How to Teach your Dog to Listen TO YOU Around other Dogs!

How to Teach your Dog to Listen TO YOU Around other Dogs!

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If your dog is not yet ready for intermediate distraction training see my last video:

For a playlist of all of the dog training basics in order go here:

I was happy that so many of you watched my last video that I decided to post this one early! Does your dog listen around other dogs? If not, I promise this video will help! Many of you have requested that I go to a dog park and show you how to teach your dog to listen around OTHER DOGS! That’s what Jose, Nina and I did here! Tell me how your dog is around unknown dogs below!

Today’s sponsor is a leading Provider of spoken audio information and Entertainment listen to audiobooks Whenever and wherever you want visit George for a free 30-day trial and a Free audiobook the link will be in the Description i’ve had the pledge of Working with nina the rescue dog for the Last few months and i think that she’s Ready to start taking on some more Serious distractions so i’ve invited her Out here to the park to see how she does If you want to learn how to teach your Dog in a fun positive way make sure you Subscribe to my channel also click Thumbs up for nina because she’s awesome Like me on facebook at The zac george for the full dog training Revolution experience changing your Dog’s environment is one of the most Serious distractions you can provide but You don’t want to wait until you have to Be somewhere in order to then start Training them that’s why today we’re Going to work in this big field we’re Also going to see how nina does with the Dogs across the street over here at the Dog park when you’re doing training like This it’s important to give your dog Your full attention you should have some Pretty good communication and they Should already be doing well with laying Off of moderate distractions if you need

Help with that see the video i posted Right before this one the link will be In the description now if you need help With teaching your dog the basics make Sure that you check the description for A complete playlist on how to teach your Dog all of the basics tell me how Training has been going with nina Overall in general over the last several Weeks it’s been going great i mean she’s Very responsive very attentive But as you keep saying anytime you you Start to introduce a new environment or New surroundings it’s uh there’s a bit Of regression just because the dog does Really well in their home environment Doesn’t mean they’re going to do well When you change something major like the Environment around them so we have to be Prepared to take a step back that’s Something you’re brilliant at dogs are So excited when they come to a new place Like this the first thing we should do When teaching our dog to respond to us In new places is let them adjust let Them explore i was thinking we would put Her on the lead like this let her Explore the field let her run around a Little bit get some of that energy out Maybe even play some fetch if she’s up For it what do you think i think the Goal today should be just to get her to Do some of her basic behaviors but in The new environment sit lie down maybe

You can throw a trick or two in there Later on uh and then if she does well Here we’ll graduate over there to the Dog park and see how responsive she is And listening to us around other dogs Perfect before you do any distraction Training remember a dog who’s gotten Their edge off and who is a bit tired is Much more likely to be responsive to Learning new concepts be prepared to Slow down go at a slower pace and be Empathetic to the point that they’re in A new place and they’re very curious About their surroundings we have to have A good currency for nina it happens to Be a ball so we’re going to see if we Can get her to do her basics for a ball In the distracting environment remember We’ve got to be able to motivate our Dogs if we want them to succeed she’s All over this ball i’m gonna hand the Ball over here to jose he’s the main Trainer for nina they’ve been doing Really well look at that and reward on Sit Don’t be afraid to reward on seemingly Easy things with your dog when you’ve Changed up a variable like the Environment sid nina nina See you can see she’s distracted here But jose sticks with her look at that State lolo good good girl look at your Ball that’s it pretty good Notice his timing too do you see how

When she sat pretty he instantly threw That ball as if to say i love that you Did that and she’s doing it in this new Place which is super exciting And right here you can see she’s dying Off a little bit what is jose doing he’s Getting more interesting he’s getting More exciting his goal is to be more Exciting than the surroundings and he Succeeded look at that That’s it that’s how you do it dogs Experience the world very differently Than we do they’re very distracted by Different smells different things in the Background and plus a dog like nina Who’s only been on planet earth for 10 Months is still learning they’re still Exploring and they’re still very curious Do you think she would be responsive to Doing her basic obedience over here by The dog park with access to other dogs Let’s give it a try whenever i do Training with a dog around other dogs i Like to go to a dog park but i don’t Like to go into the dog park because i Want to make sure that we can control The environment does that make sense Absolutely there’s going to be dogs Coming and going that’s bound to be Tempting for nina she loves other dogs Now there’s a time and place for our Dogs to socialize and interact with Other dogs but there’s also a time when They need to listen to us and that’s

