How to Train your DOG NOT to JUMP

How to Train your DOG NOT to JUMP

How to train your dog to stop jumping!! 😮😮I’m glad you guys are enjoying the video! Get MORE dog training tips and examples on instagram! @zakgeorge Download the app and follow me there! I’m very active on instagram! I do live shows and post new videos all of the time!

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How to teach Sit and more:
How to teach Stay:

How to train your dog not to jump

Do you want to know how to stop your dog from jumping on you and others?

So many people are short circuited early in their attempts to train their dog because their dog jumps and they become frustrated and stop. Share this video to help others learn how to effectively communicate with their dog without force!

The problem may seem big, but the solution is pretty simple! In my LATEST video, I’ll give you a thorough yet easy-to-understand way to end ALL unwanted jumping!

I’ve been letting you guys choose my ”next video” lately, and it’s working out wonderfully! So would you like my next video to be about,

A) Teaching a dog to stay at doorways (with Lexi the German Shepherd)


B) Walking on a leash without pulling (with Nina the All-American Mutt:))

I asked you in my last video what you Wanted this video to be about most of You said you wanted to know how to Handle unwanted jumping with your dog Now consider sharing this because one of The original points of frustration for New pet parents is the fact that their Dog jumps on them when they don’t want Them to huge problem easy solution first Understand that the root cause of most Unwanted jumping is lack of physical Exercise mental activities and/or Overall communications asking a dog to Not jump on you who has a lot of energy And not a proper outlet is bordering on Unreasonable this is a real puppy Behavior you see how he’s grabbing on a Leash she wants to play tug he’s turning Down turkey meat to play tug-of-war with A leash that’s a play driven dog your Dog should know how to sit and stay Pretty solidly before teaching them not To jump on you if you need help with That I will have videos in the Description either way I promise you’ll Have a much better idea as to how to Deal with unwanted jumping over the next Several minutes make sure you click the Subscribe button right now so you can be Notified every time I upload a new video I mean why not it’s great how many of Your dogs jump when you don’t want them To let’s talk about why dogs jump to Begin with there’s a lot of common myths

Out there about dog training that its Dominant so that’s your dog trying to be In control it’s the exact opposite a lot Of unwanted behaviors like this are Often attributed to a dog trying to be Dominant The reality is dogs are very often very Physical and playful beings this has Nothing to do with them trying to gain Some type of status within your family They jump because dogs like to greet us At the face that’s how dogs say hello And I love you to other life forms That’s how they shake hands that’s how They greet us nonetheless it can be Pretty obnoxious The golden rule with jumping is it’s Your responsibility as a parent to make Sure that your dog is not getting any Attention from anybody unless all four Feet are on the ground when your dog Does something you like or don’t like It’s important that you react quickly And tell them so if you’re not reacting Instantly and your dog’s doing something You don’t like they learn that they can Get away with it Period of time before you’re gonna do Something about it they’re like alright I can jump a little bit at least I’ve Been allowed to do that It is vital that you have the right Frame of mind when teaching your dog you Can never train a dog when you’re in a

Hurry or when you’re frustrated your Choices are to be sincere and patient But if you’re sincere impatient your dog Will learn at Lightspeed guys there are Two main types of jumping there’s the Kind of jumping where they jump on you And there’s a kind of jumping where they Jump on somebody else let’s talk about How we deal with in jumping on us first The traditional advice on this is when Your dog jumps on you you cross your Arms and you turn around okay that’s Fine and that’s cool and you should do That but what’s missing from that Traditional advice is that you need to Have some feeling behind it you need to Have some communication with them you Got to do this in your own individual Way look into your dog’s eyes often when You’re training them her eyes will get All wide and she’ll say I’m about to Jump him I’m sorry all of your dogs no Sit stay you’re not gonna be overly firm With them because that can be a bit Counterproductive use treats in the Beginning that is ideal when I see that He’s thinking about breaking you’re out Of there quickly I’m instantly removing Myself with a severe jumper you come in Like this really slow my goal here so Just try and touch her on the head Without her jumping ah be one step ahead Of them the closer I get the more Tempting it is for him the best time to

