How to stop “food aggression” and resource guarding. This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at
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This episode is sponsored by pet flow Click thumbs up for pancake the core of You make sure to subscribe to my channel And pick up a copy of my best-selling Book dog training revolution make your Life easier and have your dog’s food Automatically shipped to you from pet Flow you just choose your dog’s favorite Brand of food tell that Flo how often You want it delivered and then our code Zac 30 when you check out that will give You $10 off your first three orders I’ll Have a link in the description today We’re gonna go over how to resolve Resource guarding because pancake well He’s got quite the issue with guarding Things like bones and food Oh dude chill resource guarding is where Your dog tends to protect something That’s a value to them they can growl or Even snap at you and trying to protect You Why do dogs guard resources well it’s Not because they’re mean I mean guarding Things is very natural to dogs I mean Think about small children for example Who get really protective of a new toy In most cases resource guarding involves Food but sometimes they might be Protecting their bed or something else With resource guarding it’s ideal to Address this before it even gets started So you’ll want to dedicate training Sessions to this outside of mealtime or
Outside of giving your dog a bone for Example just a general tip it’s a good Idea to not work on this when your dog Is super hungry let’s see what happens When we put this down for pancake and See how he does if I go in you see that He protects his bone this is Natalie Let’s see if I get close you see how He’s starving that’s a serious growl Right there that can turn into a Potentially serious problem I’m gonna Show you how to get that bone away from Your dog and how to teach them not to be So protective of things like that the Idea is to keep your dog from ever Getting to this point so the exercises We’re gonna cover today also work even If your dog hasn’t yet developed this Guarding issue that many dogs have see Right now it’s a little close and I’m Not quite so sure that he wouldn’t nip At me if I went to go take that bone so I’m not yet ready to go in there and Take that bone away how long are we Gonna get him to not protect that bone And give it up willingly so the first Thing I have to do is give this Attention off of that bone with Something better than the bone let me be Very clear here you don’t just want to Rush into taking that bone away see There’s the growling emerging again so Come here come on you want some ham I Got this over here come on
Over here come on right there he’s like No I know what you’re up to sit good Good boy I’m gonna pick up the bone if Your dog wasn’t responsive to being Lured away from the bone you could Always do something like this to it drop The ham like that as you get near them That puts you in a better position to Pick it up and then reintroduce it we Need to teach him some good manners I Don’t have a problem with pancake Chewing on a bone but he’s got to do so With manners see most dogs aren’t gonna Snap at you if you’re holding it in your Hand like that I mean some will so be Careful it’s when they get full Possession of it that they’re like I’m Never letting this go ever again if You’ve taught a basic leave it to your Dog it’s usually a pretty easy Transition to teach them to leave a bone Or a toy alone leave it huh look at me Good very good we’re gonna reward for Compliance leave it alone yes very good I’m even gonna set it down there and Reward with a tiny piece of ham nice Work and see what you’re doing just by Being repetitive as you’re saying look I Can interact with this too you can have It sometimes I can have it sometimes we Have to teach our dogs the conduct we Expect of them as we teach stuff like This they don’t know any better so don’t Hold it against them but be intelligent
About the way you go about resolving This issue you want to get good at Giving your dog things like bones and Toys and then immediately taking them Away I’m gonna take it away did you see That that was the first magical moment I Was able to take it away I’m gonna give It back to him good boy Very nice good boy Nice work good boy that was excellent Good job good let’s wait for him to Really get into it let me see if I can Call him off the bone without having to Lure him now hey hey leave it alone Very good now that’s good we’re making a Lot of progress see what most people do Is they wait until they’re in the Position where their dog has picked Something up that they really like and Then they try to address the issue in The moment that’s why it’s so key to set Up training examples like this let’s up The ante a little bit I suspect this One’s gonna be a little more challenging Because it’s stuffed with peanut butter So there’s actually something really Good in there that he might get into but Let’s see how it goes let’s practice and Leave it before I give it to him leave It alone It’s doing really well with leave it if You need help with Levi just check out My youtube channel I cover it frequently Take it let go
Leave it good he’s eager to get at it So right there he’s chewing it good you Can see he’s licking the peanut butter In there good boy very good nice work Good good yes it is more challenging With this bug rather than trying to lure Him away cuz that could be potentially Dangerous we’re just gonna go ahead and Put some ham there and put some there May be some over here you know just to Get him away so we can get them safely Away from the bone and then pick it up And then take a step back on our Training every time we have an outburst Like that that’s reinforcing the bad Habit that we don’t like it can be a Challenge to find a currency that your Dog loves more than the thing they’re Protecting that’s why real meat usually Does the trick what we’re going for is Many consecutive instances of success He’s fine right here here he doesn’t get Protective every dog is different on This so I’m just working with pancakes So here I feel like he’s alright I can Take it away I can give it Take it away give it that’s good that’s Worth rewarding with a little bit of ham There I bet you if I even hold it right Here he’s gonna be good Good job right there he’s a little bit Possessive what go leave it I’m not Gonna pull it away from him I want him To leave it alone voluntarily leave it
Yes good And for those of you that are wondering Hey Zack aren’t you just rewarding him For protecting that bone we’re rewarding Him for taking his attention off of the Bone and maybe going into a sit you give Me a sit fine I’ll take him down you’re Actually showing them by not protecting The bone they get something really good So instead of your dog thinking oh no He’s about to take the bone away he Thinks oh he’s about to take the bone Away and I get handling that out whew Nah not so much still have a little ways To go here come on so I’m gonna use the Ham to steer them away whoops nice take It back [Music] Take that [Music] Let go [Music] But I still would love it if I could let Him enjoy this bone and be able to pick It up at will so that’s what we’re still Working towards so I’m gonna let him Enjoy it alone just for a moment that I’m gonna take it away very good oh that Was a great one he was really into it And let me take the bone they’re the More established the behavior is with Your dog the more patient you’ll Probably need to be although some dogs Kind of get over this pretty quick once
You communicate to them that you’re not Interested in stealing their bone Forever good yes excellent job this most Likely would take several training Sessions with most dog if your dog has a Severe issue with this and they’re Actually biting people you’d want to Contact a modern trainer in your area Who uses modern methods and dog training That don’t rely on choke prong and Electric collars to get the job done I Think pancake made a lot of progress in Today’s training session give them a Thumbs up make sure you’re subscribed to My channel pick up a copy of my book – Dog training revolution that will show You everything you need to do to raise And train the perfect dog set up Automatic pet food delivery I’ll have The link in the description and thank You so much to all of our patrons on Patreon if you want to support videos Like this I’ll have that link in the Description – before it’s you [Music]