Teaching your dog to go to their bed or other area can be very valuable when training him or her! In this lesson, I’ll show you how to teach your dog to go to a specific place when you ask! Visit Omlet here Visit however the discount code is no longer active.
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This video is sponsored by omelet for 15 Percent off any phyto product and our Discount code Zach 15 I’ll have a link In the description click thumbs up for Gotti the long-haired Chihuahua Ducati You and I are gonna trial the coolest Indoor luxury doghouse ever many of your Dogs enjoy hanging out in their crate And for those of you who have done crate Training in the past you’ve come to Learn that your dogs love hanging out in The crate even with the door wide open Traditional crates don’t exactly Compliment our home decor do they Gotti You certainly complement our home decor Though the all-new omelet phyto nutrient Space while looking like an actual piece Of furniture that’s optimized for your Dog this is the 24-inch white one with The optional closet attached but it also Comes in a larger 36 inch size too you Can also get a similar model called the Phyto studio in either white or walnut To match your house get your bed off of The floor and into a fight oh look I Can’t believe we actually found a spot That got interfers over my lap this is a Lot more attractive and cleaner than Just having your dog’s bed on the floor For example you like that huh And it gives dog so much cause your Place to hang out in which many dogs Seem to prefer the contemporary look of A fight oh no tis certainly nicer than
An average dog crate or even just a bed Laying on the ground the Nook also has This optional closet right here which is Wonderful Omelette offers a ton of different Accessories for these for example you Could put in shelves you could get a Basket like this a closed rail even a Mirror if your dog likes to look at Himself which outfit would you like to Wear today you prefer just to wear your Hair huh you’re having a fantastic hair Day this tray right here with a nonstick Pad underneath keeps it in place so that Bed doesn’t move it makes up a lot Easier to clean too now if you’re still Crate training your dog you can get this Standard two-door crate as an accessory Well you can use any 24 or 36 inch crate That you might already have you can Easily slide it right in here this Instantly makes your crate look way more Modern and appealing you’re just right At home in there aren’t you safety is Always the most important thing with These locking handles it’s super safe And secure it’s important for a dog to Have a place to call their own which is Why so many dogs seem to like their Crates long past puppyhood but if you’re Past the crate training stage and you Still want your dog to have a really Cozy comfortable place this is a perfect Option one of the reasons it’s so great
To have a dedicated space for your dog So that they have somewhere to When you’re busy or preoccupied so Rather than telling your dog no don’t do That it’s much better to show them how You’d prefer they behave in those Moments for example maybe you’ve got Company over and your dog is insisting On a little bit too much attention I’m Totally ok with that by the way in your Case got it but it’s great to be able to Say hey daddy why don’t you go over here And get on your bed in case someone Doesn’t want that much attention I don’t Know why they wouldn’t want this Attention here you go will you lie down And the way you encourage your dog to Kind of stay in a position rather than Hopping up and then getting back out is To up your rate of reinforcement and Give them a few treats every few seconds Or so as they’re holding in the Beginning to really kind of communicate To them I like it when you stay there And over time as they’re settle becomes More reliable you would treat less and Less it’s important to when you’re Training things like this that you not Wait until you’re in the moment when You’re very busy so you’ll want to Dedicate time to this when you have time To really focus on your dog now I’m Gonna tell them it’s okay to get out Come here daddy yes I’ll even reward him
For that up here yes good job whereas Before I was patting the bed to really Encourage guy T to get on it I’m now Focusing on a more subtle hand signal Daddy yes good job Nice work because ultimately I want to Be able to send gaudí from across the Room into the nut only when you’re very Confident your dog is going to do what You want you then begin to introduce the Language to them getting your nook since I knew that he was going to jump into The Nook I said get in your nook right As he was in the process of doing it Getting your nook good job nice work so God he’s really reliable when I say get In your nook when I’m just a few inches Away which is great but I’d like the Option to be able to tell gaudí hey go Get in your nook from the farther Distance I’m just gonna scoot a little Bit farther away now go keep your nook Confused hutch Understands isn’t that interesting even The slightest change in distance or any Variable can really throw your dog off So be understanding of that and be Prepared to go very slowly and work with Them anytime you’re evolving a training Task let me show you what to do we’re Gonna do two or three from this distance The distance from where he’s very Compliant just to really get some Momentum going and then I’m gonna
I sneak one of these longer-distance Ones and give your nook yes there we go So that one was a little bit farther Away now I’d like to prepare Gaudi for a More real world scenario where I’m Standing up for example and I want to be Able to say hey go get in your nook yeah I said I’ll stand up not you get in your Nook see I’m doing this from a standing Position so I want to just check it make Sure that’s solid nice and closed that’s Good anytime you change a variable you Have to take a step back and make it a Bit easier I like that he’s holding his Stay there good job yes good job so that Was about a similar distance to before But I’m able to stand up now go get in Your nook yes good that was a good one Once you’ve got that down and your dog Understands this general concept of Going into their nook then it’s a matter Of just kind of encouraging them to be Calm for many dogs it might just mean Petting them real softly you don’t need Much encouragement at all do you got me When I’ll say something like settle as They really hold that relaxed state There another thing you can do to Encourage your dog to stay in a general Area is to give them a chew toy that They really like Wow look really cozy in There wonder if they make one of these For people I think the fight oh look It’s a wonderful and useful product
Whether you use it with the optional Closet or use it as a standalone space For your dog it’s very reasonably priced Starting at eighty nine ninety nine you Can get 15% off of any of the Fido Products on omelet cells by entering Code Zach fifteen I’ll have links to Everything we covered in today’s video Plus that discount code in the Description below click thumbs up for Gotti he did awesome today we’ll see you Guys in the next video [Music]