If Your Dog Gets Lonely While You’re Away, This Can Help!

If Your Dog Gets Lonely While You’re Away, This Can Help!

This video is sponsored by Furbo. Get your dog to behave when you can’t be there! Enter promo code: FURBOZAK for $25 off

The Furbo Dog Camera is a wonderful way to keep in touch with your dog when you have to leave your dog alone! I know you’ll enjoy it!

This episode is sponsored by for about Dog camera click thumbs up for chestnut And make sure you’re subscribed to my Channel too one of the reasons we love Dogs so much is because they enrich our Lives so much but when we have to go to Work or leave them alone what can we do To keep them from getting bored in order For dogs to feel content they need to be Engaged often you can do that through General training exercise by giving them Great chew toys but dogs do best when They interact with people bang OH Dramatic play dead really good but when You have to be away from the house this Can be difficult to accomplish you might Be the smartest American cocker spaniel I’ve ever met one of my favorite new Things that can help make life easier Is the foreboding camera it’s a treat Tossing camera designed exclusively for Dogs it’s gotta be the coolest high-tech Dog invention we have so much fun with This around here the fur by dog camera Makes it so easy to not only keep an eye On your dog whenever you need to check In on them but to also interact with Them in an amazing way from your phone You can see your dog in HD and you can Hear them too and if you tap this button Right here and you can actually toss a Treat to your dog Since fur bow makes sounds I want to get Chestnut really comfortable with those

Sounds and I also want him to equate That sound with getting a treat it’s Empty at the moment because I want to Toss the treats to really ease him into The whole concept right there there we Go do this maybe 10 times or so if your Dog actually starts sitting when they Hear fur bow that’s a good sign that the Really making the connection because you Know dogs have been taught for the most Part how to sit bird tree it looks like Chestnuts really making the connection Here that that sound means he’s getting A treat so I think we’re ready to move On to the next step now it’s time to Actually toss a treat out of her bow and See how he does know he loved it let’s Try and do that a couple of times per Bow work closely with vets and trainers To really optimize for bow dog camera Just for dogs so for example this high Pitched sound that you hear the fur bow Make that’s gonna get a lot of dog’s Attention as you can clearly see with Chestnut but maybe your dog responds Even better to your own voice or some Crazy voice you can record any sound you Like to let your dog know retreat is Coming this is a fun feature let’s see How it sounds now As a trainer this opens up so many Different possibilities I wonder what Will happen if we use the squeak let’s See if the purr Bo gets his attention

That’s good I like that and the treats Don’t just drop out I mean they’re Tossed out things with motion are much More likely to capture a dog’s attention This is a fantastic way to keep it on Mentally stimulated when they were home Alone while you’re at work you can check On them to see what they’re up to and You can really engage with them almost As if you were there with them by the Way did I mention you can actually talk To your dog through faribault too one Major side effect of boredom is Excessive barking this has got to be my Favorite smart feature of phurba phurba Can’t detect barking and alert you so That you can quickly check in on your Dog and see what’s going on let’s see an Action speak yeah just kind of Notification you’re not gonna find that Everywhere so say for example your dog Was barking while you’re away the firm Is fantastic for you to get their Attention on you you can talk to them Through it and then if they’re quiet for Just a moment you can reinforce that Good quiet behavior with a treat Unlike other home monitors that send General motion and sound alert verbose Smart alerts only notify users of dog Related events so verbal will send an Alert when it identifies continuous Activities like a dog pacing back and Forth licking feet or moving around the

House in addition to letting you know When your dog is active it’s a really Good way to identify boredom and Characteristics of separation anxiety For example when your dog wakes up from A nap and starts moving around you’ll Get a notification and you can decide at That time whether or not you want to Reward your dog and this is a way to Discourage excessive napping during the Day so that your dog is more likely to Stay on a reliable sleep schedule at Night one of the magical features about Ferbos that if you have an Alexa you can Schedule it to toss treats at any given Time interval save every two hours for Example Robo is an awesome way to make The day much more enriching and exciting For your dog while they spend a few Hours alone so guard against boredom and Even help prevent mild separation Anxiety Robo dog camera is an incredible Innovative device that helps improve Your dog’s quality of life while Allowing you to be with them even when You can’t if you know anyone with a dog You need a gift for them Ferb oh is it I’m gonna have a link to Provo dog camera and the Description just enter code verbose AK When you checkout for $25 off chestnut You did a good job today [Music]

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