How to TEACH ANY DOG to STOP BARKING Humanely, Effectively, and Naturally!

How to TEACH ANY DOG to STOP BARKING Humanely, Effectively, and Naturally!

How to train your dog to stop barking! 😮😮I’m glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! @zakgeorge Download the app and follow me there! I’m very active on instagram! I do live shows and post new videos all of the time!

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How to train your dog not to bark

Literally THOUSANDS of you have requested this video! Unwanted barking is the reason so many people give up on a dog. Share this video so that more people know how to handle this easy to correct issue.

In my research before making this video, I discovered so many videos offering some pretty questionable advice and some downright bad advice. When I found decent videos almost all of them included one type of unwanted barking and one dog.

This video includes lots of different examples and varied advice for different situations, including what to do when your dog will not respond to you even if you have treats.

Does your dog bark people, dogs, other animals? Does your dog bark when you are walking? Does your dog bark when you leave? There is no need to use punishment to teach your dog to not bark. Adopt an attitude of patience and you’ll fix this in no time at all!

What do you want my next video to be about?
A) Unwanted Jumping
B) Staying at the front door so that your dog doesn’t run into the street

In my last video you told me that you Needed help with unwanted barking for Those of you watching now does your dog Barking would you say that you pretty Much have it under control Consider sharing this because I’ll tell You one of the main reasons people Relinquish their dog will find a new Home for their dog or give them up to a Pound or shelter is because they barns Understand that dogs bark for a huge Variety of reasons maybe they’re excited And they want to play maybe they’re Nervous maybe they’re unsure maybe They’re feeling protective or Territorial the first thing you can do To make your job way easier is to make Sure your dog is getting the appropriate Exercise exercise is the perfect Prescription for barking that occurs out Of excitement boredom or frustration Remember if you have an extra energetic Dog you might need to play fetch with Them often or do something like long Hikes regularly with them our first task Is to give our dog’s attention off Whatever it is that’s making them bark And on to us and we want them to do it Voluntarily the reason is we want them To think when we bring about behavior From the inside outwards it makes our Job easier now and in the future Dogs truly understand sincerity we’re Not just saying a word or a command at

Our dog since all dogs were bred to work With people we know that they have it in Them to learn from us one of the ways to Substantially increase the odds that You’re able to break your dog’s Attention on whatever it is they’re Focused on is to have a very powerful Currency in your corner this is usually Food or play for most dogs a good bit of Actual turkey deli meat does the trick Think back to when you were a kid and You were a bit too chatty in class maybe You had a teacher that provided you with Some incentive to be less chatty by Giving you something like stickers or Putting your name on a chart for the Class to see this made you want to learn The behavior that would get you good Things in other words you want to Communicate to them hey look I’ve got This turkey here I know you want it and I’ll give it to you but you’ve got to be Quiet for just a split second we don’t Ask for too much and we reward Generously when they’re quiet and see What happens Yeah I know what some of you might be Thinking aren’t I’m rewarding them for Barking right now well if you continue To do this yes you would be rewarding Them for parking however we want to Quickly raise the bar with them once we Feel that we’ve got their initial Attention remember we’re just trying to

Break their concentration from whatever It is they’re barking out with the Turkey we want to ask for a little bit More most of your dogs already know how To sit so ask for something like sit Once they’re looking at you or sitting Let them know that you love it now for Some dogs using food or toys won’t work Especially if they’re too far gone in Other words they’re very excited and Focused on whatever it is they’re Barking at for these dogs we have to do Something a little bit different we want To go back to the last known place of Acceptable behavior that might mean Turning around if they’re barking at a Dog down the street it might mean Picking them up if we have to in order To just calm them for a moment this is What we had to do with Dante the Schnauzer he was a very excited Barker And there was no way that you were gonna Get his attention he didn’t care about The food and you care about toys let him Calm down and then start again reduce The training bubble get closer You know that’s usually how we fix that When teaching any new behavior it’s Really important to acknowledge to our Dogs any amount of effort that they’re Showing us extreme barking is very Common with young dogs or unsocialized Dogs It’s totally workable just be prepared

To teach them this is perhaps the most Critical point of the entire video the Best time to correct unwanted barking is Right before it occurs now if you’ve Spent any time with your dog you Probably know right before they’re about To bark that moment wouldn’t perk up and They say you know I’m thinking about Barking right now here’s a still shot of My lovely dog Venus right before she’s About to bark now every dog has their Own version of this that is the ideal Time to intervene encourage them to look At you and reward them heavily for Complying look at Katherine and Jacob The Chihuahua here now she knows that Jacob is likely to bark so she is ready To communicate to him no don’t do that And yes I like that you’re being quiet Right now the best way to train your dog Is to give them your full undivided Attention when you’re teaching What about when you’re walking down the Street and your dog starts barking of Something maybe it’s another dog maybe It’s a cat down the street what do we do In that situation Every once in a while Simba will get in A mood where he says who are you what do You want But notice how melanie is able to Instantly get him back onto her the Moment the undesirable behavior takes Place that’s because they’ve spent a lot

Of time together building communication That’s what dog training is really about Camryn is a very instinctive trainer With her dog Charlie he’s a rescue dog And you know at this point is training He would still bark out at dogs a lot he Was unsocialized and very new he’s quite A young dog as well what is so Impressive about this example as you can See how frazzled charlie is as evidenced By his pile erection that’s where the Hair stands up on the back of the dog’s Neck they can be particularly difficult To reason with when they’re in the state Of mind which is why so many trainers Resort to using shock collars prawn Collars or choke chains to pull their Dog away however if your communication Is very strong with your dog you can get Them out of that state of mind by Reasoning with them communicating with Them That’s what Cameron does so well here Communicating with you look at that do You see oh she got him back there you Started the bar you would only do this With a dog if you were extremely Comfortable with them and you knew them Very well that’s how you do it Beautiful working all of you have it in You to do it just be patient take your Time enjoy the process so what do you do If your dog barks when you’re not home Well there are no humane methods that I

Know of that allow you to teach your dog If you’re not present you should do Things like exercise them before you Leave the house that’s the main reason Barking occurs in the first place you Could also consider doing something like Doggy daycare if you don’t have the time To work with them or have someone come Over to let them out or play a little Bit of fetch with them put them in a Part of the house where they’re less Likely to bark leave them alone for Shorter periods of time for example These are all things that will help I Know a lot of you are thinking right now Well I want my dog to bark what if Someone’s trying to get in my house or Someone’s on my property I want to be Alerted to that and I think that’s fair And acceptable you would do the same Thing but you would just let them bark a Couple of times before correcting it as If to say to them okay thank you for Letting me know I’m cool with a couple Of barks oh okay that’s enough now And reward them when they’re quiet so to Sum up the best way to correct One in Barking a get their attention on You Ideally correcting the behavior before It occurs Be rewarding them heavily even during Brief moments of compliance and see lots Of time patience and consistency join me

On Facebook where I’m heavily active as Well I even post my secret dog training Videos over there also tell me if you Want my next video to be about unwanted Jumping or teaching your dog to stay at Doorways so they don’t run into the Street tell me in the comments below and Also tell me if your dog barks or not Click thumbs up if you like the video Subscribe we’ll see you in the next Video bye guys [Music]

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