I’ll train my dog to pay better attention when people come over to the house! Thanks PupBox for sponsoring this episode! Go to and enter discount code ”ZAK” to get 50% off of your first PupBox when you sign up for a multi-month subscription!
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Stay inertia disaster disaster oh gosh I’m Zach George I train dogs and this is My new dog inertia I’m taking you along As I train her from day one you can Start from the beginning or pick up Anywhere and start learning welcome so The dog training experience in this Episode we’ll see if inertia can Remember any of her training around some Really spooky scary strangers I’ve been training inertia for several Months now even for me it’s been really Helpful to have pup box once a month Have suggestions there and actually give Me supplies that are relevant to my dog Based on her specific age let’s find out What we’re working on you get this card Here that gives you specific Recommendations in this case we have Tooth cleaning and dental care very Important oh it’s so colorful and that Texture is great I’ll use toys like this Special new toys as a currency check out The fresh breaths you actually put this In their water they drink it and it Keeps their teeth clean we have a nice Firm chew toy here she’s really starting To exercise those grown-up teeth so this Will give her a bit of a challenge we Have a very dynamic fetch and tug toy Here this is clean teeth oral gel and You place this directly on your dog’s Teeth and it’s supposed to help keep it Clean gentle treats are a great thing to
Have whether or not your dog struggles With getting their teeth brush these are Edible chews that actually clean your Dog’s teeth while they chew them go to Poop box calm slashes ACK and use Discount code Zac to get 50% off of your First pup box when you sign up for a Three six or 12 month subscription I’ll Have the details below it’s been a while Since we’ve worked on out of sight Stay and I think it’s time to see how a Nurse is doing out of sight stay is Important when you have to leave the Room and you really want to be assured That your dog is gonna hold that stay Maybe someone’s knocking at the door and You want them to hold a stay I mean There could be a million reasons that You want your dog to stay no matter what And the best way to set them up for Success to accomplish that is to Practice it often I’m just gonna warm Her up on a basic stay real quick and See how she does stay and I’m gonna walk Away just to see how she does go back Here That’s embarrassing thought she would Have held that one stay I’m just going To emphasize stay staying in sight right Now maybe it’ll turn my back on her okay I’m gonna release her from that to let Her know that particular stay is over Sometimes I’ll say stay sometimes I Won’t say stay sit means don’t move
Until I ask you to but it’s okay to Reiterate stay as well just to really Remind your dog what you want I’ve got Some real meat some beef brisket Reinforce this really good behavior with Something extra amazing I’m giving her The brisket right now just because I Know the next one’s going to be a little Extra difficult for her so I kind of Want to get her in that extra optimistic Frame of mind and I’m able to have her Sit and stay several feet away but for Most dogs when you go out of sight and They can’t see you anymore all bets are Off it’s really counterintuitive for a Dog to resist the impulse to be near you When they have access to you so I’m just Gonna go out of sight for a quick sec Did she hold it oh good yes just Randomly mixing it up acting goofy very Repetitive but these are the kind of Repetitions that you need to do just Really spell it out for your dog I’m Gonna mix things up and I’m gonna go to The right this time They don’t always generalize if you mix Up a variable like that they can be like Oh wait I don’t understand it in this Particular context keeping your dog Guessing is very important when they’re Ready for it to run up the stairs here Oh boy too much okay yes okay good job So I’m actually gonna release her from All the way over here because I didn’t
Want to push her to failure I’ve never Talked to her being straight above her Many feet inertia can you say good yes Can you lie down down what seems like an Ursa has really thrown off when I asked Her to lie down while I’m above her like This I’m gonna reward that she didn’t Lie down but I saw her make some motion She backed up as if to say what do you Want I want to keep her engaged in this Exercise can you lie down no lie down Yes good we got it it’s debatable as to Whether or not I should have kept Pushing her but I was looking into her Eyes and I was like you know I really Think she can get this if I just Patiently work with her for a sec I Hadn’t planned on doing this at all but This is so cool training at this angle Right here so we went from doing out of Sight stay to training her how to do Things from a distance I don’t know Sometimes you have to go over your Training sessions take you let’s get Creative with this good job well see Second I started running she was like oh This is exciting Stay let Miriam ffice I stayed or just To really help her understand it here so I slowed down there I was pushing or too Quickly yes out of sight here gonna give Her a little reward and so you might Notice the pace at which I’m training Right here trying to keep it really
