression anxiety and fear require a Treatment plan that includes Environmental management behavior Modification and in some cases Medication
Environmental conditions that drive the Behavior should be addressed like Managing their environment i’ve heard That one before that’s a big one And the dog should be set up to make Appropriate responses Management can include avoiding Situations that lead to the unwanted Behavior and ensuring the safety of all Involved agree 100 But I think every dog trainer on earth will Agree Easier said than done Doesn’t mean we don’t try to Uh adhere to that standard though Because i like that many methods of Changing behavior in dogs are effective That’s an important point to remember a Lot of methods work if your measure is Does the dog do the thing that you asked Positive reinforcement isn’t the only Thing in the world that accomplishes That however the evidence-based Veterinarian or behavior consultant Should be concerned not just with what’s Effective but with what does the least Harm and produces the best long-term Results current literature on dog Training methods shows a clear advantage Of reward-based methods over Aversive-based methods with respect to Immediate and long-term welfare training Effectiveness and the dog human
Relationship so they’re talking about The bond they’re talking about the Effectiveness the Welfare of the individual dogs there Like those are all Components that need to be Taken into account when you’re teaching Dogs is that basically what you’re Hearing here yes that is what i’m Hearing exhaustive analyses of dog Training literature have been completed And are available for review when we First heard that we looked at the Citation to be like how exhaustive can This be and it wasn’t even that the 21 Studies cited it’s about 21 right yeah There no it is 20 years 29 studies right There they are And we reviewed those but it’s like we Just kept going down rabbit holes and Rabbit holes like it is because they Would reference other studies so even Though there’s 21 referenced here Understand that that encompasses quite a Bit of good science And a bit of Science that can do better too so fair Point fair point very true what was Particularly interesting if you’re the Type of person who likes to just get to The bottom line is that many of those Studies their studies of studies right To try to kind of see where things are Trending how dogs are behaving over with
Many different parameters i guess yeah It’s like the more data you have the Better of a trend you can see over time Those studies cover all kinds of things But a lot of it was looking at animal Welfare as it relates to dog training so Are the dogs feeling stressed was a a Big question that was asked a lot um and They also compared the actual Effectiveness of aversive based methods To positive reinforcement methods Comparing different training methods is Very interesting even though so far Research is indicating that aversive Based methods seem to generate stress in Dogs There is still a lot more research that Needs to be done before we can draw a Strong conclusion i imagine one of the Hardest things to control for In these studies is consistency with the Person because we’re not robots I think a lot of us need to consider That as well yeah that’s true and dog Training is very hard as a non as a Non-dog trainer who has occasionally Tried it um it’s it’s not easy for Someone to just Suddenly do it right and so they need to Make sure that they’re selecting the Right people who are representing the Training methods being tested Appropriately in recent years too there Have been a lack of studies that
Directly compared positive reinforcement Only methods with aversive methods but That’s really changed in the last Several years too also a lot of the Studies are either with working dogs Like military or police dogs or Laboratory dogs a lot of beagles and so It would be better if we could have more Studies with companion dogs people’s Actual pets that are living in their Homes which is complicated to study and Lots of different breeds not just Beagles and malinois and german Shepherds right exactly like it’s really Hard to establish good control of Experiment with people’s dogs so a lot Of these are also based on survey Studies as well to try to gather Information from different dog breeds Which you know isn’t always ideal but Yeah yeah that’s true it’s a great place To start though you can very often start To see a trend if you can get enough Data i would think Yeah it’s a good place to start but that Is uh One of the main challenges with Studying dog training scientifically Is that if you Can have a really controlled experiment Where you’re you know what’s happening To the dog 24 7 they live in a lab Obviously that’s no one’s pet it’s Difficult to simulate real world