Something that i’m hoping we can make Progress on here it’s not so important That she does amazing but we’re looking For her to do just a little bit better Than she has in the past does that make Sense we don’t want to wait till we’re On a walk with our dogs and then have to Try and teach them these things set up Drills like this set up situations where You can control the environment to no Surprise nina was in a pretty social Mood and wanted to greet every dog that Walked by Rather than get discouraged or Frustrated when your dog doesn’t listen Reach deep try and be sincere and try And motivate them to succeed mixing up Currencies with your dog can help you Get a lot more out of your training for Example if your dog isn’t responding to A toy perhaps try some really good food Like real deli meat if no currency is Working with your dog it probably means That you’ve thrown them in the deep end A little bit too early so you need to Take a step back on your training and Create distance between your dog and the Other dogs this might mean going back Across the street or it might mean just Going a few feet away it just depends Where you are in your training jose made The decision that the tennis ball wasn’t A strong enough currency so he’s using This as currency and look at this she’s

Really dialed in now this is her Favorite toy see how he’s not waiting For a dog to be right up here to train He knows one’s coming he’s trying to get Her into training mode right here this Is exactly what you do it’s important to Reward extra generously whenever you get Any compliance in an overwhelmingly Difficult environment like this here’s Another dog over here There’s dogs everywhere Yes now reward big there Even though nina clearly knows sit and In most environments we’re past Rewarding on sit when we make it so Challenging it’s important to really Communicate to our dog in no uncertain Terms that we love that they’re Listening to us while distracted i’m Quite pleased with this because you’re Getting brief sit stays while she’s Distracted we have to get a one second Stay before we can get a five seconds to Stay around heavy distractions yes let Her know you love that sincerely good And see the attention is on jose now It’s not on the other dogs because They’re starting to break through this Is what we want to see most people don’t Recognize these small little bits of Progress it’s very very important to Recognize that in your dog and to let Them know that you recognize that don’t Expect too much too soon you have to

Train like this often with your dog in Various environments i’m skeptical that We’re going to be able to do this Because she’s pretty distracted but i Think we’re going to try uh i want to See if nina can do her money trick while In the presence of other dogs and it Looks like jose’s ready to snap into Action here Hey nina Nina come here Cut up here yes look at that I love it as funny as this looks the Fact that she’s doing a pretty Uh cool trick while in the presence of Other dogs while distracted Stay right there so she sees another dog She’s maintaining balance while Distracted very nice Nina you are doing so well yes Good girl Jose that was amazing she jumped on your Back she had the concentration to Maintain her balance while dogs walked By i think that was incredible uh you Know that’s the great thing about Teaching our dogs tricks as well on the Side note is that it really builds their Brain their ability to think uh in a More exciting way than obedience Oftentimes i tend to be a listener of Non-fiction audiobooks myself but every Once in a while i like to listen to a Novel you know i’ve been with now for around three years And i find the service fantastic it’s a Great way to be entertained and also to Better ourselves as well uh one of my Favorite novels when i was a kid was Where the red fern grows i thought it Might be particularly relevant to you Guys since after all it is about dogs And it is a classic i still find the Story inspirational today because it Really underscores the power of the bond That we can have with our dogs and why They are so special and such an Important part of our culture today Remember you can get a free audiobook by Visiting zac george you’ll Also get a free 30-day trial uh so go Visit Audible.comgeorge and tell me what you Think nina is doing a terrific job You’re an amazing trainer with her so Just keep working with her keep working With her in various environments like This keep it fun and engaging with her But i can’t say enough good things Thanks to you brother thank you oh well I appreciate that but i think that You’ve done a very good job but i’ll Take the compliment uh if you enjoyed This video make sure you subscribe so You can see all of my videos when i Upload them hey tell me how old your dog Was when you got them in the comments Below click thumbs up too like me on

Facebook at The zac george and we will see you in The next video bye guys good job nina

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