How to Train your Puppy 6 Tricks in 1 Day!

How to Train your Puppy 6 Tricks in 1 Day!

Train your Puppy Tricks like roll over, speak, shake and more in 1 day! This video is sponsored by Pupford!  CLICK HERE to get your Training Starter Pack!! CLICK HERE to sign up for my FREE 30 Day Perfect Pup Digital Dog Training Course:

CLICK HERE to get Pupford’s AWESOME new freeze dried beef liver training treats (also included with the Training Starter Pack):

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This video is sponsored by pupford today I’m going to show you how to train lots Of different tricks with goldie the Puppy and do you remember when you were Cute like that you’re still really cute If you’re new to training your dog you Have to have the right supplies and There are a few essential items that Everyone needs when training a dog Hutford has just launched a training Starter kit the kit comes with their Freeze-dried beef liver training treats Which are super high quality i cannot Recommend these things enough they keep Well at room temperature so you can make Sure that you always have them anytime And anywhere you need them 450 treats that’s a lot of training Potential in one bag you also get this Tug toy you can reward them with it it’s Important to teach them fetch and tug of War is the first step to teaching fetch Let go Get it that’s how tug of war should look Finally you get one of the most Underestimated dog training tools that’s Really critical a 30-foot training lead Thank you puffer for including this this Is the thing that everyone forgets about When training a dog see a lead allows You to teach your dog things at a Distance like come when called or Eventually how to teach your dog how to Listen to you off leash i’m gonna have a

Link in the description where you can Get your training starter kit from Pupford sign up for my 100 free digital Dog training class 30 day perfect pup to Learn how to make the most out of these Items if you’ve taken the course tell me How you’re enjoying it in the comments Below click thumbs up for goldie the Four-month-old golden doodle because She’s back and we’re gonna do some fun Training with her today make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel and pick up a Copy of my best-selling book follow me On instagram too tag zack george i’ll Have a link below tricks are an Excellent way to refine and build Sophisticated communication with your Dog and that will empower you to Interact with your dog in the most Natural way imaginable oh my goodness Goldie you need a lot of communication Building you can clearly see that goldie Is a pretty energetic four-month-old Puppy we’re gonna start with kind of a Challenging one we’re gonna see if we Can get goldie to speak or bark when we Ask i mean this can take a little bit of Time to teach but i noticed that she Vocalizes every once in a while so i’d Like to see if we can get her to do it On cue in order to teach your dog speak You want to have something that they Really want i’m using small pieces of Cooked turkey today and you want to just

Kind of entice them with it until they Vocalize as if to say hey i want that I’m just going to wait This can take several minutes or even Several training sessions depending on Your dog when she just jumps up at the Tree i’m going to ignore that even Though she’s offering all sorts of great Behaviors like sit and lie down i’m Really ignoring those right now and i’m Focusing on the trick that i want to Train at this moment which in this case Is some type of vocalization you can Just see her thinking she’s like wow What a puzzle here i’ve got to figure This out even if your dog looks like They’re just thinking about barking go Ahead and reward them to give them that Feedback good did you see that there was No sound but she clearly is on the right Track Yes That was really good Yes good That one was a little bit louder i could Almost hear a bark in there Yes good oh that was awesome did you Hear that it was quiet but she did it And now then we’re gonna give her a Jackpot reward and we’re gonna come to Life and make things really exciting to Let her know we like that now let’s go For another success immediately Yes good i’m still gonna reward even

Though it’s not quite as loud So i want to keep the energy positive Here and enthusiastic for goldie Yes good Yes oh my goodness that was fantastic Speak good so now she’s really getting It the light bulb has completely gone Off and i’m gonna withhold all rewards At least for right now Unless she progresses until she actually Vocalizes and gives me a good Enthusiastic bark Speak yes notice how i’m saying speak Just after she barks and i’m doing it Very deliberately Speak yes Now let’s see if it works speak Yes all right good job it is common for Dogs to start barking a lot once they Figure out that gets out of the treat so Get in the habit of not rewarding when They start barking when you don’t ask For it we’ve spent you know about five Minutes six minutes or so working on This now goldie needs to learn the Obligatory roll over of course or play Dead we’ll see which one she accelerates With now you might have noticed she She’s got a really good lie down that’s A prerequisite to this do you see how Her hips are shifted over here that Tells me i need to go this way because i Want to go with the path of least Resistance i’m just going to lure her

And look at that lure look how close it Is do you see that see she’s a little Reluctant there to go into a roll over That’s normal a lot of dogs don’t like Going On their back at first now look at the Hips they seem like they might want to Go this way so i’m going to just go with Whatever she gives me Yes i’m going to reward that right there I’m going to actually stop and reward Her right there because that’s farther Than she’s gotten Good She’s so lenky and clutchy at this age As she’s being lured here i’m actually Letting her nibble microscopic pieces of This big chunk and i’m letting her Really just kind of nibble ever so Slightly at it to really keep her Enticed by it She really Roll over that was really good can we go Back the other way goldie is just such a High-energy dog that doing training like This is really giving her something to Do and it’s satisfying her brain and This can really help your overall Training because even though it’s roll Over and speak that we’ve been working On that’s really helping us understand Her and learn about her she’s getting to Know how we communicate so that’s why These are great this one’s a really easy