Conditions and many of these there’s Still some pretty amazing science out There even with all of that considered i Mean of course absent are the ones who Cited that study that um summed up a lot Of these objections as well and so They’re aware of them they wrote this Position statement with that in mind no Matter what your feelings are on this Topic it’s so important to understand The current limitations of what we Understand so that we can make it better And move forward so we felt like that Would be a good thing to talk about yeah And things can always change this is Just currently where we are right now But new evidence Makes us think about things differently Very often i hope youtube doesn’t have a Limit on description length Because i have a lot of links for you Guys so we looked at all of those Studies referenced in the absence Document and many many of the studies Referenced by those 21 studies and then We still kept looking because there was A glaring lack of studies that supported The opposite viewpoint that aversive Training was preferable And a lot of people believed that and so We wanted to find more science that Supports it i was really surprised we Did find some compelling studies though We definitely did we’re going to cover
Them because i thought our time would be Better spent rather than just going over The studies that That we have a bias towards i guess or I’ll speak for myself that i have a bias Towards i thought it was really Important to delve into Some of the best scientific cases for Using aversive methods i think we found Two That were very commonly referenced out There by as evidence by many To I guess support the use of using Aversive methods and tools yeah these Would be the two most frequently cited That we were able to find we definitely Don’t want to be in our echo chamber if I’m wrong i want to know it i want to Know where my flaws are That’s Really what i try to do so the first one Is a study that’s been going around Since 2014 and it compares the Effectiveness of reward-based training And aversive training for off-leash Recall around livestock and other dogs Which is really hard yeah those those Are distracting study found that the E-collar training didn’t necessarily Provide better or worse results than Positive reinforcement training yeah it Was basically a tie in training right Effectiveness so then what about the
Welfare of the dogs right uh they did Based on the body language and cortisol The stress hormone you guys know about Cortisol yeah well cortisol is Associated with stress both good stress And bad stress the best way we know so Far to try to guess if a dog might be Feeling stressed which is a hard thing To guess Is to look at a combination of their Body language do they look like they’re Looking stressed And their cortisol which they can test From their saliva or their blood yeah Well stress hormone because stress isn’t Always bad yeah so for example if They’re hunched over their ears or back Their tails in between their legs yeah It’s still a correlation because we Can’t know how dogs are feeling until we Can read their minds someday one of the Most frequent objections of the study Was that the trainers were not using the E-collars properly according to modern E-collar trainers But that’s true and actually it’s weird Because it’s true that they didn’t Use them properly but it’s also true That that is a misrepresentation of the Study i mean here’s the thing phase one Of the study was to make sure that they Knew how to Record the study so they wanted to test Their data collection method so
Basically they got not necessarily Skilled uh dog trainers or e-collar Trainers they wanted to make sure that They were able to do the observation Properly right so the trainers and dogs In that little preliminary test didn’t Matter but They were those trainers we just talked About were not involved with the key Part of the study so they went out and Got actual trainers who Used e-collars in accordance with the Manufacturer manufacturer approved Basically yeah it was trainers that were Really experienced uh and yeah knew how To use it exactly as recommended by Manufacturers right so we can get a good Test Ironically this is one of the things That we really loved about the study was That they did find e-collar trainers who Knew what they were doing so in the end This study found A similar conclusion to what we’ve seen Before that the aversive corrections Were effective but they weren’t more Effective it was basically a tie with Aversive and positive reinforcement However The stress relations the hormone and the Body language score was worse for Aversive and so okay all right so got The results but animal welfare was in Question i think it’s important just
Really quick to clarify that just Because their welfare is compromised That doesn’t mean these dogs are getting Abused we’re not saying that i think the Researchers are not saying that either It’s worth mentioning too this can be an Emotional issue for many people who are Passionate about teaching dogs i just Want to reiterate that everyone is doing What they feel is best for their dogs And i think as long as we’re just all Open-minded in good faith and we Consider the data That that’s the best we can do and some Of us may arrive at different Conclusions based on that data right and That’s why the science never ends that’s True that’s why this was so interesting Because it’s really It’s a really concerted effort to get a Lot of data together and say well what’s Going on right now what should we do Moving forward we did find one study That seems to show that actually there Are lower stress levels when you use an Electric collar what about this what’s That about so the study compared the Results of three different types of Corrections an e-collar correction a Prong collar a pinch-collar correction And a pre-conditioned quitting signal Which is something i had never heard of Before i i mean apparently they’re Defining quitting signal as something
