How To Train Your Puppy To Listen EVERYWHERE in 3 EASY Steps

How To Train Your Puppy To Listen EVERYWHERE in 3 EASY Steps

How to train your puppy to walk on leash around distractions! This video is sponsored by PupBox! PupBox sponsored this video! Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a 3,6, or 12 month subscription!

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This video is sponsored by Pop Fox hey Rose do you know what pop box is no what Is it pop Fox is a monthly subscription Box aimed at helping you train your Puppy every month you get Age-appropriate items that are relevant To training your dog at that specific Time in their life and you also get a Great training guide in every box whoa She just immediately goes into it looks Like you’ve got like a tug toy in point Of the arms there’s squeakers everywhere On this toy and the reason that’s so Important when you have a toy that’s fun To tug with that makes sounds that’s far More likely to keep your dog interested Three-month-old puppies like Rose are Definitely gonna be play biters and Destructive chewers I love that they Included a Kong and they even include This peanut butter which is optimized For dogs rose that’s not the toy this Will keep your puppy preoccupied sweet Potato chews with a three month old dog They’ve got to have a variety of Different things to chew on so between The Kong and the sweet potato cheese and Some homemade cheese like frozen carrots This is likely to help you deal with Even the most persistent puppy teasing a Tree pouch and treats these will come in Handy later pup box has a great deal Right now you can get 50% off of your First pup box when you sign up for a 3 6

Or 12 month subscription by going to pup slash Zac and using discount Code Zac link below click thumbs up for Rows the 3 month old English Shepherd Puppy if you’ve got a new dog subscribe To my channel it’s free and you’ll learn Everything you need to know get extra Training tips for me on Instagram – I’m Super active over there and get my book It makes the perfect companion to these Videos you guys have been asking for More follow up videos for dogs I feature On my channel so that’s exactly what I’m Giving you today last time we introduced Rose to her first leash training session Outside but in a relatively Distraction-free environment today we’re Gonna take Rosa’s leash skills to the Next level by training in 3 different Environments each with increasing levels Of difficulty let’s start in a normal Neighborhood setting right now before You do training in public places like This with your dog make sure that your Dog is vaccinated and you have the okay From your vet it’s easy to forget your Treats when you take your dog on a walk So make sure you have your currency Because you’re gonna need to be able to Motivate your dog to listen to you Fortunately I’ve got my treat pouch and My treats from my 3-month pup box so We’re in good shape oh okay Right there so she’s very curious about

People I’m gonna get her warmed up with An easy sit right there since we are in A new environment the fact that she’s Sitting for a treat tells me I’m in good Shape now that I’ve confirmed She’ll pay attention to me in this new Place I’m ready to start my leash Walking session with her so we’re gonna Take a couple of steps over here there’s A little bit of jumping that’s kind of a Real common issue that a lot of puppies Have I’m one hand I really love this Playful energy and that she’s so into me But on the other hand I want her to Learn how to walk nicely on a leash Training a puppy you really have to walk The line between allowing them to have Fun while at the same time showing them The rules that you expect them to listen To when she jumps right now for this Lesson I’m gonna make it very clear to Withhold and put her into a sit I want To really get the mechanics down before We take a proper walk sit yes sit yes Sit yes I’m quickly putting rose into that sit Before she has a chance to jump see Right there how she crosses in front of Me a lot of dogs do that when they’re Learning how to walk on leash so I’m Gonna work on keeping her on one side of Me I think I’ll go with my left side and I’ll just encourage her like this Keeping the treat over there so every

Time that she crosses in front of me or Thinks about it I’m gonna redirect her Off to the side and you gotta be pretty Relentless in your consistency about Redirecting your dog to keep them on one Side of you oh look at that look how She’s staying on my left and as soon as She starts to run ahead like that do you See how I’m turning to keep her on one Side that should go a long way to Getting her in the habit of walking on One side of and you might notice the Rate at which I’m rewarding here is Pretty significant there’s a dog over Here and there’s a person up there all Right let me get her attention on me Sits perfect and this was a really good Opportunity to see they’re really far Away over there that gives me enough Room to really get our attention That’s why practicing in areas like this That are at your dog’s current skill Level or really important and see those Are the real-world distractions that you Get when you train in public this is why Training inside of your house isn’t good Enough but you want to get your dog Really reliable with minor distractions Like this before you take them to places That are more distracting like we’re Dogs frequent or we’re dogs actually are So let’s go find some more challenging Distractions Look at her check-in this place out so