Trick that most of you ought to be able To teach your dogs in a single training Session really let’s see if we can teach Goldie to spin around in a circle with Spin initially it’s something like this It’s a real obvious lure you’ll find That spin will evolve into something Like that a faster lure Until eventually you can just say hey Spin but that’s probably going to take a Few training sessions so we’ll not press That one right now so at first you’re Just trying to get them to follow that Lure yes Notice i’m saying yes the moment she Really does what i want or even is on The right track yes Of course every dog needs good manners So i think goldie needs to know how to Shake hands i’ve trained shake in so Many different ways and i have no idea Which method goldie is going to respond To so let’s find out she’ll need to be In a sit for this she’s trying all the Tricks She jumped that time so i’m not going to Reward i’m looking for her to just lift One foot in any way that she wants to I’m going to actually keep her up here Because she has a tendency to want to Lie down so i’m going to keep her up Here i’m going to see if she moves her Paw in any way yes right there she just Lifted that paw she was attempting to

Kind of jump up or something but i Preempted it by jumping in with that yes And saying hey i like that it’s common For a lot of dogs to pick up their leg And try to claw at your hand if it’s got A treat in it so that might be a good Yes right there that’s what i’m looking For so keeping it right about here so It’s easy for her to lift up her paw you See that shake very good and i’m kind of Ever so slightly opening my hand to Reveal a little bit more of that turkey Every time that she succeeds that way i Can give it to her instantly yes even Though it was the other paw i’m gonna go Ahead and reward there now i’m closing My hand again yes Letting her nibble Good Yes Now i’m gonna say shake when she does it Again Shake Shake good girl let’s do something a Little more crowd pleasing maybe i’m Going to take her leash off for this one Goldie i suspect you are an athlete at Heart so we’re going to think we can Teach you how to do an over and over is Where your dog jumps over something in This case it’s going to be my legs you Want to be cautious when you’re working With young dogs on athletic things like This but this is low enough that i think

It’s probably just fine for goldie so Right here come on come here See how she’s looking at me she’s a Little confused She’s like this speak work that’s not What i’m looking for Yes over good and all i’m looking for Here is just a nice enthusiastic effort To go over my legs It’s okay Yes good job since she’s doing that so Well yes did you see how she put some Jump into that one rather than just Walking over my legs Yes oh that was a great one good girl Over perfect did you see that that was Amazing she actually started oh she did It again these things get me really Excited she’s demonstrated many times Now that she’s able to kind of really Put some pep into her step That one i’m not gonna reward him cause She kind of climbed over me over wow boy That’s big air Over Good and you could kind of read her eyes There she was really committed to it so I decided to say over just prior to her Jumping in order to really communicate To her what that word means normally i Wouldn’t throw so much on a dog in Literally one training session here but She’s doing so well her attention spans Holding up and i think that’s a huge

Part because we’re keeping things really Positive and upbeat for her and finding Reasons to reward even small successes But i’d like to see if she can learn how To crawl your dog is going to need to Know how to lie down you can search my Youtube channel if you’re not quite There yet so we’ll put her into a down And again we’re just going to kind of Lord look at this guys are you kidding Me look at that so i didn’t even have a Chance to explain what i was doing there But let’s see if we can do this again I’m just luring her very slightly And i’m watching those legs inch along Crawl Good and i want to keep those back legs Down Good Crawl good And Crawl Excellent and if you go too fast you’ll Find that they come up watch see if i go Too fast see how she comes up that’s What we don’t want that’s why it’s Important to go really slow crawl looks Fantastic the actual real time of Today’s lesson was approximately one Hour we were able to keep that sustained Attention from goldie which is really Exciting that’s because i didn’t get Frustrated and i kept her from getting Frustrated by finding even the smallest

Reasons to reward along the way that’s Really the key to getting these long Training sessions goldie really earned It today give her a thumbs up subscribe To my channel get a copy of my audiobook Too i narrated it myself i’m gonna have A link in the description where you can Get your training starter kit from Pupford sign up for my 30 day digital Dog training class 30 day perfect pup I’ll have those links in the description Below what tricks does your dog know Show me on instagram by tagging me at Zac george link below goldie i love you So much you’re a great dog whether your Dog needs to learn basic skills like sit Stay leave it leash walking come when Called and most importantly how to Listen around distractions or you’re Struggling with play biting chewing Jumping potty training or you struggle To keep their attention the 30-day Perfect pup series will help you and Your dog overcome these challenges and Progress towards the perfect pup you’ve Been dreaming of

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