Like a leave it alone so if your dog is Distracted by something and you say hey Leave it but you don’t pull back on them Then that’s how they were measuring that Some people have taken some issues with How they taught that quitting signal so In the experiment they had dogs go into A heel and then a distracting person Another person enticed them to break Their heel basically right and then when They broke their heel they would be Corrected in one of three ways Right so in the study they compared two Types of positive punishment where You’re applying a type of punishment Prong collars and electric collars were Used and then the quitting signal was Used as well so the conclusion of that Study did say that e-collar training was More effective Less stressful It was like the opposite Wait wait more effective and less Stressful than what positive Reinforcement the quitting signal is Actually not positive reinforcement it’s Negative punishment and the study Acknowledges that as well but they Didn’t test against positive Reinforcement unfortunately would have Been interesting right so while Interesting this study is one that i saw As one of the most frequently cited as Comparing aversive punishments and
Positive reinforcement And i think it’s a misrepresentation in This case or i guess it is so after Looking at all this evidence some Questions are bound to come up and some Really good ones if positive Reinforcement training is so great why Hasn’t everyone just abandoned their Tools overnight in favor of this true And furthermore why aren’t all of these Dogs perfect now that we understand how They learn so well i mean we’ve seen Plenty of examples over the years of Dogs who’ve been trained with aversive Methods choke chains prong collars and Do amazing things we look at the Military look at law enforcement very Often They tend to use those aversive tools as Well yeah there’s no denying that that’s True yeah and they do a lot of great Things although that is starting to Change there are definitely military and Law enforcement dogs being trained with Reinforcement methods yeah links below So again aversive methods clearly work In some capacity even though it seems Like the data is telling us that Positive training is more efficient I don’t think it’s always easy there’s a Lot of skill when you’re doing positive Reinforcement training because you kind Of have to look at the world a little Bit differently you now have to be aware
Of what’s surrounding your dog more Rather than focusing on your dog and you Have to be prepared to modify the Environment And so it’s not always the most Intuitive way to think about teaching Dogs i think right well it isn’t until It is I think brie and i agree on the fact That that’s always our goal on this Channel to try and demystify a lot of Modern behavior we want to try to make It easier for you guys to understand and Actually just practice naturally in your Everyday life the bottom line of this New position statement is that if you’ve Tried everything in your training bag of Tricks and well everything except for Aversive punishments i guess and none of That is working and you don’t know what Else to do the next step is no longer to Try aversive corrections Now you need to consult another trainer That’s first in science-based methods And see if they have a different idea Yeah which is a thing that yeah i’ve Seen you actually do kind of a lot so That’s good i mean you i mean Good luck on trying to learn how to Train dogs without doing it right you’ve Got to definitely learn from other People’s experiences in the spirit of Science i’ll give you a good example Early in my dog training career i had a
Super Cringy aspect to teaching stay right and So i put this out there on the internet Because it was kind of like my intuitive Way of teaching stay what would you do Like if a dog was going to break stay i Was really quick to physically intervene And prevent a dog from breaking stay so You would like grab them yeah grab them Or prevent them and even though my Intention wasn’t to create any type of Fear within the dog when i corrected Them the fact was that method could very Easily cause a dog to feel fearful which Is counterproductive to training gosh i Don’t remember how the video was Received but i do remember emily larlin A lot of you guys will know her as kiko Pup Yeah she’s awesome she’s fantastic Absolutely and i mean hundreds of Thousands of subscribers by the way all Of you should subscribe to her channel She’s an extremely valuable resource in The in the dog training community for Sure yeah and so you know she’s like Okay Maybe you should look at it like this I found that to be hugely helpful at That point in my career and i’ve learned A lot of things from her over the years So nice i didn’t know that story that’s Really great for some of us it’s a lot More intuitive to wait for your dog to
