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Guaranteed access to me to answer your Questions starting at two dollars a Month if you love puppies subscribe Our way to uh meet up with daniel daniel Was in our trip class daniel and lana This is something they’ve been working On and i kind of wanted to meet with him Personally and see if i can help them Along the way just to get there to the Final product i worked with them a few Days ago on it and they were getting Close you prepared to be cameraman today Absolutely of course you’re certainly The best looking cameraman i’ve ever had Well thank you nothing personal to all The cameramen i’ve had We have no shortage of distractions Today there are birds of every variety And somehow we’re gonna we’re gonna keep Our fingers crossed so we can get Through this could there be any more Distractions At the park today In today’s video i’m going to show you How to teach your dog the back stall now The back stall is where your dog stands On your back for many it’s a pretty easy Trick to teach now this is daniel by the Way say hi danny how y’all doing and you Guys have kind of struggled a little bit With the back stall we had a lot of Trouble um she’s kind of i got it from The shelter so she’s always a little Skittish toward everything and uh
Definitely jumping on my back that was Really really scary for one of the great Attributes of trick training is that you Can really build your dog’s confidence Wouldn’t you say that that’s been Definitely let me go over how to teach Your dog how to get started with the Back stall i think it’s kind of valuable To have them jump on something first Rather than asking them to jump straight On your back maybe a chair maybe a bench In today’s case we have a rock we see There she’s comfortable getting on it She walked up it and you can tell she’s So happy doing it at the same time That’s the thing if you if you define These tricks as a chore or a task you’re Not really going to have a lot of luck But if you keep it fun for your dog You’re going to have a lot of success Tell them about your reward she’s really Really big on tug that is her favorite Game in the entire world you’ve got to Be more interesting than the environment Exactly now it’s just a matter of Transitioning jumping on the rock or the Bench or the chair to on your back with This trick it’s so important that when Our dogs do jump on our back even if They just get two paws or three paws or Even four pauses that we let them know That we love them once she got the third One up and i made a huge deal Every time she would throw two up and
Slowly like get the third one up you Know and uh I think that was really really just Getting her the concept of you need Three paws up and then just move on to Four you want to keep your back super Straight it might be a good idea to wear A sweatshirt uh preferably a falcon Sweatshirt in the future i’m an atlanta Falcons fan he’s a hard new orleans Saints fan and look at you guys you’re Making a video together why don’t you go Ahead and show us here You can see daniel perfect perfect look At this look at her oh stay stay right There and look you can see how she’s She’s getting up there is this right you Would reward your dog by giving him a Nice little roller there letting her get It beautiful job girl once they’re doing That you’re ready to then start to stand Up like this a little bit and then have Them jump up and don’t ask them to stay For too long in the beginning let’s see Right there she didn’t do it perfectly But you can see he’s still rewarding her For trying eighty percent of this trick Is just getting them to get on your back No matter how clumsy no matter how Awkward after that it comes pretty Easily Right there look at that and look look How she like really she knows she can Trust him she had to find her footing a
Little bit but that is one of the Beauties of teaching a trick like this The more your dog knows they can trust You the more likely they are to do what You ask them to do and really that is What makes a quality relationship i Gotta say that looks pretty good yeah go Ahead and reorder if you want absolutely Very good what do you think one of the Most important things about trick Training is not only in the backstop but Your experience with lana in general um I think a lot of it is just building up The relationship um The stronger our trust and relationship Becomes the easier it is to get her to Do more things especially like once you Teach sit then you teach down then you Can go on another trick and it seems Like the more tricks i teach her the Faster she gets the next trick even if It’s a harder trick she gets it a lot Quicker just because she understands me And i understand her So i hope you guys teach your dogs how To do the back stall i’m doing a frisbee Giveaway in this video leave a comment Below i will randomly choose someone to Send a frisbee to anywhere in the world Daniel’s already got his though so you Can’t have his but uh anyway we will see You guys in the next video make sure you Like me on facebook too The zac george i do put a lot of
Exclusive content over there that i do Not put on youtube as of right now all Right we’ll see you guys in the next Video [Music]