How to Train Your Dog to STOP JUMPING on People

How to Train Your Dog to STOP JUMPING on People

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How many of you struggle with teaching your dog not to jump on YOU and OTHERS?

Yes, even Basset Hounds can be jumpers! I’m thrilled to be able to give you an idea as to how to address unwanted jumping from your dog. I’ll also give you a way to teach your dog to listen without a treat and without harsh corrections in this video! 🙂

I’d like to give a BIG THANK YOU to our crew on this video.
Bree, Dennis, Carlos you guys rocked! Bryce and Ginny could not have done a better job!

Teach your dog to Stay:

How to Teach your Dog To Listen Without Treats:

Teach your dog to stop stealing stuff from the counter or anywhere else:

Today’s video is sponsored by pet flow Dot-com Jumping is one of the more annoying Unwanted behaviors for most people but Chances are if you have a jumper on your Hands you likely have a very excited Loving enthusiastic dog keep things in Perspective because that is not such a Bad thing The reason dogs jump is because they Like to greet us at the face but we have To show them that we prefer a different Type of greeting make sure you likely on Facebook link will be in the description Click thumbs up and subscribe if you Think that we need to raise the Standards in how we teach our dogs hey Tell me in the comments below does your Dog jump on you and or others we’re Gonna go inside and meet Ginny the Basset hound and her dad Bryce good to See you miss you too good so I Understand that Ginny has an issue with Jumping yes teaching a dog to not jump Is actually pretty easy but we need to Meet them halfway particularly if you Have a high-energy dog at home we have To make sure we’re playing fetch with Them giving them regular exercise just a Little bit of exercise for her is enough To kind of wipe her out for at least a Half hour to an hour she recharges them Pretty quickly huh super quickly does She jump on everyone yes everybody I

Don’t think it has to be all or nothing I mean dogs are capable of understanding The difference between when it’s okay And when it’s not I think it’s fine if Our dogs jump on us as long as we’re Asking for the behavior but that’s up to The individual the good thing about Basset hounds like all domestic dogs is They were bred specifically to work with People they were hunting dogs so they Are predisposed to understand human Beings if you know your dog is likely to Jump on company coming over and they Haven’t been exercised or they’re just Crazy hyper because that’s how some dogs Are it’s a good idea to have them on a Leash so you can further control the Environment how well does Ginny do like A basic sit stay for a second or two she Does it pretty well Would you mind demonstrative Ginny sit Look at me sit good girl oh that’s great See you would want your dog to have a Sit and a basic stay if you guys at home Don’t know how to teach that check the Description of this video and we’ll be a Link to a video that will get you to That point when she’s jumping on people How do you typically handle that now Just saying all four Ginny off Once you know once she’s up on somebody Okay so that’s pretty typical this is What most of us do isn’t it ideally and This takes a little bit more practice

But I’m willing to bet you know her very Very well is that safe to say yes you Can see the jumping coming before it Happens can’t you yes okay if it’s too Late you’ve asked your dog to sit and They’re still jumping at that point it’s Your responsibility to come over and say You know what I need to give all of my Attention to my dog right now and put Her into a sit I’d like to go over two Aspects to unwanted jumping the first is When guests come in the house and she May be likely to jump and how to resolve That and the second is how to keep her From jumping as your company remains at The house even though she knows sit Really well when she’s not distracted by A guest coming over now that we’re Making it kind of complicated I think we Should use a treat to kind of encourage Her to sit now you don’t always need to Use treats on this and if you need help With teaching your dog to listen to you Without treats I’ll have a video in the Description that will show you how to Get to that point but I don’t think We’re at that point at least with this Many variables and excitement going back Companies have a choice as to the kind Of content that they sponsor and for a Company like pet flow to get behind Positive training is very impressive and Remember you have a choice as to where You can get your dog food and supplies