React or do something you don’t like to Then punish him right that’s i think Human nature like everything’s fine but If you mess up i’m gonna let you know That you didn’t do the right thing and So the science is revealing That actually the opposite of that is True it’s see well may Let me say that better but despite our Best intuitions there are people out There who are uncovering ways to teach Dogs to learn at least as fast if not Faster with less welfare concerns which Is pretty exciting right a lot of you Know that i’ve dealt with reactive Issues with inertia who’s back there in The past um and grisha stewart gave me a Lot of really helpful tips that have Helped me make a lot of progress in Inertia’s reactivity so yep i’ll have Her links down there too she’s really Cool definitely and so i’ve certainly Benefited from Learning from other scientific based Trainers and improving my methods over The years too so for about the past two Years in particular we’ve really been Focused on doing these deep dive Training sessions spending several weeks With a dog trying to implement positive Reinforcement methods yeah like two Years ago we were just like put the Mistakes in put it all in let’s see how We work through them because that’s
Where the value is that’s what i wish Was around when i was learning how to Train dogs i mean i’m the first to admit It’s a lot easier said than done some Dog trainers will say that using Aversives have worked really well and Serve them well while other people say Positive reinforcement training has Given them the best results they could Ask for when you genuinely feel that What you’re doing is working extremely Well with the dogs that you work with It’s really understandable that you Wouldn’t want to shut down the work that Maybe you potentially put years into Crafting You know to uh just suddenly change your Training strategy i know that i applaud Anybody who’s skeptical of any of these Studies or anything i mean that’s it’s Important to be skeptical of things but We can’t just stop with our skepticism i Don’t think anyway so i say this just to Remind everyone that anecdotes my my own Included are no substitute for Scientific research as quick as some of Us dog trainers are to point out that Science experiments are much different Than the real world we’ve got to Remember that these researchers are Exceptionally trained in the Science of observation we need to give The scientific community a ton of thanks For
Trying to give us some type of answer to These difficult questions and by the way Afsab isn’t the only organization that Has come to this conclusion the british Veterinary association australian Veterinary association american college Of veterinary behaviorists there’s a lot I feel like i shouldn’t read you the Guys the whole list but i’ll put them Down below i mean yeah so it’s really Interesting that The best and brightest among us In the field of Studying animal behavior Are Coming to new and different conclusions As time goes on you know by no means Should any of us think that this is the Final answer because that’s not what Science is i definitely i tried to be as Skeptical as i’ve ever been about Anything in preparing for this video Because truly it’s important that as i Go on i reevaluate things has anything Changed when was the last time i Reevaluated my training methods so That’s that’s what this has done for me Basically i just try to look and learn From people who are way smarter than me I think that is the best life hack ever I know that we will continue to be As transparent as we know how to be when We’re showing you how to train dogs and By all means if you have any scientific
Studies that you think may have been Omitted from anything we’ve talked about Today Or Or if you have any new studies that you Come across in the future put them in The comments this can be a great Resource for me i’m just kind of being Selfish honestly so i’ve been asking Myself as we’ve been doing this research Okay is there anything that i’m going to Change about the way that i train dogs And I think that i’m going to Try even harder to implement positive Reinforcement in my training i think i Really need to be much more conscious of Aversive consequences that come about When i’m working with a dog whether i Intend it to happen or not and i know at The beginning of the video we kind of Listed some names and everything those Are just some of the people that i Thought of kind of off the top of my Head i guess who i know have a lot of Influence on youtube in particular Because that’s Why i’m so focused all the time i’m Curious to know if anyone out there in The dog training community is Considering changing any of the things They do and i’m curious about what those Things might be if so in light of this New compilation of scientific evidence a
Lot of stuff to go over in the Description for sure we can talk about More of this moving forward if you guys Like this kind of thing but of course we Are focused on our next series right now Which is Oh gosh check out our sponsor 2 nom nom Just go to trinom.com Zach to get 50 off the two-week trial Get a copy of my books too i talk about A lot of these topics and cite a lot of Studies in both of my books uh i’ll have Links below tick tock facebook instagram You know the drill we’ll see you in the Next video tell us what you think bye Guys