My New Puppy: The First Day Home! (NEW SERIES: The Dog Training Experience Episode 2)

My New Puppy: The First Day Home! (NEW SERIES: The Dog Training Experience Episode 2)

First day home! Potty training, how to handle whining in the crate, how to give a puppy a bath, puppy nail trimming, brushing and much more! Subscribe and watch me train Inertia everything! Thanks for sponsoring this video WizSmart Pads! Get them here:

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Welcome to episode 2 of the dog training Experience we have just gotten home here In New Orleans with my brand new puppy Inertia I’m Zach George I trained dogs And this is my new dog inertia I’m Taking you along as I train her from day One you can start from the beginning or Pick up anywhere and start learning Welcome so the dog training experience It’s pretty late right now she does need To go to bed but she’s also been Sleeping most of the day so I’ve got two Things to do immediately I need to get Her bedroom set up and I’ve got to get Her exercise paint almost immediately I Want to acclimate her to her outside Place to go potty but we’ll cover her Indoor option in a sec this is her first Time seeing our backyard here yes hey You want to play you want to play you Know I can’t resist a puppy who wants to Play so let’s play then boy nothing like Fetch at 10 o’clock at night ok let’s go Back inside I’m gonna give you a tour of My plan for tonight now everything Doesn’t always go according to plan but I’m hoping this is gonna be ok I’m Actually gonna get in here I’m hoping this is high enough if not I’ve warded a higher one because she Might be able to jump up and climb I’m Not sure yet we’ll just have to see About that so I’ve got a crate here with A divider panel and I like oversized

Crates but the divider panel stops about Here and since it’s her first night at This house I want to make sure that she Has plenty of room where she can come Out here and go pee because remember I Want her to be pad trained in addition To being trained to go potty outside Sometimes there’s bad weather or any Other reason that I can’t think of where I might want her to have the option to Go inside I’m gonna go ahead and set her Down right now I’m gonna take her off Leash notice I’m not letting her off Leash in the house at all yet and since She’s 8 weeks old I’m probably gonna put This and a few other chew toys in there The hope is she’ll just crash here in The middle of the night she can get up And go on our wizz smart pad because Instinctively dogs don’t like to relieve Themselves in their direct sleeping area These were really helpful at her first Night at the hotel last night with smart Pads for the best pee and potty pads That I know of I like that they’re Shockingly absorbent that allows them to Dry almost instantly so your dogs not Tracking their pee everywhere you can See how thick they are relative to Traditional body bags I’m gonna have a Link below where you can get these with Smart pads now Always going to have such a large number Of pads out here eventually I’m going to

Relocate the pads to another part of the House and have maybe four down as she Starts to get the hang of potty training I’m gonna give her some food in her Crate nothing can get a dog comfortable Quite like food alright it’s time to get Ready for bed it is a nurses first night At my house you’ll recall from my last Episode it ended up with inertia and me Cuddling on the floor in the motel so I’ve decided to sleep down here with her Just to make sure she’s comfortable so We have a blow-up mattress and I’m gonna Turn it on but I know it can make a loud Sound I don’t know how she’s likely to React to that so let’s see what she does I’m gonna turn it on kind of quietly Here right there you see your react so That’s good being extra sensitive to Things that might cause an unpleasant Reaction from your dog is recommended Things like motorized sounds or other Sounds can be off-putting to some dogs Yes you’re doing great by the way if You’re wondering what kind of treats I’m Using I’m using a whole combination of Different trees just to mix it up Experiment and see what she likes Yes good job and since everything’s Going pretty normal here I’m gonna let It continue to go normally I might go a Bit slower than this but I’m really Tired night 2 in the puppy who wouldn’t Be right what is that she took notice of

The fact that this has inflated before Her eyes okay it looks like she’s over It now that my sleeping accommodations Are complete it’s time to let our Sometimes reactive senior dog indi Outside this will actually be the first Time in d season or show we’re not Prepared to introduce them just yet and We’re just gonna have a walk pass to go Outside what is that Indy’s like hey you Got treats I’ll listen to you and Inertia was like there’s a surprise you Guys will meet later update its later I Don’t know how much later but I’ve Modified the pen here to be a bit Smaller the reason I modified it is Because she was getting a little too Active and I’ve also increased the Number of two toys for her so I think She’s gonna be content we’ll see okay Night two went way better than night one At the hotel you can see Episode one to See how we handled her waking up in the Middle of the night good morning you Want to go outside hello Oh wrong nurse’s slept really well last Night she whined a little bit but Promptly went back to sleep I see that She used her pee pads this is why I want To have pads available just so when she Does have to go if I’m unconscious she Has a place to go that isn’t our normal Marble floor now I want to take her Outside so that she can also experience

