How To Stop Food Aggression & Resource Guarding + Stop Biting When Giving Treats

How To Stop Food Aggression & Resource Guarding + Stop Biting When Giving Treats

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This video is sponsored by pop fir’d you Click on this video because you’re Interested in training your dog right Did you know some people pay hundreds Even thousands of dollars to train their Dog Hubbard and I created a Comprehensive free course to help get Your training started off right it’s Called 30 day perfect pup yep the same Pup bird that makes these awesome Training treats that I use all the time When I train the course is 100% free and You’ll learn all of the basics of Training whether you’re trying to deal With unwanted behaviors like play biting Chewing jumping and more or if you’re Trying to teach your dog basic skills Like leash walking sit stay calm and Basic impulse control with the course You’ll get a free step-by-step guide and Access to the most awesome private Facebook community so you can get the Support you need every step of the way Follow the course for 30 days use great High-value rewards like these Freeze-dried liver treats implement what You learn in the course over the next Year and your dog will listen to you There are over 450 treats per pack Imagine all that you could train your Dog with these and the guidance from my Free training course I’m gonna have a Link to these treats in my free 30-day Perfect pup training course in the

Description below so I’m gonna take These and see how I can help Jade train Her new German Shepherd dog come on Eddie click thumbs up subscribe to my Channel especially if you’ve got a new Dog it’s free and you’ll learn Everything about dog training get even More dog training tips on Instagram at SAC George link below and pick up a copy Of my book too today you and I are gonna Meet Athena the German Shepherd dog for The first time and we’re gonna find out What that training session looks like I Have a name is Jade and this is my puppy Athena I got Athena because I definitely Looked up the German Shepherd breed and They’re very loyal working breed Sometimes gonna give puppy no bones She’s likely to more snap or biting me When I try and take it away from her That’s especially when other pets are Around back I would like you to help me When I give Athena bone to take it away I’m gonna help Athena work on resource Guarding getting her to stop taking Treats to ruff and see if we can get her To listen more reliably I give her a Bone and when I go to take away from her I definitely believe she would snap at Me obviously I’m not doing my job very Well if I put myself or you in a Position to get snapped at really what’s Key in this situation is to go really Slowly I think we can make a lot of

Progress on this today cuz she’s very Young it’s a normal behavior I can show You how to at least handle it when it Does happens so my game plan here is to Start with Thing that’s not so valuable maybe like A plastic bone and see if I can take That from her first and then we’ll see If I can work up to taking something Even more valuable from her you know Something like a real animal bone you Wouldn’t feel confident taking that bone From her at all right now yeah okay I’m Not gonna go in there and take a bone From like I don’t know how she’s going To react but sometimes you’ve got to get Something away from your dog and you Want to do it safely here’s a trim I got Treats I’m gonna give her the bone right Under the letter enjoy it for a minute I Took it back but I didn’t just say you Can never have that again this is Acceptable a little farther away they’re Good and it’s also quite healthy there I’ve hurt you on a while you’re holding It so it’s kind of like you’re sharing Possession I’m seeing pretty normal Signs that she’s being okay I feel Really good that she’s doing well here I Mean this is all very normal why don’t We give her a better-tasting bone and See how that goes Now if Athena gets this I’m guessing She’s gonna be a bit more protective of

It my goal here is to be able to give Her this bone and take it away really Have her react well there you go so I Can’t call her off of the bone right now Because she’s really into it was able to Take it away there that’s what I’m Trying to have happen good job right Back and so right now she’s being quite Good at the hypothesis here is that if She doesn’t think you’re gonna take it Away and keep it forever She’s likely to react well not to Mention we’re surrounding her chewing The bone with hey you get a treat Sometimes which is a positive outcome That’s enjoyable so this is a really Good example of counter conditioning Again reversing the reaction that she Typically has when you take a bone of Being protective so right now I’m Working up to taking the bone directly From her mouth as she’s chewing it Without having to lure her away with a Treat right here and desensitizing it so She’s getting very used to seeing my Hand come in nothing Bad’s happening Real slow just to read any changes in Her body language I’m looking to see if She freezes up or anything like that There we go right there that’s the first Time I’ve been able to pick the bone up Without getting her away I But so far she has no reason to think That the bones gonna go away forever oh

