How to Train the 1 Thing That’s Made All the Difference in My Leash Training

How to Train the 1 Thing That’s Made All the Difference in My Leash Training

This one thing changed how we leash train! Thanks PupBox for sponsoring this episode! Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a multi-month subscription!

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Today i’m going to show you one thing That’s made a huge difference in my Leash training with inertia I’m zach george i train dogs this is my New dog and i’m going to show you how i Train her From day one things definitely won’t Always go smoothly you can start from The beginning or you can pick up Anywhere Subscribe and hit the bell notification So you never miss an episode when you Put into motion an approach based on Love and respect your results will Forever Remain in motion this is inertia Welcome to the dog training experience If you’re training your dog the basics Something that can really help keep you On track Is pup box putbox is special because It’s a monthly subscription box where They send you items that will help you Train your dog Based on their specific age and that’s Really important For example this is the three-month box Let me show you what comes in it the First thing you’ll notice is that you Get this detailed training guide on Things you should be working on with a Three-month-old dog in this case At three months old or three years old You always want to make sure that you

Have treats on you when you’re training Your dog something new This stays shut so your dog can’t steal Your treats a kong is classic this Really helps keep your dog occupied when They’re alone They even give you peanut butter to put Inside the coffee dogs really like plush Toys as well let’s see if this one has a Squeaker Yeah of course your dog doesn’t have to Be three months old to appreciate this Toy And we have some real top-notch training Treats here as well these are salmon Bites Sweet tater fries it’s a nice really Desirable chew right there so once your Dog is past the puppy stage like inersa Is you’ll get the adult box and oh my Goodness What is this toys that bounce kind of Crazy with these odd shapes can be Really exciting to dogs I can’t recommend pup box enough you can Get 50 off of your first box when you go To That can enter discount code zach i’ll Have the details In the description there’s one thing That i’ve done to make my leash walking Training with inertia much smoother And that’s what i want to go over with You guys today and you guys have

Definitely noticed on instagram so many Of you have been requesting A deep dive in how i taught inertia her Switch Move switch just means she switches over From healing on one side of me to the Other like this I find it really useful to teach dogs to Heal on either side of me it can really Help you when you’re navigating a busy Area or you’re near a busy road for Example If you’re not thinking about it it can Easily become a habit for you to keep Your dog on one side of you most of the Time And so your dog can become accustomed to Walking only on one side of you Even if you’re not aware of it this can Really limit how maneuverable and Flexible you and your dog are when You’re out in public For example here’s a shot from a past Training session with inertia a woman Walks towards us And i don’t know how this woman feels About dogs maybe she doesn’t like them So i chose to switch inertia to my other Side this little Switch move is the easiest way that i Have found to get inertia to switch from One side to the other in a compact Efficient movement When i first started training this to

Inertia i found that lore training was The way to go for sure in fact with Inertia i just started teaching her how To use her back legs and her front legs A little bit differently One of the ways i practiced this was by Having her put her front feet on a Different surface Like a book and i encouraged her to Rotate her back feet around in a circle This got her at least comfortable with The concept of pivoting on her front Feet a little bit Once inertia got really good at that i Started prioritizing how to teach her to Spin into that heel position the Objective Is basically to have her turn and pivot On those front feet like this So that i can eventually put her into The heel position here Turn okay oh i like that so she actually Went the Other way but she just volunteered that So i’m gonna actually jackpot that Because that was a beautiful looking Turn Turn yes good i don’t really want her Going into that sit but i like that She’s turning so we’re still Early stages on this stan and see right Here she’s a bit confused she’s like What do you mean I want her to basically stay standing

And do this motion that’s what we’re Going for here Wait let me get her warmed up with Weight Good turn Still pretty good because see she’s Getting real close to my thighs still a Little in front of me but i want her Over here but again We’re not going to be that picky at this Point in her training turn Let me see if i can intercept that sit Though turn yes So i gave her an enthusiastic yes just Before her butt hit the ground and i’m Hoping for her to be like whoa i better Not sit i did something right right There that’s the reaction i’m trying to Elicit from her stand wait turn yes Good right there she didn’t sit do you See how i intercepted her even though This is sloppy i’m rewarding the fact That she didn’t sit So you have to really reward small Efforts wait Look at me turn yes yes Oh that’s so good so this is new Territory again not a good heel but i’m Trying to break this habit that she has Of going into the sit but if you can Teach your dog how to spin with a lure Like that Then you can easily teach this too this Is a heavily lure dependent trick at

Least the way that I taught it i used a heavy lure to Really guide her and teach her how to Get into position Right beside me once she was doing Switch really well while i stood still I then wanted to prioritize having her Be able to do that while we were on a Walk Or in a busier setting like a city or a Neighborhood and when in new distracting Places I would lure her for an extended period Of time because it really took her A while to grasp how to do this when in A challenging environment This is some kind of unusual muscle Memory that you’re asking your dog to Acquire So helping them out with the lore to Really encourage them to practice the Right movement is totally fine I also practiced this by calling her to Me as well and asking her to spin into That heel position routinely As she was learning this i really had to Be choosy about the times that i really Wanted to be insistent On having her do this for example in the French quarter here in new orleans there Might have been so many distractions That she found it too overwhelming so in Those cases i would try to find A less busy part of the city and

Practice there for a while so we’re Gonna go out into the real world and see How Inertia is doing on this today in General i like to have inertia on Whichever side is farthest from the cars When we’re walking beside a road so in The case of a street with sidewalks like This sometimes you may want to walk on Either side for one reason or another You can see how this might be helpful if You see another pedestrian coming by Being able to have your dog on either Side of you can be extremely useful and Of course there’s Exceptions to this even though i’d like To have her on one side away from the Road as a general rule Maybe there’s a dog in someone’s yard And i’d like to temporarily have inertia Switch to be on my other side that’s Further away from the dog You’ll see in day-to-day life that there Are a huge variety of reasons to be able To customize which side of your body Your dog walks on Inertia you are doing so well as usual When your dog performs this well give Them an Awesome reward there’s no reward like a Tug toy for dogs that love to run and Jump and bite Get fifty percent off of your first putt Box when you sign up for a three six or

Twelve month subscription and enter Discount code zack at Zack subscribe to this channel and get Both of my books for all of my most Detailed Dog training advice in one place follow Us on instagram and tick tock to see What else Inertia has been learning check out all Of those links below and we’ll see you Next time You

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