Going outside okay so far so good on Potty training now it’s time to give her A puppy workouts gonna work on some Morning fetch with her I’m sure that may Evolve into her routine we’ve done a Little bit outside but it’s a little Warm I put inertia up we just had a little Play session and I can’t believe how Well inertia is doing it’s like she Never acts up at all She’s having a bit of a puppy anxiety Attack here so I’m gonna let this play Out for probably a few minutes on my own Time I won’t make you guys sit through It but the reason I’m sharing this with You is to show you how normal this stuff Really is puppies are going to get Anxious when you leave them alone Sometimes but I’ve got to make my lunch And I want to make sure she’s in a safe Controlled environment I find it helpful In situations like this to set a timer Because it can be maddening if Not used to it it can be very Frustrating when your dog is throwing a Bit like that he’s here he’s set a timer For five minutes within five minutes She’s probably gonna settle down that’s Kind of in her pattern with your dog Maybe it’s ten minutes maybe it’s 20 Minutes Maybe it’s to notice the different Vocalizations – some of them are howling

Others are more frantic some of them are More subdued more relaxed all these Little things that’s what you have to Interpret and get to note with your own Dog usually the louder like that the More anxiety they’re experiencing looks Like she’s starting to settle down a Little whining is subsided we have three Minutes and 16 seconds left now I’m the Five-minute timer she’ll probably do Some more whimpering then maybe she’ll Pass out puppies like this need to sleep For like 16 18 hours a day it’s Ridiculous so I don’t feel too bad about Encouraging her to sleep she’s growing So rapidly in this case I don’t think It’s really necessary to reinforce with Food as she calms down rather I just Kind of want her to achieve a calm state Of mind just naturally I think a big Reason as to why she’s behaving like This – is clearly the massive adjustment She’s had to go through she’s had Relatively free range to live on her Farm where she came from with her mom And her siblings and now she’s without All of that it’s gotta be a lot of Stress on her so if your dog stresses Out like this or you’re having any other Issue with your dog I’ll have a link to Both of my books below so that was a Little bit longer than five minutes I Was actually about eight or nine minutes That’s one of her more significant

Outbursts I would say after she sleeps For an hour – I’m gonna work with her Some more I’m gonna do some training With her and exercise to give her that Mental and physical stimulation because If you’re not doing the regular training And you’re not doing the regular Exercise and it’s not reasonable to Expect your dog to settle down Eventually you have to meet them halfway But if you’re fair to them that’s why I Don’t feel guilty when she has that Outburst right there because I know I’m More spending a lot of time with her and Giving her that exercise she’s got her Food she’s been outside to go potty and You know all that so I’ve checked all The boxes now that inertia has been Asleep for a few minutes I’m going to Keep up her sound desensitization so That she’s encouraged to sleep no matter What’s going on around her part of my Strategy is to really keep her Desensitized to sounds gonna make these Sounds here walk past her and I know What you might be thinking well she just Got quiet why would you do that I’m all About letting Sleeping dogs lie but at the same time If I can sit here and talk at this Normal or loud voice here and she still Stays asleep I’m really desensitizing Her that when she’s sleeping and she Learns how to relax

Under these louder situations so there She woke up a little bit but I’m just Trying to find what it takes and at this Age you know they just go back to sleep So easily so today is a big day I want To start preparing her for getting a Bath cutting her nails and brushing her Teeth But she’s wound up after that nap so I Need to get some of that energy out to Make the experience as pleasant as Possible she needs to learn fetch but That’s gonna take many many weeks never Too soon to start though you have to Really kind of teach your dog the game Before you can reliably get their energy Out so I’m gonna get her interested in The new squeaky toy we have so many Different toys he’s really tracking a Lot better too and she’s very young so We’re conservative with exercise it’s so Fun to watch him discover new things Look at that curiosity that curiosity is Such a great sign look at the play bow Look at that oh that’s awesome I’m just Gonna let this go here because he’s Moving around of course a puppy’s Favorite toy is well usually human flesh This play biting is pretty fun right now I don’t mind her biting right now as Long as it’s not too hard that shows her How to use her bite pressure that’s all Healthy stuff too I don’t want her to be afraid to use her

Mouth at all so I’m not trying to Discourage all biting I’m just trying to Discourage hard biting or biting without Permission whoa oh my gosh look at you Oh you won She’s been exercised and mentally Stimulated now she should be more Receptive to learning about this strange Concept of getting a bath I don’t want To wait until it’s time to give her bath Too then just get her comfortable with It so I’m gonna try and get her Comfortable with you know one step at a Time Good job it was awesome you see what I Did there I just turned on the water see How she’s not taking treats she’s really Nervous right now for some reason so We’ll make it a little bit easier for Rather than just giving her a bath just Get her used to a wet washcloth I don’t Think she wants to be in the sink so I’m Gonna put her here on the counter we’re Gonna go real slow I’m gonna see if I Can get away with having the water on a Little bit in the background just to get Her used to that what’s okay good job Doing really well I’m gonna touch her Face a little there she’s being very Tolerant she’s licking it see how she’s A little less nervous now a little less I mean I don’t I think if I were to put Her in there and just try to bathe her She would probably get a little nervous

