Stopping puppy biting, teething, and nipping doesn’t have to be a complex process! With these steps, stop your puppy’s biting in a matter of minutes with some consistency!

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If you’ve ever had a puppy, you know that puppies LOVE to bite, teeth, nip, whatever you want to call it. And, as cute as it can look when your 8-week-old puppy is biting with his tiny baby teeth, it won’t be so cute when they start growing and their little love bites start feeling like sharp objects that can really hurt you, especially if your pup does this to strangers too, it can be a big liability. Thankfully, puppy biting is something that can be trained away with some consistency, so let’s jump right into you we can do just that.

A super important tip before getting into the training of puppy biting is to make sure they are satisfied with their needs. Are you giving them enough physical and mental exercise? Are you socializing them in different environments? Do they have enough toys and space to play? Do they get enough attention throughout the day? And most importantly, are they given time to nap? Puppies need way more sleep than most people realize, so a big reason behind your dog’s biting may just be cranky behavior from a tired pup. If these questions are already answered, let’s move into the training steps.

The first thing to do when your puppy bites you is to say “ouch” or “ow” or whatever word you want in a super high-pitched, yelping noise. This is because when puppies of a litter bite one another during play and a puppy is hurt by a bite, they make a high-pitched yelp to teach the puppy that the bite hurt. If your puppy were to grow up with a litter, chances are, the puppies and mother will teach one another to not bite! But, since they most likely are not with their litter, we have to mimic that noise and pitch. Once you make that high-pitched “ouch” noise, immediately get up and walk away from your puppy, and completely ignore them. This means no eye contact. Ignore them for at least 30 seconds but preferably longer, and if they chase you around jumping on you, continue to ignore them until they somewhat settle.

Once you’re done ignoring them, go back to giving your puppy attention until they bite again, then repeat these steps. It’s important to note that if your puppy is only 8 weeks or so, a little biting can be forgiven so you don’t need to be so strict with this yet. But, if your dog is already 3 months or older, then you should be doing this every single time your dog bites.

A side note here is that a lot of breeds, especially herding breeds, will often nip at your ankles when you move because that’s part of their herding instinct. When they do this, just do the same thing with the high-pitched noise, but instead of walking away from them, stop moving entirely and ignore them. This is because if you walk away after they nip your ankles, they will think that their nipping was successful in herding you which would reinforce the behavior.

Another thing you can do when engaging with your puppy is to redirect their desire to bite with a toy. So, when you’re playing and your dog seems like he is about to get a bit mouthy and bite you, get a toy and encourage your dog to take it by placing it near their mouth. When they take it, reward them with lots of praise and play tug of war with the toy to show them that biting toys is great, but biting humans is not.

Having a puppy is really hard because you need lots of consistency and time, but if you are patient, your puppy will be just fine and stop biting before you know it. Keep in mind that if your puppy is already approaching 7, or 8 months-ish and they are still biting even after training, you should contact a dog trainer to come to assess your dog in person to make sure everything is all good as this is usually when most puppies can grow out of it.

Now that you know how to get your dog to stop nipping at you, check out our video linked here on the screen on the #1 mistake puppy owners make.

If you’ve ever had a puppy you know the Puppies love to bite teeth nip whatever You want to call it and as cute as it Might look for your eight week old puppy To be biting everything in his sight it Won’t be so cute when his teeth start Growing and their little love bites Start turning into actually painful Things that could actually hurt you Especially if your pup does this to Strangers thankfully puppy biting is Something that could be trained away With some consistency in combination With it just kind of naturally them Growing out of it as well so let’s jump Right into how you can do that [Music] A super important tip before getting Into training out puppy biting is to Make sure that they are satisfied in Their everyday needs are you giving them Enough physical and mental exercise are You socializing them in different Environments do they have enough toys And space to play do they get enough Attention during the day and most Importantly are they given enough time To nap and recover puppies need way more Sleep than most people realize a big Reason behind your dog’s biting may just Be cranky behavior from being a tired Puppy if these questions are already Answered and you think those things are All fulfilled let’s move on to the

Actual training steps so the first thing To do when your puppy does fight you is To say ouch or ow or whatever you word You choose in a super high pitched noise Kind of like a yelp this is because when Puppies of a litter bite one another During play and a puppy is hurt by Another puppy’s bite they make a High-pitched yelp to signal to that Puppy that that hurt hypothetically if Your puppy were to grow up with a litter Without any training chances are the Puppies and the mother will kind of Teach each other Not to bite or at least not to bite so Hard but since your puppy most likely Isn’t with their litter or their mother We have to mimic that noise and pitch Once you make that high-pitched ouch Noise immediately get up and walk away From your puppy and completely ignore Them meaning no eye contact and no Attention whatsoever ignore them for at Least 30 seconds to 60 seconds but Preferably longer and if they chase you Around jumping on you and stuff continue To ignore them until they somewhat Settle once they’ve done that and you’re Done ignoring go back to giving your Puppy attention until they bite again And then repeat these steps it’s Important to note that if your puppy is Only eight weeks or so a little biting Can be forgiven and you don’t have to do

This every single time they give you a Little nip and you don’t have to be so Strict because your dog is probably Still getting used to you still getting Used to their environment and this is Not a priority at that age but if your Dog is already approaching three months Or older then you should definitely be Focusing on this a side note here is That a lot of breeds especially hurting Breeds like mochi will often nip at your Ankles because of their instincts they Do this when they heard sheep for Example so when they do this just do the Same thing with the ouch etc but instead Of walking away from them stop moving Entirely and ignore them this is because If you walk away after they nip your Ankles they will think that nipping was Successful and hurting you and it would Just reinforce the behavior and another Thing you can do when engaging with your Puppy is to redirect their desire to Bite with a toy a lot of times puppies Are also biting because they’re actually Teething with the itchiness with their New teeth coming in so when you’re Playing and your dog seems like he needs Something to bite or he wants to bite You get a toy and encourage your dog to Take it by you know moving it around in Front of their face and basically Placing it near their mouth when they Take the toy and chew on it praise them

A lot of play tug of war as a reward to show Them that biting toys is great for biting Humans not so keep in mind that if Your puppy is already approaching seven Or eight months dish and they’re still Biting you even after all this training You should definitely contact a dog Trainer in your area to come to assess your Dog in person to make sure everything is All good because usually by this age Puppy should grow out of it in Combination with your training now that You know how to get nipping out of the Way check out the video linked here on The screen on the number one mistake Puppy owners make

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