How To Train Your Puppy Leash Walking and 4 More Things!

How To Train Your Puppy Leash Walking and 4 More Things!

How to train a puppy to walk on leash, listen to you around distractions, do tricks, fetch and more! This video is sponsored by Petflow! Set up automatic pet food delivery today at  

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Playlist: How to teach your puppy or dog the basics in order:

This episode is sponsored by pet flow Has this ever happened to you Indian are You hungry Oh let’s eat all right we’re out of dog Food let’s see what this is really Costing me okay time to go I’ll be right Back indeed Sorry I can’t spend this time with you Boy this is what life must have been Like in the 20th century I’d rather be Watching YouTube for sure right now There are definite better uses of one’s Time than that but actually I didn’t Need to get dog food at all because I’m A pet flow customer go to the link I Have in the description choose the brand Of food you want and tell pet flow how Often you want your food delivered and Peploe will practically pay you to try This service out you’ll get $10 off your First three automatic shipments when you Enter code Zach 30 and with all that Time I save I like to shoot dog training Videos for you click thumbs up for fin The 11 week old puppy is he not the Cutest puppy you’ve ever seen if you Have a new dog subscribe to my channel Right now it’s free you’ll be glad you Did And keep up with the dog training Revolution between videos on instagram Tag at sack Georgian upload a picture of Your dog with hashtag dog training while Sherriff’s me on my favorite grab a copy

Of my book dog training revolution I’ll Have a link in the description we’ve got An action-packed lesson plan for Finn Today we’re gonna go over leash walking How to teach your dog to listen around Distractions maybe even do a trick or Two and how to play tug and fetch this Is gonna be fun one of the first things I like to assess with dogs is of course Their desire to play clearly Finn is Really into playing just look at his Energy not all puppies are like this Though some are more chill and more Relaxed which means you would take a Different approach but in his case since He does have so much energy I’d like to Bring some structure to this play Tug-of-war in lecto is a really good way To start introducing structure right now I’m not picky I’m not insisting that Finn let go of the toy or anything I Just wanted really into it when a dog This young has this much energy it’s Really important that they have that Structure and teaching a dog fetch is The path of least resistance when it Comes to getting their energy out Conveniently on your schedule so that You don’t have to walk them for an hour Or two now you might think that your dog Knows fetch but I actually have a really Specific definition for fetch fetch is Where you throw a toy your dog picks it Up enthusiastically returns it in a

Straight line to you and promptly lets Go eagerly awaiting the next throw so as You can see then does a great job of Chasing the toy sometimes he brings it Back sometimes he doesn’t right there he Did it that’s awesome and because he Brought it back I’m not just going to Insist that he let go of it immediately We’re gonna give him a real vigorous Reward to let him know I love that you Brought it back the reward is the game Of tug of war here which he’s really Having a good time with now let me see If I can get him to let go I’m just Gonna make the toy boring and just wait And this is normal they can go on for a Second or two but when he lets go I’m Gonna give him a prompt yes and Immediately toss the toy just a few Inches or so yes Hit it as he starts to run away I’m Right there to grab the leash so he’s Not running all over the place that’s a Really common issue when you’re teaching Fetch for your dog to just run all over The place it’s essential to have your Dog on leash so that you can prevent bad Habits from getting started do you see Right there he’s getting bored with the Toy he’s not picking it up what I’m Gonna try to do is make that toy a Little bit more interesting so that he Picks it up on his own by bringing Movement rapidly shaking a toy you’re

Likely to trigger the dog’s interest Just moving it around getting them to Chase it here and you see how we re Ignited that game where he started to Get bored that’s how you overcome it Just like that but it’s important to do Short reps when you’re teaching fetch Not throw it across the yard just yeah Because you’re trying to get the Mechanics of chasing the toy picking it Up and bringing it back good and let go Good perfect good you see how active We’re keeping this game nice so I’d say You’re well on your way to being a Professional fetcher thing you’re Awesome in Finn’s case he has an issue With puppy biting so really teaching Them the proper way to play is essential And this is how you do because if you do This for a few minutes every day up to An hour as they get older then he’ll be Satisfied and won’t have that desire to Play with anyone and everything playing With your dog really encourages them to Listen to you for the long run it’s a Great way to build a relationship and Connection with a dog Finn’s doing Really good on his training but I’m Curious to see how a young puppy like This does in an outdoor environment Let’s see what else he knows let’s go Out back of course it’s much more Challenging to get your dog’s attention In an environment like this the main