From support companies that support Positive training we’re gonna do a drill We’re gonna do this a few times I’m Gonna walk in and I want you to really Be dialed into her and if she looks like She’s thinking about jumping that is the Time to say no sit right up and ask her To sit and then my goal is to be able to Pet her and touch her without her Jumping on me So I’m going to actually try and pet her And see if because oftentimes that’s When dogs ah there it go to see and so That’s where you want to intervene right There and ask her to sit now one Important note here a lot of people try And coach the person as to what to do It’s really your responsibility see it Good notice how he’s giving all of his Attention to Jenny right now good girl This is what you do in the beginning Trust me company will be a ball of it And I’m gonna be understanding and go Slow but this is good so you’ve got her Currency here hi girl how are you so did You excellent excellent example you can See it in her eyes from this perspective She was thinking about jumping but Brice Was right there hi girl how’s it going Look yes uh uh good sit let me know you Love that in your own way you know you Can give them the tree but remember when We’re teaching our dog it’s not just About giving them treats and that’s the

End of the story the treats are a good Catalyst to build communication but That’s what we should be focused on good Connection here if your dog for an Extreme jump or remember you should have Them on a leash at this point so you can Prevent them from jumping and ask them To sit but you know you’re you’re past That I think with her we’re gonna do Something to increase the odds that she Listens more and more as time goes on We’re gonna ask her to sit several times In a row after I come in and just Periodically reward her here and there The reason for that is dogs are going to Learn and all mammals for that matter Much more effectively when they are not Rewarded every single time it’s an Interesting lesson in psychology isn’t It hey guys what’s going on it ah sit is Good so reward her that time I’m gonna Come better right now no ask her to sit Again but don’t be bored this time good Keep her guessing hello you’re doing so Well actually let’s try it again and Don’t reward her again sit good that’s Good oh you’re so awesome and right here I’m making it a bit tough for good never To sit and reward the next time she sits Yep good see if you mix it up like this This really teaches your dog walk I Might get rewarded I might not and it’s A good intermediate phase to work Towards phasing out treats for basic

Behavior like this our next step is to Get her to behave like this while we’re Sitting down hanging out is she likely To jump if we sit at the kitchen table And hang out for a bit yes she will so Far so good she’s not jumping Immediately oh oh here we go looks like We have a little bit of work to do on This here cuz see when you’re sitting Down it’s actually easier for them to Jump on you so they boil like it’s Likely to if you need help with counter Surfing I’ll have a video in the Description and remember we’re going to Randomly give her treats we don’t want To treat every time now I should say if Your dog is an extreme jumper and They’re likely to jump like crazy you Should treat almost every single time But since she’s past this point I think We’re good to randomly reinforce I Actually have some ham here and I’m Gonna give that to her for offering the Sit I think it’s good Recognise those little moments when your Dog is trying to behave really well Kickball champ you play kickball just What position do you play in kickball Center field I like it yes oh no no that’s it there We go so we’re having a basic Conversation about kickball she starts To jump he’s right on her just like that A girl little late but better late than

Never I mean it’s a lot easier said than Done to be pre-emptive so that’s Something you’ll need to practice with Nice oh and right there I mean yeah and Good gonna so I need to reward her here You want to keep her guessing this is What you want to do for the first Several weeks two months of teaching Your dog not to jump you have to be very Very consistent Don’t let your guard down any time soon After several minutes of practice I Thought it was time to put everything Together and see how Ginny did Right wanna go it on how are you good Good yeah yeah really nice hey Jenny how Are you it’s very nice to meet you tear Up see oh that was great you could see Her so well cuz she was like I’m about To jump on your dad you sat down and you Caught her right before she did it as a Special thank you pet flow calm is Giving 15% off to viewers of the dog Training revolution for your first Purchase Peplum makes it simple to set up Automatic pet food delivery anywhere in The continental United States you can Easily determine the frequency that your Pets food is delivered right to your Door no more driving across town and Lifting heavy bags and if your dog Requires prescription food Peplow has You covered there they have hundreds of

Brands to choose from shipping is free On all orders over $49 after discounts To and hep flow has awesome dog training Aids like toys treats plus excellent Deal just visit Peplow comm slash zack George today you have so much work to go And enter promo code Zack George 15 when You check out hey make sure you like me On Facebook link will be in the Description click thumbs up also make Sure you’re subscribed I’m also thinking About doing a video on unwanted barking Tell me if that’s something you’d like To see in the comments below write your Thank-you a man really really good job You

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