Random and fast-paced to keep our sharp Trying to get a lot of reps in to give Her extra successes and experiences let Me try going outside Oh a second that Door opened this is the kind of exercise If you work on it for a like ten minutes Out of time do it a few days a week and They’ll get this in no time Stay I’m gonna try to go all the way Around the house because it’s all open Down here Yes good how can I make this more Challenging for since she’s really Starting to do well she’s been nuts About this pup box toy lately so I’m Gonna give her a nice play session right Now since she likes it so much I’m gonna Turn the tables on her in just a second And use it as a distraction since I know That it’s something she’s very Interested in sit uh-oh See that the idea is to bombard her at Some point not necessarily this training Session with tons of distractions and in Seemingly random ways stay good girl Inertia Let me try doing it this way now making An auditory distraction Squeaking it going around the corner Stay okay she got up there I’m not gonna Repeat the same mistake stay good stay And even though I’m being repetitive What stay it’s very purposeful each time It’s not constant repetition look at me
Yeah okay really good job there go play Let her go no there it’s okay to play These are still obviously early days in Terms of teaching or how to reliably Stay with distractions out of sight but As we go on we’re gonna continue to make Those exercises more and more Challenging outside of the house not Just in the house you can’t stop here You got to keep going but we’ll cover That another time today is Halloween and I want to kind of prepare and remind Inertia how I expect her to behave Tonight I can’t really replicate the Conditions exactly as they’re going to Be but I can work on desensitizing her To that doorbell and showing her that I Want her to pay attention to me stay Since we practice out of sight stay Recently see if this goes well yes Oh Hear that that’s the motion detector Right there that was good Trick-or-treat emulating high-pitched Voices that was good there we go sit Over here see she’s thrown off by it Right there so she’s like wait I heard The doorbell I know that means someone’s Probably here looks like we’ve got some Work to do she didn’t quite put it Together Me do that again but I’m gonna be a bit Quicker stay Yes good girl Okay so releasing her there inertia I
Come wanted to pay attention to me I Really want to take advantage of this Time where she’s genuinely confused Because she’s gonna figure it out in a Second stay good and then the door is Opening there so very exciting to a dog Wouldn’t they get access to the outdoors Like that yes she’s automatically Looking up to me just after a couple of Times of doing this dogs are really Smart they can really understand what You want if you just walk them through Things like this and if you have really Good communication then it becomes much Easier that’s why I’m always trying to Point out that it’s much better to Communicate with your dog in a Thoughtful way really walk them through What you want them to know than it is to Be tempted by the shortcuts and using Special collars or things like that in Order to get your dog’s attention so This time when it rings I’m gonna Reiterate stay and I’m gonna walk to the Door look at me uh-huh no no ma’am Oh boy over here come on inertia come Over here come good sit stay good over Here sit stay Good good ring the doorbell stay Good okay so far so good stay this time I’m gonna see if I can make it a little Bit more lifelike A little more accurate oh hi Trick-or-treaters good what I’m
Practicing here is every time that the Doorbell rings I’m encouraging her to Pay attention to me good okay Hello blah blah blah blah whoa you just Want to prepare them for things that are Unlikely to occur you want you are Distractions and you’re training to Exceed that of which they’re likely to Experience in real life we’ll see how She does with the real deal later Tonight I’m trying to get an Ursa warmed Up right now it’s Halloween we’ve got Our chocolate and our glow bracelets Ready to go yes stay good Indiana’s Doing all right too isn’t she the Nursery is doing well when I knock on The wall but how will she do when Someone actually knocks at the door so I Asked my family to go outside and not to See what happens yes good rehear wait Yes wait oh she’s she’s very excited Mother-in-law and aunt-in-law are here Well there’s a knock at the door there’s The doorbell oh she got a little excited There looks like I [Music] You can practice all you want wait I Mean this is so hard for right here stay Inertia disaster disaster oh gosh so far Inertia isn’t really doing spectacular But she’s doing okay we’ll give her the Benefit of the doubt and practice a Little bit more can I have a down maybe Downs a little more stable me rapid fire