Thing I want to check for here is first Of all will he take a treat the answer To that is yes They’ll take a treat in public some dogs Are so distracted they won’t even take Real meat but in his case he’s receptive To that that means we’re ready to go on So let me see if I can get a basic since There you go Very good job let me see if we can get Him into a lie down yes good job I mean This is a new texture right here this Isn’t like carpeting or a hard floor That you might come across inside yes oh He’s even offering his paw did you see That I like that hey let’s see if we can Get him shaking I’m just gonna hold the Treat here I’m gonna wait for him to paw At it yes shake very good right there he Just lifted his paw up very good shake And there he really lifted it up that’s Excellent Finn and while I didn’t really Plan on teaching him shake he’s offering It so why not no time like the present Yes good yes and every time he doesn’t I’m releasing tiny bits of Turkey right Here when you’re training outside you Don’t want to use second-rate treats Either you want to use something your Dog really loves today I’m using real Meat turkey very small pieces of it you Already have enough you’re competing With so having a strong currency is Important now let’s see if we can kind

Of fade out the treat a little bit you Can see that pot it’s thinking about Coming up right there you see it shaken Yes that’s called shake I’d say he’s really getting shake down Wouldn’t you it looks like a nice it Pretty too if you can get your dog doing Something new that they haven’t really Done well before and you can get them Doing it outside very good shape but of Course if your dog isn’t doing this well In an environment like this don’t stress It just take a step back try practicing It inside and really perfect it there Before taking it outside training your Dog is really a balance of training them In lots of different places dad oh come Here yes good the right there a bike Went by and he was very interested in it And I was able to get his attention on Me hey look we’ve got more bikes coming Up here so let’s see if we can get him To listen to us in the presence of these Bikes riding by look at me yes there we Go see if your dog never has these Experiences they’re not gonna know how To react when they encounter things like Bikes the point I’m trying to make here Is it’s really important to get out and Train outside as often as you can Because you’re gonna come across things That your dogs never seen before and Your dog has no way of knowing how to Behave until they get the experience of

Behaving around things that they haven’t Seen before Every dog really needs to understand Walk on a leash and fin is really at That age where leash walking is pretty Unnatural to them let’s do a puppy leash Walking session and see how he does so Let’s see how fin walks on a leash right Now fun is obviously interested in the Job that’s okay fin look at me hey Really good you offer this attention Right there let’s see how fin does when We just walk and you can see he’s kind Of all over the place he’s smelling the Ground let’s see what happens when we Walk this way you know you probably want A little more structure to your walk Than this so let’s see if we can make an Improvement on that right now Let’s get him warmed up without basic Sit and remember since he’s so small There’s a lot of distance between our Eyes right here so let me make sure we Can get a good look at me from up here Then since yes look at me good I’ll take It all right come on Yes he just glanced at me right there I Took one step I want to let him know He’s on the right track I like that Notice right here I put the treat right Here because I didn’t want him walking Ahead I want to keep him straight just Like that my general goal is to keep him From getting too far ahead I’m gonna

Lure him back straighten him out have Him sit there we go come on fin see when He starts to walk like that I’m just Gonna stop let’s go back this way good And now this way yes look at that oh now We got some momentum guys so right now It looks like it’s really clicking with Him sometimes getting a little energetic Motivates your dog to listen to you we Don’t want to chase the bike let’s Redirect him from the bike sit very good I really don’t want to pull him I want Him walking voluntarily nice job you Didn’t react to the bikes he didn’t bark At them or anything so I want to make Sure I pair that behavior with something Great letting him know hey when you act That way you get something great and Since he’s so new to training you Wouldn’t hold it off this young just Such a high standard of walking Perfectly on leash you’re just trying to Introduce the concept get them glancing Up at you kind of following you in Different directions then yes just like That there we go come on yes Good work come on good that’s fantastic This is what your first few leash Walking sessions should look like with a Dog like this and let’s see if we can Get a few successes in a row here Without having to reward him look at That little show dog try I love it come On good and back this way and see he’s

Pulling right here can he come back Voluntarily good I kind of got lower to The ground to make it easier for him to Look at me right there come on let’s go Ben come on Ben come here and I’m just Trying to be a little playful with him Right now so he doesn’t get too bored With the training session dogs like to Chase she seems to enjoy that and if he Enjoys it so do i coming and let’s go Sit Finn deserves a big thumbs up so Give him one make sure you’re subscribed To my channel remember it’s free and if You’ve got a new dog you’ll really be Glad you did follow at sac gorge on Instagram so you can keep up with the Dog training revolution between videos Upload a picture of your dog use hashtag Dog training off share some of my Favorites get your dog’s food from pet Flow and get $10 off your first 3 Automatic shipments when you enter code Zach 30 will have that Lincoln discount Code in the description Finn you’re Amazing luck I love you so much yes I do We’ll see you guys in the next video Good job buddy [Music] You

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