How to Teach your Puppy to Sit and Stay

How to Teach your Puppy to Sit and Stay

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This video is sponsored by pet flow Today I’m gonna show you how to teach Your dog to sit and stay but most Importantly how to do it in really Distracting situations and completely Horse brain click thumbs up for hazel The golden doodle and if you’ve got a New puppy you’ll definitely want to Subscribe to this channel and consider Getting my best-selling book too it’ll Bring you up to speed with all of my Current content in no time if you’ve got A new dog feeding them a quality food is Vital You shouldn’t have to waste time running To the store to buy a heavy bag of dog Food that they may or may not even have Sign up to have your pets food Automatically shipped from pet flow in Three easy steps Just choose your pet’s favorite food how Often you want it delivered and enter The coupon code in the description of This video to get a special discount That’s just for my viewers now let’s Meet hazel and Liz hi my name is Liz I Live in New Orleans with my family and I Run my own home staging business We only got hazel three weeks ago and She’s 11 weeks old we decided to get a Pub because it’s the right stage in our Life to dedicate some time to training Her we chose a goldendoodle cuz we’ve Always wanted a larger breed and they’re

So cute I know she’s still little but we Wanted to set her up for success so she Can be a well-trained dog one day baby Pack please help me help hazel in order For me to help Liz with hazel we first Have to teach her how to sit and stay And how to get her to do it when she’s Tempted not to throughout your dog’s Training having them sit and stay will Be very important in fact this will Likely be their default behavior when You suspect that they’re about to become Distracted or when they start biting or Jumping on you as puppies often do so Having sit stay pay attention to me will Be very important so that you can Essentially pause your dog in order for You to determine what to do next this is Also one of your very first Opportunities to truly teach your dog How to think because you’re not gonna Make them do this you’re gonna get them To do it voluntarily remember that using Force during training is unnecessary and Less effective I’m using really tiny Salmon treats today teaching your dog to Sit is as simple as luring them into a Sit just like Well okay that’s the opposite of sit Sweetheart you can see her butt starts To go down yes good job and it’s really Natural for puppies to want to use their Paws like she’s doing right there but Right now as long as she’s in the sit

I’m gonna go ahead and release that Treat at the moment her butt hits the Ground so in the beginning many puppies Are real clumsy and if you move it too Fast they’re like hey where’d the Treecko most puppies are not quite yet Conditioned to follow a lure so it’s Really critical to go very slow if You’re new to this you’re probably gonna Lure like this way too fast let me Pretend she’s not here for a minute If there was an invisible dog right here This is how fast the lure would be going Most puppies will catch on to this Really quickly and hazel is no exception Look at that sit that’s looking so good But of course we don’t want to have to Lure our dogs into a sit for the rest of Their life so I’m gonna start phasing Out the lure I’m gonna show her the Treat look at that fantastic so she went Right into the sit when she saw the tree She’s starting to get it now that I’m Reasonably confident that she’s gonna Sit I’m gonna introduce the word sit to Her in advance so it looks like this sit Yes Nice job so she’s learning how to sit Already she’s doing great and even a lie Down how about that I’ll give you a Treat for that I love it since she keeps Jumping up on the table over here where I’m hiding my treat so I’m gonna Redirect her bring her over here yes and

I’m gonna ask her to sit so that she’s Actually earning the tree rather than Reinforcing her for jumping on the table I think it’s time that we show her what Stay means so I’m gonna do the same Thing that I just did but I’m gonna take A little bit longer to get the treat to Her this time as if to say hey if you Hold that sit position for just a little Bit longer I’m gonna give you the reward So sit yes good I’m not even telling her To stay yet because I want to really Make sure she understands the concept Good job the fact that she went into a Down totally fine right there she’s Staying in position I really like it sit Now that’s a good-looking stay right There Now let’s introduce the word I feel Reasonably confident she’s starting to Get this sit stay yes good job really Good I’m telling her stay as she’s doing It be very methodical when you’re Introducing new words or phrases to your Dog stay she’s doing so good see right There now I asked for too much time There avoid doing that I’ll only Gradually increase the amount of time You ask them to stay don’t ask for too Much too well you really come and Beginner mistake okay good job good job See we’re showing her how to sit and Stay and how to do it voluntarily no Leash no collar and no force this is the

Difference between making your dog do Something and making them want to do Something and it’s always good practice To let your dog know when this day is Over okay come on let’s go good job nice Work and that’s what a stage should look Like now most people would stop right Here but we’re just getting warmed up if You’re serious about having a Well-trained dog you will need to teach Them how to listen to you when they’re Distracted so we’re gonna do a puppy Distraction training session in general Puppies are really distracted by things That move so if I were to drop that Treat for example she’s very likely to Get up and go after it so we’re gonna Start off really small with this I’m Gonna show her the treat I’m just gonna Move it like that good job but stick With me here cuz we’re gonna make it Much more challenging stay yes good so I Set the treat on the ground for just a Moment and I immediately gave it to her Before she even had a chance to break This is a good way to show your dog what You want rather than correcting them for Something you don’t want them to do much More powerful much more effective let’s See if we can raise the bar stay yes Good that was probably twice as long Stay and right there I accidentally Moved the tree and you can see how Responsive she was to a moving tree so

Let’s see if we can work up to being Able to have a moving treat in front of Her and have her stay don’t Underestimate how important it is to get Your dog to stay while something moves In Front of them movements okay very Distracting the most dogs Oh too far too Far that’s okay sometimes you got a try Right yes wonderful get this exercise Solid and all of your future training Will be much easier of course this is a Very basic beginner stay in the Description I’ll have a video on how to Teach your dog a more formal stay I’ll Also have one on teaching them to stay At doorways and not dash out the front Door and one on how to teach them to Stay while off leash outside helping you Guys train your dogs means I’m committed To featuring dogs of every variety and Of every energy level our crowdfunders On patreon are a huge reason why we can Do that if you want to help us do this Even bigger and better make a Contribution to our crowdfunding Campaign I’ll have a link in the Description click thumbs up if you think Hazel did a good job make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel we have so many Awesome videos coming and pick up a copy Of my book dog training revolution for The complete guide on raising the Perfect pet with love good job hazel

Just crate

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