How to Train your Dog Good Manners and to Take Treats Gently!

How to Train your Dog Good Manners and to Take Treats Gently!

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If you’re going to train your dog you’ve Got to be able to reward them but does It seem like your dog is trying to bite Your fingers off every time you give Them a treat today I’m going to show you How to teach your dog to take treats Nicely click thumbs up make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel pick up a copy Of my book Dog training revolution it’s a complete Guide on raising the perfect pet with Love and join our crowdfunding community On patreon I’ll have that link in the Description those funds help us make Videos just like this now let’s learn More about today’s treat snatching dogs Precious and Grigio hi my name is Rachel I am Zach’s Associate Producer and I Have 10 personal dogs and 4 foster dogs This is my dog Grigio and he’s my Personal dog and this is precious she is One of my four foster dogs after I Brought precious home to foster she was Diagnosed with Cushing’s disease and That means she has to take meds every Day for the rest of her life Most of the dachshunds that I foster are Medical Fosters so they have to get Medicine pretty much every day one of The side effects of Cushing’s disease is That you gain a lot of weight if it’s Not medically managed she’s actually Lost 12 pounds since I’ve been fostering Her so we wrapped their pills in treats

But a lot of a biter hand so hard Because they’re super excited about the Trees and it really hurts Even my husband is scared of these Little dachshunds at pill time Zac Please help me get these dogs taking Treats nicely oh you guys don’t look so Bad you look pretty polite to me let’s See if you take treats too wrong come on Let’s see about precious right on my Nail a little mark there not too bad I’d Prefer to have no Mark’s precious you Guys definitely take treats to roughly Especially you precious let’s see if we Can get you guys taking treats like nice Dogs one of the perks of my job is that I get really great access to some of the Most cutting-edge dog foods this is Stella and Chewy’s super beef meal Mixers with dog food like this which is Really high in meat sometimes you can Get by with using them for primary Treats because they’re a high enough Value treat to the dog so if you took Treats a night time you probably get More of them bro sorry I don’t speak Dachshund that is real freeze-dried meat And organic fruits and veggies The Closer food stay learn natural state the Better they are this is a fantastic way To add that raw nutrient-rich Meet your dog’s diet it even comes with A scoop and if your dog’s a picky eater Which you guys are obviously not these

Are fantastic you can get your Stella And Chewy’s meal mixers from Peplow how To automatically ship to you so they’re Always there when you need them and reco Exact 30 when you check out you’ll get $10 off your first three orders since I’m lucky enough to have two different Dogs here today I’m going to show you Two different ways to approach this Problem now precious over here she’s Really extra rough when she takes Streets although Grigio he’s still far From polite alright precious let’s go Put you up so I can work with your Brother come on with Grigio I’m gonna Hold the treat really tight like this And I’m gonna let him nibble on the Trees but I’m not going to release that Treat completely until he either starts Nibbling a little bit more politely or He starts licking see both of those Things are indicators that he’s on the Right track to learning how to take Treats in a more civilized manner here’s A tiny one can you take it nicely look At that there’s a whole finger now let’s See how you do with turkey good boy and Look you can see he’s taking it super Super gently right there look at that hi Grigio you’re easy but let’s see what we Can do with your foster sister precious Precious he’s famous for snatching trees Very vigorously so I’m going to take a Little bit of a different approach than

I did with Grigio see with precious I Don’t want to sit here and let her Gently bite on my fingers because I Don’t have a lot of confidence that She’s going to gently do anything Instead I’m not going to give her the Treat at all until she indicates but She’s going to take it nicely so how do You do that well you’ll find that if you Just slow down your pace a little bit That your dog will probably pick up this Skill pretty quickly so she goes from The tree to over enthusiastically I’m Just going to pull the treat away just The act of going slow and making a Dedicated training session out of Teaching your dog to take treats nicely Is likely to help that’s too rough Teaching your dog to take a treat nicely Is a wonderful opportunity to really Refine your communication good yes that Was a good one she took it really nice Yes good right there she’s starting to Lick already let’s make sure that our Training is doing well with a variety of Different rewards I’m going to use some Real Turkey that was too Not bad definitely an improvement for Sure I’m able to let her now start to Nibble on that tree without her biting Too hard look at that Tilt that five fingers just a few Minutes ago there’s no way I would have Put fingers with food in them this close

To her mouth This is one of those things that you can Very quickly resolve if you just commit Giving some attention to it these two Also have a pattern getting a bit more Competitive when there’s one person with A treat and they’re not the only dog Around let’s see if we can give you guys Both a treat and good boy yeah nice work Honey Grigio What are you doing your dog is an Extreme case couple of things you can do In the meantime are to treat them Open-palm like that you’ll find the dogs Tend to take treats more gently that way Or you can even drop along the ground When they do something good but don’t Let this hold you up from training your Dog click thumbs up for kinder gentler Dogs everywhere subscribe to my channel To make sure you see all of my future Videos check out Stella and Chewy’s and Have it automatically delivered to you From pet slow enter code back 30 when You check out they get $10 off your First three orders I’ll have those links In the description and if you want to Learn how to teach your dog everything Help me keep doing what we’re doing by Joining our crowdfunding community on Patreon we’ll see you guys in the next Video pachow Grigio good job precious

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