And freaked out and that would set me Back a long time this is how you build Trust with a dog get this more wet oh I Love that she showed some initiative Right there and walk towards the water I’m gonna touch her paws she’s doing Great with having her paws touched I’ve Been doing that a lot lately you’ll find If you just go real slow with this kind Of stuff they usually are far more Likely to do a lot better it’ll touch The inside of her ears here just start Desensitizing her that she reacted a Little but that’s all pretty healthy and So that was her first little sponge bath A very light version of a bath obviously But these are the kind of things I’ll be Doing this stuff a lot with her just to Get her more and more comfortable with It the more often it happens and the More gradually you ease your dog into This stuff the smoother raising them is Gonna go you did so well that was good All done what oh I like the wave that Was cute that’s cute she just offered Her pop got a click that when your dog Does something you like on their own let Them know you like it Bath training check now let’s begin Getting her ready for nail trimming in The future no clipping is another thing The dogs need to get used to right now She’s feeling a little bite he said this Probably isn’t the best time for a nail

Trimming for her I’ll probably save it For when she’s a little more fatigued From exercise but this is still good I Can at least touch her with it and get Her used to the motion without clipping I’m gonna come around her nail just put Some pressure on it this is just Desensitizing pure desensitizing here That’s a nice new feeling for her and She’s adjusting really well I’m gonna Give you a treat yes and I’m not using The clicker here only because my hands Are a bit full and that’s okay clicker Training is great when you can use it if You can’t that’s okay too it’s not Required we’re certainly gonna do more Nail trimming in a future but it’s time To prepare her for tooth brushing I want To be able to touch every bit of the Inside of her mouth there with her Reacting calmly and cooperatively I’m not restraining her she’s not Running away and I’m able to really Stick my whole finger all over the place In there get your dog used to having Their teeth brush with just a finger Before you even start anything else Don’t push them to where they start Getting frustrated either stop while They’re doing well okay let me give her A break and then I’ll introduce a Toothbrush to You might notice I’m kind of finger Brush on my finger here this is for

Puppies to brush their teeth if you’ve Ever tried to brush a dog’s teeth who Isn’t prepared for it you’ll know how Tough that can be so we’re going to get Her used to it from a young age at least We’re gonna try and we’re gonna see how She’s doing gonna put her on my lap here Good job go ahead and give her a little Bit of a tiny piece of meat there let Her know you’re doing great what was That was that a puppy burp when she Shows resistance I’m gonna stop because I’m not trying to show her how to get Her teeth brushed in this training Session I’m just trying to ease her into It over the next days two weeks Nice job okay that’s good and so I’m Just gonna leave it there the important Thing to understand don’t wait until It’s time to get your dog to do Something to also train them one of the Mistakes that we make if we’re new to Training dogs is you take the mindset oh It’s time to give them a bath well let’s Go see how it goes or it’s time to clip Their nails they need it done I’ve got To do it right now and you don’t on the Luxury of time so if you want to give Yourself options it’s important to give Yourself time to prepare them you can See our dining room has been completely Taken over for the inertia project right Now it’s important to have your dog’s Currency available everywhere throughout

The house small Tupperware containers Like this with your treats in them you Should have some on the end table in Your living room in your family room in Your kitchen and so on so that you have Quick easy access to them number one so That you can reinforce when your dog is Doing something that you really like by Giving them a treat number two having Treats frequently available to you so That you can consistently redirect your Dog when they’re biting on your Shoelaces or annoying on the table even When you do have them on lease they Still might have access to a few things We have a tendency to want to kind of Scold our dogs and yell at our dogs when They’re doing things that we don’t like But it’s really important to understand They’re just doing what comes natural And you can skip the whole stage of Yelling at them and getting frustrated And instead just focus on really showing Them what you prefer they do right now I Don’t want her looking at those potty Pads it looks like she might be thinking About chewing them I’m gonna try to be One step ahead of her hey what’s this Yes good job it’s pretty easy to be one Step ahead of a puppy I mean there’s Something that it’s tempting she’s Obviously teething and I was able to get Her attention off of that Never trust a puppy that’s what I always

Say basically she’s either in training Or she’s in her pen in her exercise area Over here or she’s tied to me like that With a leash so that I’m able to keep Track of her at all times I hope you Guys are loving the new series tell me What you need help with subscribe and Hit that Bell notification if you want To go the extra mile follow me on Instagram to see inertia in real-time And join our live shows and stories I’ll Be covering more potty training in the Future in the meantime get your wiz Smart Pat’s I’ll have a link below in The next episode we’re going to cover The fear period getting your dog used to The lure training potty Training socializing with other people And more if you want to support this Series you can make a monthly Contribution to our patreon campaign We’ll see you guys in the next episode Of the dog training experience [Music]

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