How To Teach Your Dog to Go to a Spot (Go to your mark)

How To Teach Your Dog to Go to a Spot (Go to your mark)

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In today’s video i’m going to show you How to teach your dog to go to a Specific spot or how to go to a mark now I absolutely love this trick because not Only does it have practical application For example maybe you want your dog to Go to their bed or you want to just go Chill out in a certain area when you Have company over but it encourages Amazing mutual communication between you And your dog furthermore our dogs learn How to respond to a point did you know That humans and dogs are among the only Two species on earth known to respond to A point as a matter of fact our closest Relatives chimpanzees they don’t even Know how to respond to a point i’m Excited about this trick let’s get Started one of the things that i think Is important to remember whenever you’re Teaching a dog a new trick take a moment In the beginning get eye level with them Explain to them what you’re about to do Venus we’re going to learn a new trick Right now okay You’ll notice by the way she’s staring At her frisbee what is your dog’s Currency make sure that you have their Currency available maybe it’s food maybe It’s a toy you’ll notice that we’ve got A towel over here i want to encourage Venus to touch this some dogs are more Comfortable touching a mark with their Nose some dogs are more comfortable

Touching it with their paw whatever it Is it doesn’t matter all we want to Focus on in this first step is getting Our dog to touch the object giving them Lots of genuine and sincere Encouragement along the way okay venus Get up All right what is this what’s this now If they try and bite it i wouldn’t let Him do that see how she’s biting it she Thinks it’s a tug toy i don’t want her Doing that no and see how she makes the Connection even though i i might be Discouraged by that if i didn’t know Better she’s saying okay did i do what You want now throw this but she didn’t Do what i want so i’m not going to throw It if your dog knows how to shake hands Or give you their paw on command this Might help you as well can i have your Foot almost yes good girl good girl No matter how accidental it was she did Touch it i want to let her know that i Like that timing is everything too come On angel sit Touch it good very good Now i’m gonna set it on the ground Leave it alone wait Do you remember touch it yes good girl Venus excellent job let go And right there she’s saying i know what You want i know what you want just pay Me i’m gonna do it cause she took Initiative let go please remember when

You’re teaching a new trick like this That is eventually going to have Distance involved in other words you’re Sending your dog away you don’t want to Just introduce distance right off the Bat there’s this training bubble right Here and this is where our dog is most Likely to respond to us so we have to be Really aware that dogs are Hypersensitive to the distance they are From us when learning something new the Closer you are to them in the beginning The more likely they are to respond this Is why i always encourage you to get on The ground get eye to eye with your dog That training bubble is a very special Place eventually i’m gonna want her to Sit or lie down on the mark so i’m gonna Do that right now while i’m working up Close touch it and lie down that is Wonderful venus so i feel like she’s got The hang of this i’m gonna move on to The next step now it’s now time to start Introducing distance now a classic Amateur mistake that so many people make When teaching something like this is They try and go for a dramatic amount of Distance way too early we want to do it From a couple of inches first before we Do it from a couple of feet so venus Touch it lie down perfect got a rewarder I like that also notice my exaggerated Body language that i’m using if you want To teach your dog how to respond to a

Point do it very very obviously in the Beginning we want to actually escort our Dogs show them every step of the way Because in a minute we’re going to ask Venus to go and walk away from us to go To la mark over here white house yes Good girl very good venus has so much Rhythm and so much energy to her i can Kind of pick up the pace with her so Venus come on over here let’s go to our Mark Why now yes good girl You get that rhythm going and it can be Really exciting that’s another thing That i really like about using frisbee To teach tricks i feel like venus gets It she’s going to the mark she’s letting Me escort her there i feel like she Understands that i’m pointing now i want To teach her to go to the mark while i Remain in position this is very tricky And again we’re going to start off short And gradually increase the distance Go touch it and lie down Whoa nice work very good venus that was Excellent and with your own dog at home You got to get really really super Excited about that very good go to your Mark and lie down Oh that’s okay that’s okay see how she Didn’t go to her mark there because She’s used to that short distance but i I rewarded her because she tried even Though she didn’t do what i wanted

That’s completely normal and it’s okay Don’t be discouraged when your dog is Trying venus wait come Do you see what i instinctively do here Because i know how to work with my dog i Instinctively get back to the ground Because i realize that training bubble Needs to be reinstated venus go all the Way to your mark and lie down go on keep Going keep going keep going no back up Go on Yes Good girl Maybe you can work up to an incredible Distance one that’s not even realistic But it’s still cool because it builds That communication and that relationship Between you and your dog Venus come Nice work venus very very good and you Know just keep working with your dog Like that that’s all you got to do if You think these videos are important Make sure you share them with your Friends the whole reason i do these free Videos on youtube is to elevate the Status of the domestic dog on a massive Scale i think dogs deserve to get Treated better than they do overall as a Whole we can do better as a people and That starts with teaching them and Understanding how capable and Intelligent they are all the links are In the description thank you for

Subscribing and we got lots more dog Training videos coming so we’ll see you In the next one bye guys good work venus Go

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