Correct an unwanted behavior is right Before it occurs it’s important that When our dog jumps on us that there is a Consequence the consequence in this case Is simply removing our body from them so They can’t jump on it No I want him to know getting up made me Get way far away from you because you Were thinking about jumping and see if He’s going in without me because he Really wants to interact with me he’s a Very happy dog I will communicate with Her hey Mia how are you that’s it very Good yes that’s good pet them very Softly in order to encourage them to be Calm if you have a really excited dog Using treats might actually encourage Them to be a bit more calm as well Because all she wants is some Interaction yes I touched her I’ll give Her a treat and I haven’t been able to Touch him yet again the goal here is to Be able to touch him yes good do you see That I’m gonna jackpot him right now I’m Gonna give him a massive treat because He did really really good jackpot as Eternally dog trainers used to mean a Giant reward when they really reach deep To do something that was really good Guys over time as your dog learns they Will remember that in order to receive Attention they need to keep all four Feet on the ground here I saw in Sully’s Eyes that he was receptive to staying in

Order to be pet so I thought I would Test his willpower a bit Did you see the restraint right now some Of us like it when our dogs jump on us From time to time I certainly do You can have it both ways if you ask Them to jump it’s fine they’re perfectly Capable of knowing that it’s okay to Jump only when you say it’s okay your Dog is extra amped up say after you’ve Returned home from work after several Hours you may need to have them in Another room like a bedroom or let them In the backyard to run around a bit to Get some of that energy out that way They’re more receptive to learning this Concept but what do we do when our dogs Jump on friends family or strangers tell Me if this sounds familiar you’re Walking down the street with your dog You see a friend approaching you you Want to stop and talk to them your dogs Jumping all over them and you’re saying No no no and you’re trying to maintain Somewhat of a conversation you’re like Hey how’s it go and stop jumping stop Jumping oh how you been so you’re giving 50% of your attention to Dog and 50% to the person so your Attention is divided isn’t it you got to Pick your dog in this case guys it is Totally okay to say I’m sorry I’m trying To teach my dog not to jump sit stay Then you do this with the other person

Other person would you please pet my dog If your dog then goes to jump as they Will initially we don’t expect them to Do anything it’s not their fault they’re Not doing anything wrong they’re just Trying to pet your dog you’re in between That person and your dog every time they Jump you’re right there sit stay only Then does the person pet your dog when All four feet are on the ground our Overall demeanor and attitude should Suggest to our dogs you’re not going to Jump and also get pets at the same time Does that make sense A lot of old-fashioned ways for dealing With unwanted jumping are still Recommended today by many dog trainers Things like kneeing them in the chest When they jump or pulling back by a Leash and collar in order to show them Who’s boss these approaches tend to Really trivialize the sophisticated Intellect of our dogs use that Opportunity to really make them think The more you physically make your dog Through something the less effective Your training will be because it’s not Coming from the inside out if you just Are a little patient with them and you Encourage them to perform the behavior Voluntarily you’ll get much better Results I really try and give you a lot Of different examples so that you can Get a true sense as to how to deal with

Your dog on this particular issue now Realistically it takes a few weeks of Being very consistent on this with them And one for them to really start to get The behavior if you find videos and tips Like this helpful you can tell me so by Clicking thumbs up and I’m also gonna Let you decide what my next video is Going to be about would you rather see Four month old Lexie the German Shepherd Dog learn how to stay at the doorway so She doesn’t run into the street or would You rather see six-month-old Nina Learning how to walk on a leash without Pulling tell me in the comments below Also like me on Facebook where I post my Secret dog training advice videos and Lots of other fun stuff as well okay Guys tell me in the comments below what You want to see and I’ll see you in the Next video bye

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