This place there are many dogs and People that walk here regularly so There’s lots of sense here you can see She’s immediately intrigued I’m not just Gonna jump into a training session right Now being in a new place like this with So many different smells and sights I’m Gonna give her a second to adjust right Come on let’s go not gonna pull her see How she’s resisting me cuz she’s Distracted in public right now coming See she’s a Slow to respond but he’s responding Nonetheless so I really appreciate that Yes did you see that she automatically Looked back those are the types of Moments you really want to recognize It’s important to really get your dog to Go through the motions by themselves Hear that Wow truck I didn’t know that was coming This is the beauty of training in public Take advantage of those moments she Reacted well I mean she acknowledged the Truck that’s okay I know it doesn’t look Like much but when you have a dog this Young you take any victory you can get It’s normal with a puppy who doesn’t Know very much yet to constantly correct Them and say no no but that’s so Counterproductive you have to search for Reasons to acknowledge what your dog is Doing right that’ll be the fastest path Of success so rather than saying no

Don’t jump on me no don’t pull on the Leash no don’t pick up that thing on the Ground say things like yes I like that You looked at me yes I like that you Acknowledge that turn yes I like that You left that piece of garbage alone When I redirected you with the tree in General yes it’s a good idea to get Garbage out of your dog’s mouth when They get to it but I saw an opportunity There to really teach her to think and Redirect with the tree so I snapped into Training mode grows this way much Quicker to respond that time she’s Becoming more reliable so I’m kind of Rewarding say every other time right now Instead of every single time like I was Before now she’s really looking to me to See where the walk is headed teaching Your dog to walk nicely on a leash is Actually a months-long process because Dogs need to learn how to walk nice Contextually in a variety of different Places I can’t emphasize that enough one Of the most challenging things you can Ask just about any dog to do is to Listen to you in the presence of other Dogs let’s see how that goes so we’re Here at the dog park right now obviously Her interest is piqued I mean there’s Dogs walking in and out of the dog park Before I even focus on doing any actual Training with her I’ve got to let her Take this in I mean this is wild there’s

Dozens of dogs everywhere and I can’t Just expect her to tune that out Especially at the age of three months Old Oh she’s discovered the dogs over here It’s okay so right there she’s excited By another dogs I’m seeing a lot of Activity where she’s showing these Outbursts towards other dogs right now But we’re kind of right on the threshold It’s hard for her to focus so I think we Need to get a little farther away from The dog the farther you are away from a Distraction the easier it is to get your Dog to listen to you I’m thinking that We should have better luck over he And even though we’ve only gone 20 feet Back this is a new environment a bit Easier environment for because she’s Farther away from the dogs entering the Park over here and there’s fewer dogs Over here Rosa come on So right now even though she’s ignoring Me I’m saying Rose c’mere I’m still Gonna go ahead and reward her because She’s not barking and lunging at the Other dogs like she was doing before so Again I’m really searching for those Reasons to acknowledge progress over Perfection because she’s becoming a Little less reliable I’m gonna reward Her just a little bit extra right now And I’m just changing direction here to Really get her focused on me cuz I can

Change direction at any time when Walking her on a leash so she needs to Learn to pay attention to me when I do Shift directions be patient with your Dog do not insist that they perfectly SHhhh walking at this age of course it Remember it’s a months-long process and Right now I feel like I’ve got our Attention pretty good so I’m gonna Reward you know about 50% of the time Right now for this particular lesson Balancing that rate of reinforcement is Quite tricky by rate of reinforcement I’m talking about the degree with which You reward in other words the less Reliable a dog is the more often you Need to reward and the more reliable Your dog is the less often you need to Reward I think Rose is ready to go back Up here let’s see how she does so any Time she voluntarily gives me her Attention in the presence of other dogs I want to be sure to go ahead and let Her know I appreciate that she’s taking Treats again that means that she’s Receptive to listening to me we’ve got a Dog coming let’s see how she behaves now Look at me good work okay she can look At the dog now let’s move good back here And look at this much better and this is Why using a good currency is so Important when you’re working with your Dog is look how compliant she is now you Can wean your dog off treats over times

But at 3 months old that’s not the time To do it rose this way she sees the dog Yes magic moment right there she looked Directly at that dog and then paid Attention to me I mean this is fantastic For an introductory lesson get 50% off Your first pup box when you sign up for A 3 6 or 12 month subscription by going To pop voxcom slash to Zack and entering Discount codes Zac click thumbs up for ROS she did a great job make sure you’re Subscribed to my channel if you have a New dog especially I’ll show you Everything you need to know to get them Train pick up a copy of my book and Support our videos on patreon make sure You’re following us on Instagram for Even more training tips to see you guys In the next video Good job

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