How To PLAY With Two Dogs at Once

How To PLAY With Two Dogs at Once


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I’m just going to go over a quick very Very informal uh dog training Thing here it’s i can’t even call them Tutorial or lesson really but this was Actually going to go on my video blog Channel because i do stuff like this Over there too but i figured i would Just throw this up over here too About Teaching your dog how to listen to you When you have multiple dogs i will say This though before i get into that that When you are working with multiple dogs It is ideal to work not with multiple Dogs to work with them one at a time do You know what i’m saying um now since Given the nature of how i teach dogs uh At a park setting like this very often Because i like to teach them frisbee Really early in life And it’s kind of a pain to not Bring all of my dogs it’s better to Bring all of my dogs so i i’m kind of Forced to work with them all at one time Which means that the rules have to be Very strict in other words if i’m Working with venus alpha has to stay And i have to enforce that so Again this is really i just kind of want To delve into Consistency that’s the bigger picture of What i’m trying to teach you here and This applies in so many areas of dog Training so let me know what you think

Leave your comment below The zac george so someone had asked me How do i get my dogs to stay while the Other one goes so they can take turns Playing frisbee Um And it’s just you know that’s one of Those things that’s taught with Consistency and not giving in and not Letting your dog get away with chasing a Frisbee that’s not intended for them Uh i mean quite honestly it’s just a Matter of Okay alpha are you ready Okay i’m gonna throw your frisbee Hold on here we go ready come around And go Probably should have moved that chair Now Venus Venus this is for you are you ready now If alpha were and he’s not going to but If he were to chase this i would call Him off of it because he’s going to Listen to me because i’ve trained come When called i’ve trained stay before I’ve even gotten to this point of Teaching them frisbee i’ve taught them How to lay off distractions including Cats and squirrels and everything else Because that’s one of the first things i Teach any dog i work with um and i mean But even if he did go for it i mean i Would run right after him i would chase

Him and i would interrupt it and put him Into a down stay and a 30 second timeout For not listening to uh stay even while He’s distracted venus go So it’s about clear communication more Than anything alpha come here handsome Bring me your frisbee Okay come around go Alphago Venus let go Venus go Do you know what i’m saying i mean it Really is Oh big air good job venus Um And then they just get in that rhythm And they get in the habit of just Listening to you That’s what happens when you’re Consistent you get the results that you Want to get It happens in all areas of life i talk About it all the time Let go come around go And that will be the last one Good job Okay maybe one more Venus go Beautiful So i mean in a nutshell that’s How i teach them it’s just you know Consistency just to be more clear about It venus come I’ve got i’m gonna use this frisbee let

Go Alpha i’m working with your sister do Not get up Venus go And i mean it starts much like that Excellent job good boy and then you know I mean in the beginning i would pick him Up and reward him go on buddy go come Around You know like i i like that he listened To stay in other words i’m not asking For too much too early you know i build On that so it goes like this alpha stay Do not get up i’m working with your Sister okay Venus come around Venus go So i’ve thrown it Excellent job i’m going to get two Throws in now I can’t reach that stan Thank you Stay Excellent go get your frisbee over there Good bring it to me Excellent job alpha come around Alpha go And you know it’s just very it’s just Being consistent like that and Really teaching them what it means you Know but i i do need to stress i have Taught stay already and you would also Need to have a taught stay already in This situation

So Anyway good luck guys uh apply it However it might apply To your area of dog training So like me on facebook follow me on Twitter links are all in the description Leave your comments below I’ve been taking a lot of your questions On facebook and in the videos In the videos comment section as well Venus are you ready to go I like these new frisbees a lot It’s kind of funny though i think that One’s stuck Venus Let go of your frisbee you got let go of It is it stuck there it goes Good take a bow oh what a good girl You’re so cute okay bye guys

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