How Often and How Long Should you Train Your Dog?

How Often and How Long Should you Train Your Dog?

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

How many things can you teach your dog at once?:

Lots of people wonder how often they Should train their dogs and how long Each training session should laugh but The answer isn’t quite so Black-and-white what’s black and white And cute all over it’s you today Ollie And I are going to shed some light on The situation click thumbs up subscribe To my channel hey and if you’ve got a Puppy my book will help you tie in my Youtube videos more efficiently when Training your dog you have to have an Amazing currency for them so you barn Today I’m using these dehydrated Turkey Dog treats from open farm she would only Thinks of them I’d say that he likes Them Ali You can’t just I really love that open Farm is ultra transparent and committed To the responsible sustainable and Humane production of their super premium Dog food get this the meat in their food Is made with the highest quality human Grade meat from family farms the same Exact meat that you find at high-end Grocers and that’s true of every one of Their recipes in their dog food so no Low-quality needs no byproducts that’s Important and there’s a first certified Humane pet food every animal is raised In comfortable conditions where they can Live natural stress-free lives they want To empower you to know exactly where Your dog’s food is coming from you can

Trace every ingredient your bag of open Farm back to the source using their What’s in your bag feature on their Website all you do is enter this lock Code I’m going to have a link where you Can check them out in the description Before I answer how often you should Train your dog there’s some things you Need to understand whoa don’t fall Romley speakings are two main types of Training sessions primary and secondary Session for a primary training session You should be completely focused on your Dog and work on teaching them something Like sit lie down or stay for example Four primary training sessions you Should use really good treats for your Dog something like real chicken or real High-end dog treats and these turkey Treats that I’m using today from opened For more fantastic because they break up Just perfectly so that I can get a lots Of use out of them the trick is your dog Needs to love the tree not just like it These training sessions can last Anywhere between a few seconds and 30 or 40 minutes depending on what you’re Teaching of course your dog is going to Have some say and how long these Training sessions last – if you’re a Beginner and you don’t have a lot of Experience teaching dogs it’s a good Idea to focus on primary training for 10 Minutes at a time as a general rule of

Thumb and do this very very often Throughout the With a heavy emphasis on practicing in Lots of different environments over time So I’m going to give Ollie my full Attention and we’re going to see if we Can get them rolling over So first we’ll need to get them into a Down which he’s excelling at doing a Great job now I’m going to focus on Luring him into a standard rollover but Again I’m not being passive here I’m not Asking him to do it in a crazy Environment I’m just introducing the Concept to him macadam he’s a little Reluctant weight and you can see right There there’s a little bit of Frustration settling in because he’s Like what you want me to do so let me Just check here to make sure that he’s Still pretty willing good I can get his Attention on me and I’m going to reward Him for that just to find reasons to Reward him to keep it motivated here you Need to know your dog and being able to Read their signs of frustration and also Learning to read your signs of Frustration is really important it’s Best to end a training session before That occurs let’s try the other way Maybe he’s more comfortable doing that Good come on lay down good job there it Is yeah that’s called a rollover if I’ve Ever seen one you can see how you have

To be hyper focus on your dog during These primary training sessions he’s Starting to get it wouldn’t you say that Was a beautiful rollover sir primary Training sessions are great for laying Really good groundwork with your dog but Secondary training sessions that’s where The real magic happen secondary training Sessions are a little bit less intuitive At first but you’ll quickly find out why They’re absolutely mandatory and why They’ll make you a better trainer a Secondary training session is more of an Impromptu training lesson that you jump Into whenever a real-life training Opportunity presents itself for example You know how sometimes you put fried Chicken on the floor like you do and Then you forget about it And then your dog is left with this Amazing temptation while your attention Is elsewhere that’s when we stop what We’re doing intervening to get an Attention on us and then show them what We prefer he do instead it’s as the Primary training sessions give your dog Some foundation but secondary training Sessions or would allow you to introduce Context so that your dog understands how To behave in a multitude of scenarios if Your dog has a habit of jumping on Furniture like Ali does redirecting can Be a fabulous way to show them how you Prefer they behave look at that

The common question I get here is aren’t You rewarding the dog for jumping on the Furniture but did you notice what I did At the end he was up here I redirected Him over here to pay attention to me Asked him to sit he did so and I Rewarded him for that so I was actually Rewarding for paying attention to me and Sitting he might be about to okay see Right there there’s just redirect him Over here come on over here buddy over Here if you come over here you’ll get Rewarded now will you pay attention to Me Sit nice four and let’s do a little bit Of proofing let me put a treat up here And see if that tempts him to get up There be clear this isn’t something you Do five or six times as you can see you Have to keep doing it in order for your Dog to really understand now it might be Tempting to just pull them down or pick Them up and put them down but honestly You’re not really motivating your dog to Learn if you do that and this is just Part of having a puppy collie You’re a mess buddy looks like we have a New host let’s go this way Good very good work and of course you Know redirecting combined with doing a Good job of controlling your dog’s Environment is the path to really get Some traction on most of your beginner Trainings you can all these good treats

Come on not ready to quite abandon it He’s like I haven’t forgotten about Those let’s see right here this is how You really teach your dog to think here You can see how he’s going back and Forth between the treats got planted up There and the treats that I’m at I’ll Bring them over here yes sit stay good Work very good and it might seem a Little mean to put treats up on the Furniture it’s better to set up those Training sessions sometimes too than it Is to just wait for them to occur of Course that would be more of a primary Training session than the secondary one But over here yeah I Yes fit look at me good work really Prioritize getting good at redirecting Your dog because it’s one of the most Powerful ways to guide your dog in Spontaneous real-life situations however If you find yourself redirecting your Dog constantly this likely means that You’re not optimally controlling the Environment Now since secondary training sessions Are a bit more spontaneous You should have treats scattered all Around the house and containers like This at all times so that you can easily Get to them when you need to get to Treats quickly These treats should be soft and very Tasty and keep well at room temperature

The reason is secondary training Sessions often require you to first into Training mode and you need to have your Dog’s currency quickly available the Bottom line is if you have a dog Especially a puppy like Olli virtually All of the time that you do have Available with them should be dedicated To some type of training job see that He’s starting to jump on me I jumped Into training mode redirected them into A sit how about we get a lie down – and A stay look at me Yes good work so maybe that’s teaching Your dog how to mellow out and go to Sleep while you’re just on the internet Or teaching them how to stay when you Spontaneously throw a toy in front of Them to prepare them for future Distraction training now my book playing With your dog definitely counts as Quality training time because it’s Teaching them one of the most valuable Lessons of all how to focus on you and Engage with you and that is my absolute Favorite type of training if you’re Wondering how many things can you teach Your dog at one time I’m going to have a Link in the description with Louie the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and that Should answer your question thoroughly Click thumbs up for ollie the collie I Think he did a great job today make sure You’re subscribed to my channel pick up

A copy of my book – in the description I’m going to have a link to open forum So you can check out they’re super Awesome products subscribe to my channel – and if you want to help me to continue To make videos like this consider Joining our awesome crowdfunding Community on patreon that link will be Below – Ollie you get a great job yet You did oh man you’re awesome What an awesome dog you are

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