She’s being very cooperative I can’t Tell you how many dog trainers out there Would throw a shock collar on a dog in The situation or a choke chain on them And just intimidate the heck out of them To break this behavior but when you try To create fear or intimidate a dog like That you’re very likely to make the Issue worse so it’s important to just Handle this intelligently with our 21st Century brain understand that this Behavior is instinctive and we just need To show them kind of a really good and You have another dog in your house yes Okay tell me about that are they getting Along it’s like a an angry sister Relationship okay um She’ll egg her on kind of nip it gingers Feet to try and get her to play with her Have they gotten into altercations yes They have but only with treats by treats You mean like a bone or a toy like a Bone if I give a female bone and I give Ginger bone If Athena finishes hurts first she will Go after gingers she pins ginger down The back of her hair kind of like flares Up and she like lunges like to buy it at A boy is it pretty recent That that’s happened for like the past Month and a half yeah that’s about the Age where you start to see this type of Behavior emerging if it’s going to and It is a bit concerning typically dogs

Say under the age of four months they’re Not actually aggressive I mean you’ll Have rambunctious puppy biting however Once dogs hit you around five months of Age maybe six months if you’re going to See it you often start to see it emerge Around that time and so while it’s true That you can have a really intense puppy Biter there is a huge difference between Puppy biting that’s related to teething And grabbing things and a dog actually Aggressively snapping at another animal Or a person extensive management is Gonna be required for the next year or Two on your part to really minimize Those instances and by management I mean Having her on leash not having Unrestricted access to your other dog That’s really important because she’s Got a lot to learn the younger a dog is The worse their impulse control is That’s how you manage that situation but That’s only half the equation in order To actually hopefully work towards them Getting along have your other dog either Attic raid or on leash so you can really Work with her on these types of Exercises because again you’re just Trying to desensitize her and let her Know look these things happen all that’s It shouldn’t be a special occurrence you Shouldn’t feel protective you’re gonna Get what you want between doing that and Really managing that’s how you’re gonna

Get to where you want to be let me see You work with her if you don’t mind There you go all right so it took a few Attempts they’re together they’re Sitting what do you think that is There’s a lot of distractions every time You change an environment on a dog you Can expect them to be like whoa there we Go Oftentimes people try to wean their dog Off of treats way too early and so it’s Really important to be generous with the Rewards that first year of training if You are having trouble getting her to be Reliable in new places especially you Want to be ultra liberal with the Rewards that doesn’t mean big treats it Just means lots of small good treats Okay boy she takes treats kind of hard Huh yeah so let’s talk about briefly how To resolve that it’s very again normal For young puppies to take treats ruff But see what I’m doing here I’ve got a High-value treat I’m just gonna let her Lick on it right there and see that you See how she’s licking when I have a firm Grip on it she’s nibbling a little bit That licking I’m gonna go ahead and Reward that now she’s licking I like That so I’m gonna release the treat when She licks okay in other words it’s kind Of a gradual process right there she’s Taking her teeth that’s not working the Licking works that’s what I’m trying to

Teach her when you lick you get the Treat too when you bite you don’t in the Meantime though while they’re getting Into the habit if you must treat them And they’re still taking treats – ruff Open-palm pretty hard for them to bite When it’s opened home These pup retreats are perfect for this Type of training I’ll have a link below Where you can get them as well as where You can sign up for my free 30 day Digital dog training course click thumbs Up if you enjoyed today’s video Subscribe to my channel especially if You’ve got a new dog and for more dog Training tips follow me on Instagram – At SAC George link below Good job Jade we’ll see you in the next Video 30 day perfect pup this class will Walk you through everything you need to Know to train the perfect dog no matter Their age breed or breed mix I’ve always Wanted to create an in-depth dog Training series filmed as a standalone Set of videos to really give people the Help they need with their dogs this is One of my most ambitious projects yet I’m so excited to be combining my Expertise and experience into one Effective straightforward and positive Reinforcement based series for the first Time ever over the last few months my Team and I have been filming and for Using a truly one-of-a-kind premium

Quality training course designed to help You train your dog fast this course Won’t cost you a thing in fact you can Sign up right now by going to the link In the description if you’ve ever wanted To take an in-person dog training class With me this course is going to give you All of the information and more that I Give in my dog training classes

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