The treats here having that high rate of Reinforcement yes good yes real small Treats right now but one after the other Let her know yeah like that you stayed For a millisecond a half a second one Second and so on that’s like probably Our third trick or treater that we’ve Had and now she’s starting to be a Little bit more reliable putting her Into a down stay held but really all That I’m trying to accomplish with this Exercise is getting her attention on me While something random and exciting is Going on stay now she’s in the sit but She looks more lower we got a big hat Here State Oh interesting look at that Wow stay Lowering my rate of reinforcement here So we get a more stable yes stay don’t Mind or smell okay good job wait maybe Eventually I get her to do a trick so When they say trick or treat we’re like Trick wait ok hug oh here we go Someone’s at the door ok let’s see if She’ll hold this hug position whoa it’s Distracted I avoid if my neighbors must Think I’m really weird that was pretty Good look she’s still holding it alright Let’s see if she’ll do like a bow I’m Gonna get your bow yes good wait so this Is really exciting to me that she’s Doing these basic tricks in the presence Of kids in costumes just feet away sit Stay inertia come good so that was an
Example of being able to get her back Without having to pull her back getting A really think through the action Training sessions like this at this Point in the training are far from Perfect it might be kind of cool to go Out and give her some more exposure now There’s more trick-or-treaters out there And see how she does with the costumes Will I be able to keep her focused on me I don’t know hey guys how are you I’m Just training my puppy on Halloween say Hi oh good her name is inertia this is An incredible socialization opportunity For inertia it’s great to have as many Positive interactions with strangers as Possible and she’s clearly very excited About it do you get better if you want I Won’t let her down there we go oh she Likes you that was quite rocky I would Say inertia was pretty wild pretty Excited about everything I can’t say That I blame her there are already Sounds and everything from haunted Houses around the neighborhood not to Mention it’s extra windy tonight it’s a Very appropriate Halloween and now we’re Showing her the trick-or-treaters from This angle and people walking on and off The property here Wait there’s a dog coming by so I’m real Focused on inertia I don’t think they’ll Come up steak good girl Yes we lie down I wonder if she’ll go
Into and down good job yes I’m not gonna Enforce a disciplined stay here because I don’t think she’s quite ready for this Okay come here let’s go Inertia good ask for doorway okay let’s See what do I do here She sees the dog of course I know it’s So interesting so here rather than Forced to stay I’m gonna let her check Things out both dogs we all want to say Hi to each other but not right now Sometimes you might want to let your dog Say hi to a dog passing by but sometimes It’s also important to let her know look Just because the dog walks by doesn’t Mean we need to go now I think that now That the dog is getting farther away Maybe I can put her into a sit let’s see That’s it okay Good but I knew with that dog being Right here she’s not quite ready to hold The discipline sit in the presence of a Dog that she’s never met before that Close you can see her demeanor it is Just so completely different now we’ve Had several trick-or-treaters come and Go and she’s like oh I guess this is Normal today and I’m able to stand out Without having to sit on the ground with Her look at the rate of reinforcement Now see I’m rewarding or maybe once Right before someone knocks at the door And then right after they leave so now I’m only giving her two small treats
Instead of you know one after the other State Wow That’s funny oh no I would say inertia Is very first Halloween was a success or Lots to be worked on still she still Needs a lot of training when it comes to Paying attention around heavy Distractions but what a good training Opportunity right make training your dog As easy as possible get 50 percent off Of your first pup box when you sign up For a three six or 12 month subscription Go to pup box comm slashes Zach and then Our discount codes Zach follow us on Instagram and tick tock and subscribe to This channel so you don’t miss any of a Nurses training journey get my book Guide to a well-behaved dog it’s my most Detailed dog training advice ever I’ll Have links to everything in the Description of this video in the next Episode a nursery will go to a dog park For the very first time ever and like Most things at the dog park it’s going To be very unpredictable [Music]