How To Train a Dog When You Live With Other People

How To Train a Dog When You Live With Other People

What should your training strategy be when multiple people live in the house? This video is sponsored by BarkBox! Get a free BarkBox when you sign up for a 6 or 12 month subscription at

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

Today’s episode is sponsored by barkbox All of you can get a free bart box by Going to barkbox comm slash dog training And signing up for a 6 or 12 month Subscription click thumbs up for Callie She’s a 4 month old Australian Shepherd Puppy make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel too for a more complete dog Training revolution experience follow us On Instagram and Facebook and get a copy Of my book to see it’s real normal for People to have different standards and Styles for teaching the new dog but two Dogs he confused when more than one Person is teaching them that’s what We’re going to explore today no matter How many people are teaching your dog Though it’s vital that training is kept Interesting I clearly need to make Things more exciting for you don’t I one Of the easiest ways to do that is to Frequently have new and different treats And toys for your dog let’s check out Our bark box this month that woke you up Didn’t it Callie this looks like a Treasure chest bark box has a monthly Subscription box that sends you Extremely original fun things for your Dog every month it’s like a message in a Bottle and the message is it’s a tug toy Look at this bat parrot listen to the Crinkly tale it’s really biteable There’s a squeaky toy in it that is a Good dog toy I told you this would wake

You up oh look a super fun cute bandana Nothing says fun like a skull and Crossbones right you got a good tug of War Callie Callie hasn’t even discovered That there’s treats in here yet she’s Gonna go nuts bark box always has really High-end premium dog treats in their Boxes Callie do you like these okay I guess so There’s two different kinds of treats in This bag one is fish and one is chips Definitely smells like fish you can get A free bark box by going to bark box Comm slash dog training and signing up For a 6 or 12 month subscription and Shipping is free in the continental United States how do you effectively Train a dog when you likely have Multiple people in the household who Have different ideas about training and What’s most important now the most Practical format i’ve found is by having The person in the house who’s most Committed to training take charge accept Responsibility and manage the raising And training of a new dog and in turn Teach the rest of the family to that’s Not to say though that each person in The house can’t have their own unique Relationship with the dog but your dog Will get the most out of living with you By first understanding the rules what’s Acceptable and what isn’t and how you Expect them to behave the purpose of

Having a designated trainer isn’t that They’re the only one who get To spend time with a dog everybody Should be spending lots of time with the Dog but since consistency is so Important it’s easier for one person to Be really consistent with the dog during The communication building phase you Know the first few months of training It’s totally possible to have two people In the household be the primary trainer But we’ll talk about that in a minute It’s more that the primary trainer is Responsible for keeping track of the Goals of everyone in the house and Making sure that everyone is on the same Page as far as training methods and Consistency are concerned just as a School teacher takes charge of her class So to Dizz the main trainer in your Household well at least with matters Relating to the dog dogs learn best when They have solid leadership and things Are well structured just like kids do And just as kids are with their parents Dogs are very good at identifying Loopholes and figuring out in very short Order Who’s going to enforce certain rules and Who isn’t but of course there can be More than one primary trainer in a Household however if this is your Situation you’ll need to be very Consistent about holding your dog to

Identical standards that you and the Other trainer have agreed upon but the Thing is if one trainer is more serious About training than the other trainer This could really inhibit your progress For example if you’re the primary Trainer you might teach your dog to sit By holding up a treat like this and Saying sit good job But another member of the household Might tell the dog to sit by pointing Like this for a dog new to training this Is likely to make the concept take a Little bit longer to internalize since Those are very different hand signals And the cadence of communication is so Varied and this is much less efficient At a time we’re building that basic Communication is critical however once The dog really starts to understand Something basic like sit then it’s Pretty easy for other family members to Use different hand signals or interact With a dog in a way that’s most natural For them when you have an exceptionally Strong bond with your dog it’s so much Easier to teach new things to them in Order to achieve a strong bond you have To spend so much one-on-one time with Your dog and that makes it more Practical for one or two people to focus On training and building that bond in The beginning if you do like to have More than one primary trainer be sure to

Detail what the rules are for example One of the trainers in the house might Be okay with the dog getting on the Furniture and the other may not so work Out issues like this ahead of time agree To back one another up and speak as one Voice it’s not that a dog will only Listen to one person forever it’s just Best for a dog to have consistent Feedback from a really proficient Teacher who is focused on training them In the beginning in my experience one Person in the household is likely to be More interested in training the dog and That’s totally fine but other members of The family really need to avoid Undermining the main trainer or wor Trainers so whoever is most committed to Training and has the appropriate time to Devote to training should probably be The leading candidate for the designated Primary trainer position now if the most Committed trainer in the house happens To be 12 years old or less then they Likely have other things going on in Their life like growing up themselves School and friends and that’ll make it Impractical for them to be the Designated primary trainer at least most Of the time no matter how dedicated they Are it’s great when kids want to be Involved with training and they totally Should be as much as possible actually But ultimately it’s the adults

Responsibility to keep training on track Click thumbs up for Cali and get your Free BART box when you sign up for a 6 Or 12 month subscription that link will Be below subscribe to my channel too We’re really active on Instagram and Facebook too so make sure you follow us I’ll have all those links below Kali he Did a great job today [Music] You

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